(Joystick) JoyToKey v6.2 - 模擬器

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-02-11T21:55

Table of Contents


JoyToKey v6.2 is released. This software is a keyboard emulator for
joysticks. It converts joystick input into keyboard input (and mouse
input).Use it when you want to control an application with joysticks that
doesn't support joystick input. If you wish, you can control even Word,
Excel, etc. with joysticks!


* Configuration for maximum 16 joysticks.
* Multiple configuration files

You can make many configuration files and choose it at any time.

* Support for many useful features...
o Automatic shooting of buttons
o Mouse emulation (including wheel input)
o "Adjust mouse movements" function

When it's pressed, mouse movement(or wheel rotation) becomes faster (or

* "Switch to the other configuration file" function
You can switch to and activate the other configuration file with the button
which is assigned to this function.
* "Use the setting of other joystick number temporarily" function
(Something like "shift" command of SNESKey. For example, you may usually use
joystick1 for keyboard emulation, but during this button being pressed,
joystick3's configuration (that emulates mouse or something) will temporarily
be used. Note that joystick3 is not a real joystick, it's a virtual device to

JoyToKey v6.2 Changelog:

Support up to max 50 joysticks (previously 32 joysticks)
Support up to max 128 buttons (previously 32 buttons)
Enhanced an execution of an external program to be able to
pass command parameters
specify the starting working directory
In the button assignment window, added navigation buttons to go to the next
and the previous assignment.
In case JoyToKey is started when no controller is connected, JoyToKey tries
to automatically detect devices until one controller is connected.
But some users may want to continue the auto detection until two controllers
are connected, or some users may want to disable this auto detection
completely. From this version, you can change the behaviour by changing the
following line in "JoyToKey.ini" file.
# in case you want to continue the auto-detection until two devices

# in case you want to disable the auto-detection

NOTE: Repeated auto-detection of devices while playing the game may lead to a
slight delay or input lag occasionally. So this auto detection should be only
used for the number of devices which are always connected.





All Comments


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-02-10T17:14
用xobx360手把玩漢化版到破完 四聖獸,有開修改器,但是手殘檔對於 瞄準的遊戲很難控制,偏偏薩爾達又需要 不曉得買switch pro手把,是否有支援 陀羅儀瞄準的功能? - ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2019-02-10T14:02
◎需求配備: . 。具備HDMI輸入孔的一般電視螢幕。 (其實CRT映像管電視也可以,但系統字體字會小到看不清楚) . 。樹莓派一台,並已灌好RetroPie、RecalBox等套件與roms檔。 . 。至少四隻以上的手把控制器,儘量使用無線手把則更好。  避免線絆到手腳,或手把導線被拿來當韁繩揮舞(←這是真 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2019-02-09T23:30
最近在油管上看到emuvr的影片,真的是驚為天人,有了這東西真的會不想回到現實世界吧 。大家有興趣可以搜尋一下,目前還在beta,寫信去會邀請你參加discord,在裡面可以下載 測試版。大家趕快去下載來玩玩看。 - ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2019-02-09T14:28
魔法氣泡可以說是小弟最喜歡的遊戲,它不但有著趣味的遊戲性、可愛的角色,也牽動著 Compile公司與社長Moo仁井谷大起大落的人生,可以說是承載遊戲史上波瀾壯闊的一頁。 小弟身為休閒玩家派,能做的就是寫些文章推廣魔法氣泡 今年剛好趁過年的機會寫了專題,分享給大家,希望大家會喜歡~ 魔法氣泡狂熱粉絲手冊(一 ...

關於超任:SD Gundam G next 的問題

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2019-02-08T17:47
昨天好奇玩了一下,發現最大問題是電腦太笨,搶占資源太慢 我方每回合收入30000的時候,電腦還在10000 已經用了MS生產優先的patch,可是電腦資源不足,還是會生產爛MS和戰艦 導致不出幾回合就被玩家用高等MS打好玩的 改善方法是把電腦一開始的資金調高,目前還在摸索恰當的數值,應 ...