More 1.0.0 Information - 流亡黯道

By Sarah
at 2013-10-17T17:36
at 2013-10-17T17:36
Table of Contents
In no particular order, the following changes are likely to be in the 1.0.0
Scavengers have been replaced by Cannibals. In addition to adding new
content, we're updating older parts of the game. There are new Buzzard
monsters in the Coves, for example.
除了增加新的關卡外 我們還更新了遊戲舊有的部分
舉例來說 有一些新的鷲類怪物出現在the Coves
Waypoints, quest locations and talking objects have been updated to have
nicer graphical markers on the map.
傳送點 任務位置和對話物體(我想是AN以後A1才出現的那些東西 點了之後會有一些故事)
Several world areas have been renamed to finally get rid of our old internal
names and to be more consistent with other names. For example, River
Crossings is now The Riverways, Terraces is now The Coast and Church Dungeon
is now The Crypt.
幾個區域擺脫了他們舊有的名稱 並與其他名稱一致
舉例來說 River Crossings 改名成 Riverways(A2城鎮左邊)
Terrace 改名成 The Coast(A1醫藥箱)
Church Dungeon 改名成 The Crypt(A2拿金手的那個地方)
Players now receive two more life points per level.
Some monster types now have the Far Shot implicit mod. This is like a reverse
Point Blank passive in that they do more damage to characters that are far
有些怪物現在可以獲得"Far Shot"詞綴
這個詞綴的效果跟天賦中的Point Blank相反
Added a new Rogue Exile, Xandro Blooddrinker - the winner of the Well Dressed
Exile competition! He's a pretty tough fight.
一隻新的Rogue Exile, Xandro Blooddrinker
應該是之前造型票選的冠軍 似乎會比較難打
Player and monster Shock has been reduced from 40% to 30% per stack.
1.0.0 contains three new supporter Uniques, six new Uniques that can only
occur in Domination and Nemesis, one Unique only found in Domination and one
only found in Nemesis.
有6個新傳奇只會在新聯盟掉落 其中3個是新supporter設計的
其中1個只能在Domination獲得 1個只能在Nemesis獲得
There are eight new end-game Maps that use the new tilsets. They're in tiers:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 13. Tier 13 is a new tier of (level 78!) Maps.
We're expecting to have Steam Trading Cards available.
66 68 70 72 74 76 78(之前等級最高的是77)
並且他們正試圖讓Steam的Trading Cards可以轉成POE的商城點數
(應該是這樣 不太確定 我沒在用Steam 有誤的話麻煩清楚的人告知我)
小弟第一次看完官方公布的消息之後 來POE板還沒有人翻譯
有153P耶 還不少XDD
In no particular order, the following changes are likely to be in the 1.0.0
Scavengers have been replaced by Cannibals. In addition to adding new
content, we're updating older parts of the game. There are new Buzzard
monsters in the Coves, for example.
除了增加新的關卡外 我們還更新了遊戲舊有的部分
舉例來說 有一些新的鷲類怪物出現在the Coves
Waypoints, quest locations and talking objects have been updated to have
nicer graphical markers on the map.
傳送點 任務位置和對話物體(我想是AN以後A1才出現的那些東西 點了之後會有一些故事)
Several world areas have been renamed to finally get rid of our old internal
names and to be more consistent with other names. For example, River
Crossings is now The Riverways, Terraces is now The Coast and Church Dungeon
is now The Crypt.
幾個區域擺脫了他們舊有的名稱 並與其他名稱一致
舉例來說 River Crossings 改名成 Riverways(A2城鎮左邊)
Terrace 改名成 The Coast(A1醫藥箱)
Church Dungeon 改名成 The Crypt(A2拿金手的那個地方)
Players now receive two more life points per level.
Some monster types now have the Far Shot implicit mod. This is like a reverse
Point Blank passive in that they do more damage to characters that are far
有些怪物現在可以獲得"Far Shot"詞綴
這個詞綴的效果跟天賦中的Point Blank相反
Added a new Rogue Exile, Xandro Blooddrinker - the winner of the Well Dressed
Exile competition! He's a pretty tough fight.
一隻新的Rogue Exile, Xandro Blooddrinker
應該是之前造型票選的冠軍 似乎會比較難打
Player and monster Shock has been reduced from 40% to 30% per stack.
1.0.0 contains three new supporter Uniques, six new Uniques that can only
occur in Domination and Nemesis, one Unique only found in Domination and one
only found in Nemesis.
有6個新傳奇只會在新聯盟掉落 其中3個是新supporter設計的
其中1個只能在Domination獲得 1個只能在Nemesis獲得
There are eight new end-game Maps that use the new tilsets. They're in tiers:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 13. Tier 13 is a new tier of (level 78!) Maps.
We're expecting to have Steam Trading Cards available.
66 68 70 72 74 76 78(之前等級最高的是77)
並且他們正試圖讓Steam的Trading Cards可以轉成POE的商城點數
(應該是這樣 不太確定 我沒在用Steam 有誤的話麻煩清楚的人告知我)
小弟第一次看完官方公布的消息之後 來POE板還沒有人翻譯
有153P耶 還不少XDD
All Comments

By Sandy
at 2013-10-18T22:31
at 2013-10-18T22:31

By Carolina Franco
at 2013-10-19T13:32
at 2013-10-19T13:32

By Eartha
at 2013-10-20T12:10
at 2013-10-20T12:10

By Sarah
at 2013-10-23T17:32
at 2013-10-23T17:32

By Agatha
at 2013-10-25T15:53
at 2013-10-25T15:53

By Frederica
at 2013-10-30T01:15
at 2013-10-30T01:15

By Harry
at 2013-10-31T21:45
at 2013-10-31T21:45

By Poppy
at 2013-11-01T13:44
at 2013-11-01T13:44

By Erin
at 2013-11-04T08:36
at 2013-11-04T08:36

By Olga
at 2013-11-04T18:50
at 2013-11-04T18:50

By Ula
at 2013-11-08T01:56
at 2013-11-08T01:56

By Caroline
at 2013-11-12T13:48
at 2013-11-12T13:48

By Quanna
at 2013-11-15T01:51
at 2013-11-15T01:51

By Tracy
at 2013-11-18T03:55
at 2013-11-18T03:55

By Edwina
at 2013-11-21T02:41
at 2013-11-21T02:41

By Lily
at 2013-11-24T04:19
at 2013-11-24T04:19

By Lily
at 2013-11-24T21:28
at 2013-11-24T21:28

By Enid
at 2013-11-28T23:38
at 2013-11-28T23:38

By Megan
at 2013-12-03T06:53
at 2013-12-03T06:53

By Margaret
at 2013-12-08T06:22
at 2013-12-08T06:22

By Lydia
at 2013-12-12T01:18
at 2013-12-12T01:18

By Doris
at 2013-12-15T05:30
at 2013-12-15T05:30

By Jessica
at 2013-12-17T16:43
at 2013-12-17T16:43

By Mary
at 2013-12-21T08:26
at 2013-12-21T08:26

By Madame
at 2013-12-21T15:06
at 2013-12-21T15:06

By Genevieve
at 2013-12-22T16:25
at 2013-12-22T16:25

By Olive
at 2013-12-23T08:35
at 2013-12-23T08:35

By Mary
at 2013-12-24T15:28
at 2013-12-24T15:28

By Andy
at 2013-12-29T10:56
at 2013-12-29T10:56

By Victoria
at 2013-12-30T20:16
at 2013-12-30T20:16

By Bennie
at 2014-01-01T16:56
at 2014-01-01T16:56

By Skylar Davis
at 2014-01-04T18:55
at 2014-01-04T18:55

By Ophelia
at 2014-01-09T01:38
at 2014-01-09T01:38

By Ivy
at 2014-01-09T23:50
at 2014-01-09T23:50

By George
at 2014-01-12T08:22
at 2014-01-12T08:22

By Hedda
at 2014-01-16T06:50
at 2014-01-16T06:50

By Regina
at 2014-01-20T19:32
at 2014-01-20T19:32

By Kumar
at 2014-01-24T05:34
at 2014-01-24T05:34

By Daniel
at 2014-01-27T16:34
at 2014-01-27T16:34

By Joseph
at 2014-01-28T04:07
at 2014-01-28T04:07

By Harry
at 2014-01-30T22:26
at 2014-01-30T22:26

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2014-02-01T19:28
at 2014-02-01T19:28
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