MAME 0.122u4 - 模擬器

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-01-08T13:03

Table of Contents


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
gui0121u1gre [Aaron Giles]
drivedge0121u4gre [Aaron Giles]
bking3076u2red [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
btoads0102u5gre [Aaron Giles]
btoads0103u1gre [Aaron Giles]
editableui0120u4red [Aaron Giles]
cheat0118red [Aaron Giles]
altf4_0111u4gre [Aaron Giles]
beastrzb097u2red [Oliver Stoneberg]
memoryleak0118u1ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
memory_leak0111u6ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
mahoudai0106u7yel [Philip Bennett]
gridiron079gre [David Haywood]
maniach37b11gre [David Haywood]
matmaniac37b14gre [David Haywood]
qzkklgy2_0106u6red [David Haywood]
warriorb0109u2gre [David Haywood]
vball071u1gre [Bryan McPhail]
d3dwindow0117u3red [Aaron Giles, Emuman]
arkanoid061gre [Bryan McPhail]
flkatck058gre [David Haywood]
memleak0119u3ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
system24_0120u3red [Atari Ace, Aaron Giles]
aleck64_0120red [Aaron Giles]
mtetrisc0115u1red [Aaron Giles]
suratk0122u3gra [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
suratk0122u3ora [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
skychut37b1yel [couriersud]
skychut37b6gre [couriersud]
darius2_0114gre [Bryan McPhail]
ad2083_0111u5gra [couriersud]
abaseb0122u3red [Zsolt Vasvari]
ladybug080u1gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
suprridr0122u2gra [Zsolt Vasvari]
invho2_0122u3red [Zsolt Vasvari]
narc37b16yel [Aaron Giles]
kingofb37b6gre [robiza]
stonebal0117u2gre [Aaron Giles]
wotw36b1gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
wallst071gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
mtrap37b14gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
pitfight0109u2gre [Aaron Giles]

Source Changes
Corrected btoads clocks according XTALs on the PCB. [Aaron Giles]

"Simplified" MC8123 decryption, though it's still more complicated
than I'd like it to be. [Nicola Salmoria]

Cleaned up clocks in the itech32 driver. [Aaron Giles]

Added partial key for FD1089B 317-0037. [Nicola Salmoria]

Fixed bking3 clocks as per Guru readme. Added GAME_WRONG_COLORS flag
to bking3. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

TMS34020 fixes: [Aaron Giles]
* Allowed 32-bit pixel sizes
* Fixed RPIX instruction

Added new function input_poll_keyboard_switches to poll for only key
events. Expanded the size of the maximum simultaneously pressed
switches. [Aaron Giles]

Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS from all jpmimpct games bar Cluedo
(see driver note). [Philip Bennett]

mario driver improvements: [couriersud]
- Hooked up flipscreen
- Changed monitor orientation to ROT0

Added Z80 DMA chip [couriersud]
- only implements intelligence to emulate dkong3
- fixed a misleading comment in 8257dma.h

dkong driver improvements: [couriersud]
- hooked up z80dma
- removed 2nd player inputs from sdbk input_ports
- fixed some dump "copy/paste" bugs in dip locations

Added redumped Turkey USA to the seta2.c driver. [Brian Troha]

Fixed bad ram pages errors in stactics service mode.
[Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

Atari updates: [Aaron Giles]
- Added save state support to slapstic.
- Added save state support to YM2413.
- Modified slapstic code to support address range mirrors.
- Cleaned up Rampart driver:
- simplified rendering code
- full memory map
- added save state support

Implemented decent-sounding FM in the SCSP. [kingshriek]

Updated Naomi driver, now boots and shows some test menus (press F2
to get into test, use 9 to navigate). Also hooked up ROM board PIO
and skeleton for DMA. [R. Belmont, Samuele Zannoli, ElSemi]

N64 improvements: [SGINut]
- Move texture masking to occur after coordinate adjustment
- Fix 32-bit texturing in load_tile (Mario Kart 64 title screen)
- Add zero-alpha early-out (Mario 64 trees/stars, Mario Kart 64

ad2083 improvements: [couriersud]
* completed tms5110A code
* working speech synthesis
* documented analysis done on pcb pictures and findings
* as a consequence, marked all sound roms as BAD DUMP
* created sound driver in scramble.c

Cleaned up graphics layouts in preparation for new format. Added new
GFXLAYOUT_RAW() macro to normalize definition. Added new validation
code. Made all remaining instances of gfx_layouts const. [Atari Ace]

Updated Amiga driver to use formal XTALs. [Dirk Best]

Changed 6522 emulation such that when writing to the ACR register with
the timer 1 in continuous counting mode, the timer 1 value should not
be reloaded but keep on counting. [Wilbert Pol]

Added XTAL defines to bfm_sc2.c and cleaned up lvcards.c.
[James Wallace]

Added default layout to neogeo games allowing for either cropping or
stretching to the alternate 304x224 layout. Removed default cropping
in the driver. [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]

Fixed crash when saving state of older DCS-based games. Added save
state support to the midvunit driver. [Aaron Giles]

Major improvements to Cycle Warriors video code (still not perfect,
but road layer works now). [Bryan McPhail]

Major rewrite of skychut.c. There are still some glitches and it is
not perfect but the following has been achieved: [couriersud]
* adds samples to ipm invaders - just rename your old invaders
samples to ipminvad to test
* added - amongst others - "capsule" dip switch to ipm invaders
* sound ports identified
* demo sound and cabinet type driver configuration

Updated memory configuration for Superboard game versions in peplus
driver. Fixes CMOS DATA errors on reload. [Jim Stolis]

Rewrote the CVS system video code. [Zsolt Vasvari]

Fixed S2650 register window display. [Zsolt Vasvari]

Added sound to Cycle Warriors and Big Fight. Corrected OKI M6295
clock values. [Philip Bennett]

Fixed missing arrow in Venture on the zoomed out map, and the
incorrect fading twister in Hard Hat. [Zsolt Vasvari]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Dangerous Curves [Philip Bennett, Dazzer]
Big Fight [Bryan McPhail]

New clones added
Invasion - The Abductors (version 5.0) [Brian Troha]
Alien Syndrome (set 5, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0037) [Nicola Salmoria]
Dragon Spirit (Atari license) [Satoshi Suzuki]


All Comments


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-01-08T07:08
我用的是no$gba 2.5c模擬器 玩惡魔城蒼月的十字架時無法存檔 在記錄點存檔時 會出現save失敗 用結束遊戲存檔 在battery有.sav檔 但進入遊戲時卻無檔案 要重新開始新遊戲 請問這是哪裡設定錯誤呢?? 請各位先進幫幫忙 謝謝!!~ - ...

Mednafen 0.8.7

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-01-07T20:46
06 Jan 2008 - GBA: DMA registers were being saved as 32-bit arrays instead of 16-bit arrays in save states, potentially causing ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-01-07T20:00
遊戲平台:sega 內容陳述:就有點像泡泡龍或是雪人兄弟那種模式的遊戲一層一層的,但他不是吐泡泡 或噴雪,他是拿槌子敲洞然後敵人會掉進去再把他補起來她就掛了,掛了 會噴火花其他的敵人被噴到也就死了,死了會掉寶,比如說掉鎚子,吃一個這樣 一個可以打兩 ...

Arcade: Raine v0.50.6-4

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-01-07T18:39
Hopefully this will be the last stable version of neoraine, it fixes a few bugs for those who prefer to force normal blits rather than using the default yu ...

clrmamepro v3.109

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2008-01-07T18:38
clrmamepro 3.109 * fixed: a chd can get wrongly parent/clone assigned when parent set got andgt; 1 chds * fixed: rare wrong and#34;Can′t remove files from ...