(MSX) OpenMSX v0.10.0 - 模擬器

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-01-07T14:36

Table of Contents



OpenMSX is an open source MSX emulator which is free according to the
Debian Free Software Guidelines, available under the GNU General Public
License.For copyright reasons the emulator cannot be distributed with
original BIOS ROM images. OpenMSX includes C-BIOS a minimal implementation of
the MSX BIOS, allowing to play quite some games without the need to have an
original MSX BIOS ROM image. You can also use your own BIOS ROM image if you


MSX device support:
accuracy improvements:
improved TMS99X8/TMS9929 color palette
improved V9990/GFX9000:
VRAM reads go via 1-byte buffer
VRAM read/write pointers only get updated when R#2 and R#5 get written
fixed initial content of VRAM of GFX9000
V9990 P1/P2 sprites that are disabled still count for the 16 sprite limit
fixed roll behaviour of layer B in P1 mode
turboR TC8566AF has other register memory mapping than other machines
use correct Kanji font ROM for Victor HC-95A and removed S1985
added cycle accurate VDP command engine timing (can be disabled with the new
too_fast_vram_access setting)
fixes in YM2413 emulation (FMPAC)
added mapper support:
MSXtra cartridge (a debugging tool released by PTC which has its own RAM)
MultiROM Collection, designed by Manuel Pazos in 2006
ASCII8 mapper with 2kB SRAM
ASCII16 mapper with 8kB SRAM
Super Swangi (a.k.a. Super Altered Beast)
added support for MSX touch pad
added mu-PACK extension, a MIDI module to upgrade a turboR ST to GT
added support for large hard disk images and LaserDisc images (>4GB)
added initial RAM patterns for Sony HB-F1XDJ and Sanyo PHC-23J
added support for Neos MA-20 Version Up Adapter (MSX1 to MSX2 converter),
insert both Neos_MA-20R and Neos_MA-20V extensions for this
fixed Toshiba MSX-AUDIO with no sample RAM
fixes in joystick, mouse and track ball emulation
minor fixes in Y8950 (MSX-AUDIO) and YMF262 (MoonSound)
added OPL3Cartridge2_mono and OPL3Cartridge2_stereo extensions
added Yamaha SFG-01 extension and replaced the SFG-05 with the SFG-01 in the
CX5M machine
added an experimental Boosted_MSXturboR with IDE machine config
added Casio PV-16, Casio P-7, Casio MX-10, Goldstar FC-80U and Sony HB-F1XV
machines and an experimental Zemmix Super V (Daewoo CPC-61) machine config

New or improved emulator features:
added subdirectory support for dir-as-disk
added configurable host to MSX joystick mapping, e.g. useful to bind the
crawl command (button A+B) in Metal Gear 2 to a single PC joystick button
added support for bash completion (useful for using openMSX on the bash
command line)
performance improvements:
improved start-up performance (on Dingoo openMSX starts over 20% faster)
reduced CPU overhead when enabling reverse
further optimized CPU emulation
sped up CAS loading (use 3744 baud instead of 2760 baud)
reduce input latency (poll host events more often and remove delays)
speed up reverse in combination with harddisk by using incremental hashing

added reverse subcommand to truncate the current replay
show two decimals in the reverse bar time
added setting to prevent the reversebar from fading out and made that the
behaviour in TAS mode
added bookmarks feature to reverse bar
added possibility to customize TAS key bindings in an external script
added setting to auto save replays at intervals
added command to reset the lag counter
added commands to go to frame boundaries and advance/reverse to frame
show values of TAS widgets also in the middle of a frame
several improvements on the OSD menu:
several improvements on the file browser
better error handling
only show media menu options that are relevant for the current machine (e.g.
do not show disk drives when the machine has none)
added support for LaserDisc
added a quit menu with confirmation
added limitsprites setting

added basic mouse/touch support, including:
right click to close current menu
support for scrollwheel of mouse to scroll in lists
only show video options if they actually make sense
added option to make current machine default (started when launching openMSX)
added resampler setting (for performance tuning)
added detailed sound chip control (balance, volume, per channel mute)
added possibility to browse to other drives on Windows
added possibility to insert a new tape in the cassette player and made it
easy to browse to your newly created tapes
added short cuts to browse to your file pools (if they contain stuff)
added confirmation dialog before overwriting existing save states
added feedback when executing actions like inserting disk, saving state
remove SSE and MMX assembly routines, only keep rewritten SSE2 routines
added interleaving with black frame for monitors with LightBoost support
added OSD widget that displays how busy the VDP is
enable grab on fullscreen (workaround for Mac issue)
added Cmd+I hotkey to press Insert key on Mac

Build system, packaging, documentation:
created Android port (available via Google Play)
migrated to git
updated Windows build to Visual Studio 2012 update 3
prepare for Visual Studio 2013 (next release will be built with it)
now a compiler which supports C++11 is required to compile openMSX, like g++
4.6, clang 3.0 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
integrated Dingoo packaging in the build system
better support for 64 bit systems (sizes, memory, etc.)
added document about details on VDP command engine timing
changed machine configurations from specific directories to just an XML file
removed the GP2X port
Mac support is now limited to Mac OS X 10.7 (so 64-bit only) and higher

And of course the usual various bug fixes.
In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven't used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.
CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you're emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.





All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2014-01-12T05:00
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2014-01-17T04:24

(DC for Android) reicast 0.r5

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-01-06T13:07
2014.01.05 新規參戰!       reicast is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator. The project is currently in Alpha, usability, performance and stability ...

(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2014-01-06T12:56
2014.01.02 Happy New Year! Long time without dumps, sorry, will fix it for sure next year. ;) So, here is the present for my country fellows. ;) ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2014-01-06T12:02
矿石镇是我们许多人共同的回忆,也是很多新牧友的入门作品。在此感谢2003年CGP和模 拟天下为我们带了的矿石镇汉化作品,而我们有爱小组在10年后用自己的爱再次完善修复 汉化当年的这款经典之作,希望在2013年尾声再一次带给大家快乐!不多说了,去下载吧 【汉化说明】 本次2013完美汉化版是在2003年CG ...

PS夢幻模擬戰1&2 Plus Edition 漢化v2.0

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2014-01-06T11:56
v2.0: L1: 汉化了职业名,汉化了菜单文字 修复音乐调试文本错乱 修复转职界面文字溢出 修复兰斯转职表错误 修复第六关龙套A背对雷丁报告 修复第八关隐藏点不能获得物品以及文字表述错误 修复第十一关伽利乌斯对白错误 修复提拉/杰西卡加入时增加撤退数BUG 修复结局显示与人物表现不对应的BUG L2: ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2014-01-06T11:56
小時候玩過一款紅白機的遊戲,由於是在XX合一裡的,所以不記得叫什麼名字了, 現在想重新回味,希望版友能提供這款遊戲的名稱,謝謝。 印象中是一款俯瞰視角的遊戲,一關只有一張圖,主要畫面在中間,四周是分數和 剩餘隻數,中間的圖是黑底的,四周不同關會有不同的顏色。中間的圖分布了很多 的「點」(可能是俯瞰的柱子)。 ...