(MSX1/MSX2) OpenMSX v0.13 - 模擬器

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2016-08-02T09:42

Table of Contents


openMSX 0.13.0—Black Cat—again was meant to be (mostly) a bug fix release,
but again it also has some nice additions and improvements to enjoy.

Important improvements are much better support for VDP I/O delay in turbo
machines (fixing graphics issues due to too fast VDP access there), more
accurate MSX1 color palette, progress reporting for long operations and ALSA
MIDI-out support for Linux. This is also one of the first releases that drops
support for older platforms: Windows XP, Dingoo A320 (but introducing support
for GCW Zero) and non-64-bit MacOSX. If you still want to run openMSX on
these, you'll be stuck on using a previous release or start maintaining these
platforms yourself. Together with openMSX an updated version of Catapult, our
user-friendly GUI, was released. We again made a small amount of
improvements: fixed Catapult interrupting replay directly after loading it,
performance improvements while reversing, fixed drag-and-drop for media and
some smaller bug fixes. Please read the release notes for details of the
openMSX changes.



All Comments

MacbookAir 2012mid 跑 lxdream-0.9.1

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2016-07-31T19:19
先說重點,這篇是模擬失敗篇XD 沒有任何技術分享 只有模擬畫面失敗分享,哈 開頭先說我的配備: http://i.imgur.com/C4wqF3h.png cpu測試: http://i.imgur.com/ZRYmcNE.png 好(深呼吸) 起因是我google 「dreamcast em ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-07-31T08:57
用不完的零錢怎麼辦?慈善機構把募款箱做成大型遊戲機,路過都想投錢進去啊 http://www.storm.mg/lifestyle/145124 每次出國旅行,到了機場搭機回家時總是跟著一把沉甸甸的零錢,有的人會拿它們去買瓶 水或零食,想把它們花掉,有些人則想辦法用這些剩餘的零錢找些喜歡的小紀念品,或者 找 ...

FCEUX 2.2.3

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-07-31T03:04
距離上次正式版快兩年了 http://www.fceux.com/web/download.html The 2.2.3 release fixes a number of emulation bugs, features overclocking (for lag reduction) and Dendy ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2016-07-30T20:06
我的配備是顯卡7850 cpu:i3-3220 影像設定有三個選項 OpenGL、Direct3D 11、software rendrer 查了網路上說OpenGL優於 Direct3D 9 那OpenGL和Direct3D 11哪個較優? 要選哪一個比較好 - ...

FC/NES 特救指令

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2016-07-30T10:22
前言: 這款特救指令,版主之前也寫過心得文 而在實況平台中,也看過別人實況過幾次 所以對這款遊戲有印象 試了幾次以後覺得這遊戲還不錯,於是自己也實況破了一次 劇情: 劇情是敘述城市被不明機器人占領,後來發現幕後的首領是有意識的AI機器人 AI機器人想要將地球人類消滅 於是主角 ...