NeoGeo: UNIVERSE BIOS v3.0 - 模擬器

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-09-07T21:02

Table of Contents


Additions / Changes

This new feature gives the ability to transfer data to and from a NeoGeo via
a cable
connected to a PC. It should be considered experimental at this point but can
accessed from the main unibios menu. See the universebios homepage for more
information and how to build the needed cable.

Added disable splash screen option back into general bios settings.

If a game is not in the socket on AES hardware you will see a ′white′ blank
screen at
power on. I changed this to save confusion over some people thinking the old
color was the result of a hardware check. The Unibios does not do a hardware
check in the same way, you must have a game in the socket and use the button
code at power on.

Changed the way region is set up on MVS hardware so there is more chance of a
with bad BackupRAM booting correctly.

Made code changes to help stop unibios ASCII curruption when the system is
overclocked (untested).

Changed code so the NeoGeo spinning logo (older games only) draws correctly
when a
system is overclocked (untested).

Button C is now used to exit the unibios main menu.


Fixed a problem that could cause some games to have glitches after swapping
games on
multislot hardware when in console mode.

Fixed garbled music with Metal Slug 4 in the jukebox from power on.

Cheats / CRC Database

New cheats added here and there.
Fixed KOF96 boss cheat so numbers no longer appear above the power bars.
Added another Real Bout Fatal Fury CRC.
Added another Soccer Brawl CRC.
Added another World Heroes CRC.
Added another Ghost Pilots CRC.
Added Nightmare in the Dark bootleg CRC.
Fixed a CRC issue with Waku Waku 7.


All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-09-11T07:27


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-09-07T15:11
我用的VisualBoyAdvance1.72版的模擬器 玩王國之心一 因為要打倒冥王那關(會用雙手放火和丟火球)試了好幾次都失敗 只好上網找金手指 結果照網路上說的做了 進入戰鬥時卻一片黑 而跟木桶蜘蛛打卻很正常(還可以用金手指) 但是要打頭目時 卻無法進入戰鬥, 請問有人可以幫我解決嗎 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-09-07T10:46
最近獲得FF9繁體中文版 直接用他設置好的epsXe 1.5.2版玩 遊戲過程還算流暢 但一要開始打鬥 先是要等很久才進入戰鬥畫面 再來是鏡頭走的很LAG 還有 聲音就好像被卡住 聽起來很吵 而且戰鬥時的流暢度相當緩慢 有找到有人說用1.7版會有改善 聲音問題似乎是解決了 戰鬥流暢度等還是沒 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2008-09-06T21:30
有玩過的人都知道,就是在城市命令中有個情報蒐集指令, 每張命令書可以派出ㄧ名武將出城,到下個月武將回來後就會帶回ㄧ些東西, 可能是金錢、寶石、或是新武將,也有可能甚麽都沒有XD 而每座城最多只能容納12名武將,所以倘若如果原本城裏的武將人數已經滿編, 此時再派名舊武將出去情報蒐集,而他帶回ㄧ名新武將 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-09-06T20:33
遊戲關卡 就是會有兩顆球彈來彈去 然後會有小人物來射擊他 後來兩個變四個 四個變八個 後來最小的時候把它射不見 好像也有不同的工具 跟讓球消失的方法 關卡越難 好像就是速度越快吧 不知道有人知道我再說哪款遊戲嗎 andgt;and#34;andlt; 我想知道這遊戲的名字 如果也有檔的 ...

MAME遊戲Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo(ssf2ta)...

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-09-06T18:23
這是街霸中AI最高的一款(16人 可集氣 有李小龍和隱藏人物豪鬼那版) 以本人現在的技術通常可以一路連勝看到最後一關豪鬼 打豪鬼大概五五波吧...... 想請大家幫忙的是: 我對電腦的超高攻擊力感到相當不爽(普通2倍 豪鬼大概2.5倍吧) 豪鬼大概打個6拳我就KO了...... 有沒有辦法修改遊戲的攻 ...