MESS v0.134 SVN r5953 - 模擬器

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-10-04T15:24

Table of Contents

ESS v0.134 SVN r5952 is released.MESS is a free emulator which emulates a
large variety of different systems.

MESS SVN Changelog:
[EXIDY] Added SNP support for the 6 games commonly found on the net.
[FMTOWNS] Fixed CMOS access from 0xd8000, fmtowns and fmtownsa both get to
going CD checks.
[FMTOWNS] Fixed palette.
CD-i improvements:
- Refactored mouse input, is now interrupt-driven rather than polled.
- Added small kludge to fool the BIOS into thinking a CD is inserted.
- Implemented enough CDIC comms faking to make the BIOS try to perform a
sector DMA transfer.
Fixes the build?
Added 32 bit bus support for VGA card


All Comments

snes9x 1.51 加速後無法恢復正常速度

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-10-04T10:57
模擬器預設加速鍵為Tab鍵 加速方式有兩種 a.熱鍵Tab壓著加速,放開不加速 b.熱鍵Tab押一下加速,再押一下不加速 以上運作正常,但是當把熱鍵Tab設為(J0)Button7搖桿上面的按鈕時 b加速法運作正常 但是a加速法就不正常了,儘管放開熱鍵 加速依然不會回復 請問這是bug嗎 還是有解決辦法? ...

(MD) HazeMD 0.13a Test

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-10-04T10:09
2009.10.03 this is a dump of the MAME SVN 02/10/09 (0.134u1-ish 0.134u2-ish) modified to compile HazeMD produced at the request of a member of ...

SS模擬器 的音樂問題

David avatar
By David
at 2009-10-04T01:53
各位高手 小弟有個問題 已爬過文了但還是不能玩 我盡力了 別鞭我 (用模擬器 +DAEMON 掛載ISO檔 遊戲能玩 但是 沒有背景音樂 有音效) 問題詳述如下: 我有一款SS的遊戲檔案 Bomberman_Fight_(J)炸彈超人3D版 這個檔案 只有ISO+MP3 沒有 (.cue檔) ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-10-04T01:42
請問一下 我用usb轉接器接上ps的手把 玩 fc , sfc 設定可以抓到 可是遊戲卻不能執行 怎會這樣 ? - ...

Ootake v2.19

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-10-04T01:13 Ootake v2.19 is released.Ootake is a PC Engine emulator for Windows. Ootake is the most frequently updated PC Engine emulator a ...