MisfitMAME 0.127.A - 模擬器

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-09-07T22:42

Table of Contents



Released on Sep 07, 2008
Based on MAME 0.127

Source changes

Space Chaser:
- Fixed the missile sound so it goes faster as the missile speed increases,
like the real machine did
- Patched the scoring bug in the Hard level
- Identified unknown dipswitches
- Fixed cocktail mode

Space Chaser (CV)
- Used the existing Discrete System for all sounds
- Removed IN0 as it is never referenced
- Identified and documented input cheats
- Removed diplocations from Player 2 inputs
- Added watchdog
- Added coin lockout
- Fixed cocktail mode

Lupin III
- Added music using discrete sound
- Used proper samples
- Added watchdog
- Added global sound enable
- Added coin lockout
- Fixed cocktail mode

JrPacman games
- Added "8" key to skip to the next level

- Applied a Mametesters patch to fix the TILT error in Super Invaders

wmg (still not working)
- Fixed an error in the region names
- Added code for bankswitching and the hardware lock
- Added an empty function for the sound reset

- renamed various roms to align with MAME
- kf2k1pa - fixed corrupt text

Games Added
schaser - Space Chaser
schasrcv - Space Chaser (CV)
lupin3 - Lupin III
wbeast - Wriggly Beasties (a bootleg of War-of-Bug)
ppong2 - Dave Widel′s Pong demo v2
pm4in1 - Pacman 4n1 Menu v1.0 (not working)
pm4in1a - Pacman 4n1 Menu v1.1
pm4in1b - Pacman 4n1 Menu v1.2
bombjckb - Bomb Jack Bootleg [thanks to EMMA]


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Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-09-07T15:11
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