MD 「米老鼠—奇幻城大冒險(Mickey Mouse - Castle of - 模擬器

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-04-14T10:46

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※ 引述《conpo (小小岩男要回家)》之銘言:


Castle Of Illusion HD Remake Coming to Xbox 360, PS3 This Summer

Sega is digging deep into their archive of popular but forgotten titles and
giving them a nice dust-off, a bit of an HD makeover and some nice
current-gen technological polishing and re-releasing them. One such game
getting said treatment is the platforming title for the Genesis, Castle of

The original game saw Mickey Mouse venturing through various levels leading
up to face down with a wicked witch. The game was extremely hard, although
that was just kind of the way games were designed back in the day. I'm
curious if Sega will keep the difficulty the same or if they're going to tone
it all down for the kiddies?

Anyway, there isn't a lot of information available for the
remake...actually, other than that teaser trailer above there isn't any
information on the game at all. I'm going to go ahead and assume it will
still be a side-scroller just made in 3D? Given the flop of Disney's Epic
Mickey 2, there's really no telling how much effort they'll actually put into
the project.

One of the things I'm really hoping for is a proper recreation of the
original game's aesthetic. I really loved the look, the feel and the music
for original Castle of Illusion, especially the level when first facing off
against the toy soldiers in the building blocks stage.

Anyway, you can look for Castle of Illusion HD to arrive for home consoles
this summer. Expect more media info on the title soon or visit Sega's website
to stay keyed in on news and info.


All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-04-17T22:34
說起來前陣子也有發表唐老鴨俱樂部hd 看來會是一系列hd?
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-04-22T06:43
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2013-04-25T10:58
MD的迪士尼系列超有誠意的 畫面好 音樂佳 遊戲性好
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-04-27T00:49
那陣子SEGA主機的動漫或電影改編遊戲 製作都很用心
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-04-29T04:48
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-05-01T23:37
MD比起同期超任迪士尼遊戲像__一樣的水準 實在讓人感動

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Madame avatar
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