(N64) Mupen64Plus v2.5.9 - 模擬器

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2019-02-15T09:39

Table of Contents


A new version of the Nintendo 64 emulator Mupen64Plus has been released.


This is a Beta release of Mupen64Plus. Please help us by testing this
software on your platform and reporting bugs to our IRC channel, or Google
Group, or Emutalk Forum. There have been so many changes since the last
release (in 2015), that we decided to make this BETA release and only accept
pull requests for bug fixes during the next month or two. Then we will make a
stable 2.6 release.Pre-built binary bundles for the following platforms are
available here for your download:Linux 32-bit Linux 64-bit Windows 32-bit
Macintosh OSX 64-bit Source Code OnlyThe Windows packages were built with
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, and you may need to install the Microsoft
redistributable package for this version of Visual Studio, if your operating
system is too old.The Windows bundle was built with the New (Ari64) Dynarec,
while all others were built with the Old (Hacktarux/Richard42) Dynarec.Each
bundle contains the following modules:

- mupen64plus-core
- mupen64plus-audio-sdl
- mupen64plus-input-sdl
- mupen64plus-rsp-hle
- mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2
- mupen64plus-video-rice
- mupen64plus-ui-console

Note that this bundle includes the 'ui-console' front-end application, which
is command-line only. For GUI front-end applications and other plugins,





All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2019-02-20T06:57

SNES 橫山光輝三國志2

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2019-02-15T09:07
前文恕刪 這款小時候很喜歡玩 有一些心得 : 1.投石車要這樣用:只有一個或兩個武將時配備投石車,從東邊或西邊往另一邊走。 : 投石車的距離長,離起點三的距離破壞可以令敵方損失10~30城防值,而自己不被打到 : 。這城防值的損失只有該點,若在該點持續破壞城防則可接著打城內。但我不要,可以 : 打到剛好 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-02-14T23:46
提醒:本篇只有一款模擬測試喔 [前言] 好一陣子沒有寫這系列 因為自從上一篇後 學校開始交待各種任務 (另類信任?) 所以晚上就少時間來研擬模擬器 今天這篇是去年十一月初的攝影 就這麼一直拖到現在比較有空來寫 感謝各位的閱讀 地點:旺旺虎歡樂世界-新莊店(佳瑪百貨內) https://i.imgur ...

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