(DC for Android) reicast 0.r5 - 模擬器

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-01-06T13:07

Table of Contents


  reicast is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator. The project is currently
in Alpha, usability, performance and stability issues are to be expected.
We'll fix them the following weeks! As we only have a few android devices
, we'd really love to see your videos of it running!


Cortex-A9 dualcore, 1ghz+ is the minimum hardware for decent speeds.

The Dreamcast BIOS is required for this emulator to work. In the internal
memory of your phone, create a folder named dc, make a folder named data
inside it, and put the bios files there (dc_boot.bin, dc_flash.bin). If
you are using a file manager, the path for the folder is
/sdcard/dc/data/. You should dump these files from your Dreamcast, Google
has many tutorials on how to.

In order to save your game-play progress you will first need to format
the memory cards. In order to do this you need to start the program,
select the "boot bios" option, go to the "file" option, select the
memory cards and then select the "delete all" option.

reicast 0.r5 for Android Changelog:

- handle dpi, resize buttons





All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2014-01-07T05:51
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2014-01-09T13:14
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2014-01-11T12:46
安裝好了 可是根本找不到dc這個資料夾啊

PS夢幻模擬戰1&2 Plus Edition 漢化v2.0

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2014-01-06T11:56
v2.0: L1: 汉化了职业名,汉化了菜单文字 修复音乐调试文本错乱 修复转职界面文字溢出 修复兰斯转职表错误 修复第六关龙套A背对雷丁报告 修复第八关隐藏点不能获得物品以及文字表述错误 修复第十一关伽利乌斯对白错误 修复提拉/杰西卡加入时增加撤退数BUG 修复结局显示与人物表现不对应的BUG L2: ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2014-01-06T11:56
小時候玩過一款紅白機的遊戲,由於是在XX合一裡的,所以不記得叫什麼名字了, 現在想重新回味,希望版友能提供這款遊戲的名稱,謝謝。 印象中是一款俯瞰視角的遊戲,一關只有一張圖,主要畫面在中間,四周是分數和 剩餘隻數,中間的圖是黑底的,四周不同關會有不同的顏色。中間的圖分布了很多 的「點」(可能是俯瞰的柱子)。 ...

OpenBor 復仇者聯合作戰 demo

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2014-01-06T00:39
雖然說是demo 可是作者是openbor高手 內容很豐富! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedandamp;v=BWXxG2j_wfU 下載 除了pc版本 也支援android (pak檔案拿去應用) 官網最下面有連結 因為帶 ...

Wii U - 紅白機合戰 Famicom Remix

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-01-05T22:19
大家晚安這裡是犬拓! 今天要來實況的遊戲是 Wii U 的 Famicom Remix 他是一款集合紅白機上各種小遊戲進行挑戰的惡搞(?)遊戲 不明所以者可參考官網:http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wiiu/wmgj/index.html 因為換了一台機器,不確定實況能不能進行順利, ...


William avatar
By William
at 2014-01-05T21:27
上一次脫衣麻將連續攻略,就是最後卡在這一款沒寫。 本作算是非常值得一玩的好遊戲,雖然脫衣系統有點麻煩XD 中文的名稱,是採用MAME中文介面下的翻譯。 日文名:麻雀学園祭 英文名:Mahjong Gakuennsai 中文名:麻將學園祭 http://album.blog.yam.com/show.php?a ...