(MD) HazeMD 0.13a Test - 模擬器

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-10-04T10:09

Table of Contents


this is a dump of the MAME SVN 02/10/09 (0.134u1-ish 0.134u2-ish)
modified to compile HazeMD produced at the request of a member of
the MAME development team.

This is probably less stable than the previous release due to the
general degradation of the code over time, internal changes in
MAME which have affected timing, etc. etc.

Romset support is basically the same, although a few 32x drivers
have been added for testing (32x is veeeery slow) and a few of
the proper (done with eeprom programmer) dumps of a few games,
again for testing. F-22 Interceptor is an interesting cart.

Sadly there seems to be little interest in real dumps as they’re
incompatible with the more popular emulators (they don’t have any
idea how to load multiple files, and correct dumps are byteswapped
when compared the ’standard’ .bin format)

Virtua Racing (Megadrive, SVP chip) will also run now thanks to the
progress made in MESS.

This was mainly done just so that I have a base of code that
compiles with the latest version of MAME (the old code was getting
horribly outdated and a pain to compile if I wanted to test) and
because another developer requested a version that compiled with
the current codebase.

I haven’t had time to strip the non-HazeMD stuff out, sorry. It’s
just commented out in the mamedriv.c. This really is just a dump of
the current code, before I give up trying to update it again.

When HazeMD was first released it did various things that Kega
didn’t do (pirate games, a couple of cases wher Kega was buggy
etc.) and also allowed you run to a lot of things on other
platforms because Kega was Windows only.

Now Kega does pretty much everything (and more than HazeMD) and is
available on multiple platforms, so this is rather redundant unless
you’re debugging for MAME / MESS and want to have an easy to use
testbed / regression run for any changes.

The SMS driver here isn’t as good as the one in MESS, the MESS one
should be migrated over and the MAME drivers using SMS code should
be updated to use that instead (Megatech/MP/SystemE)

Use at your own risk, you’re probably better with the old version
if you just want to play games. However if you’re interested in
just seeing how things run with the latest code, then have a play
with this.

hazemd.exe is a normal build
hazemd_debug.exe is the debug build

(as per the latest mame builds, you can access the debugger in
either anyway)

I’ll probably get around to doing a tidy up, romset list update
and other things at some point when I have time to do more than a
rushed update.

The set lists still need all the release date / manufacturer info
adding. They also need cleaning up. I should probably write a tool
to parse the database and neatly reformat it. If MESS does decide
to one day adopt proper software set lists like MAME (and HazeMD
here) that would seem like a more worthwhile task. If one day MAME
and MESS are actually merged, that would be even better because it
would make it far easier to check bugs across both projects without
having to swap between projects all the time, leading to
improvements to both MAME and MESS.

Anyway It’s not really worth reporting any news on this one,
consider it unstable, unsupported with no guarantee that anything
at all will work.

Link is up there, on the left hand side of your screen.





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All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-10-05T03:34
給懶得看英文的人:haze說只想玩遊戲的話 用舊版比較好

SS模擬器 的音樂問題

David avatar
By David
at 2009-10-04T01:53
各位高手 小弟有個問題 已爬過文了但還是不能玩 我盡力了 別鞭我 (用模擬器 +DAEMON 掛載ISO檔 遊戲能玩 但是 沒有背景音樂 有音效) 問題詳述如下: 我有一款SS的遊戲檔案 Bomberman_Fight_(J)炸彈超人3D版 這個檔案 只有ISO+MP3 沒有 (.cue檔) ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-10-04T01:42
請問一下 我用usb轉接器接上ps的手把 玩 fc , sfc 設定可以抓到 可是遊戲卻不能執行 怎會這樣 ? - ...

Ootake v2.19

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-10-04T01:13
http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ Ootake v2.19 is released.Ootake is a PC Engine emulator for Windows. Ootake is the most frequently updated PC Engine emulator a ...

dolphin r3301 開啟SD gundam G WARS 黑屏

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-10-03T23:59
各位大大! 我用R3301開啟G wars 有聲音但是黑屏 有解決方法嗎? 有google過很久了 舉凡MSAA選OFF,antialias選1x,direct3D9也選過了 dolphin版本也換了600個了 但還是一樣就只有聲音沒畫面 還是說這遊戲不能模擬嗎? 救我... 配備: ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-10-03T22:22
用這款模擬器玩通靈童子 一開始打木刀之龍都很順 可是打完他以後 會聽見有對話 但是畫面一片黑 請問要怎麼辦才好? 也不曉得是哪裡有問題 因為我跑其他的遊戲也沒碰過這樣的問題 想說問問看有沒有人知道 - ...