MAMEHub 0.6 released! - 模擬器

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-10-09T23:06

Table of Contents

Hey all,

MAMEHub 0.6 is out! As with previous version changes, you will have to
uninstall MAMEHub 0.5 and install MAMEHub 0.6.

**NOTE** When you uninstall mamehub, it will COMPLETELY DELETE ALL FILES IN
THE MAMEHUB FOLDER!!!!!!!! If you have any roms/cfgs/videos/screenshots/etc.
in your mamehub folder, move it somewhere safe BEFORE YOU UNINSTALL!!!!!

With that out of the way, here's some of the changes in the latest update:

- Password recovery: Now you can click the "Email Password Reminder" button
and it will shoot you an email with your password.
- Mac fixes: A bunch of little (and some not so little) fixes for OS/X. One
thing to mention: OS/X now depends on Python 2.7 and wxpython-cocoa-2.7.
- Memory leak fix: A huge memory leak has been patched. MAMEHub still stores
all player inputs for the entire game, so eventually any game will run out of
memory, but now it will take months instead of hours :-). This also gives a
nice performance boost because there won't be as much swapping pages in and
out of memory.
- Controller fix: Some controllers weren't being detected correctly. This has
been fixed.


All Comments


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-10-09T17:34
找到解決方法了... 只要用TCPOptimizer這個免費的小程式 win7 xp應該都可用 調整一下網路的設定就好...細部的設定可以去GOOGLE有很多教學, 但簡單的用就是打開後,選定網路卡,然後按最佳化讓他設定就好, 也可以備份設定以防萬一... 設定完之後明顯的感覺, 看YOUTUBE的1080 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-10-09T09:02
圖文網誌版 在此先分析所有隊伍的前五隊: 熱血、花園、英國、印度和冰島 前言 在分析各隊選手前 因為本文也會提到每位選手適合的位置 在此特地向各位解釋一下每個位置所需要的能力 大家從遊戲中的球員分配畫面 應 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-10-08T23:39
我的電腦配備是 E6500 X1950 4G RAM 因為PS2今天讀不到片了 就臨時想到模擬器 一開始是抓PCSX2 0.9.5 的版本 連玩像BASARA人很多的遊戲都很順 不過畫面整體不清楚 尤其是有3D的部分更慘 後來又去用了0.9 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-10-08T22:17
來回報一下... 剛剛好心的p大幫我測試了... 全部都用相同的模擬器版本和rom, 設定全部一樣....最後發現.... 是網路問題...orzzz 改變網路封包大小可以稍微改善連線品質... 到最後走極端設定,p大改lan,我改成bad...還是一樣... 順了一段時間就會卡一下... 以前我總認為 ...

ゲームセンターCX in U.S.A.

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-10-08T20:52 ゲームセンターCX in U.S.A. ~有野課長ロサンゼルスに行く~(2011年10月6日) BSスカパー!にて2011年10月6日 22:00~24:00に放送。 有野の挑戦…『ROBOCOP』 ...