MaLa v1.744 Beta - 模擬器

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-06-11T21:50

Table of Contents

MaLa v1.744 Beta is released. MaLa is a multi emulator front-end designed for
all 32bit Windows operating systems (I have had reports it work fine on 64
bit). It supports the Windows command line version of MAME with XML ROM info
(> 0.84), PC Games and all command line based emulators. You can easily make
it run on earlier versions of mame (as I do) by using a XML file generated by
a later version.

What Features does Mala Have?
* Rotatable in any direction (0, 90, 180, 270) on the fly for horizontal and
vertical screens
* Controllable by arcade controllers with configurable controller settings
for all front end functions
* Controller detection: rotate and load game list depending on the controls
that were touched (cocktail tables)
* On the fly programming of keyboard encoders
* Mouse support for trackballs, spinner and dials
* Virtual shift, key, full control with less controls
* Keyboard hook and hotkeys: No need for wrappers or specialized emulator
* Hardware Support: MaLa Hardware (LED + LCD), Ultimarc PacDrive (LED),
BetaBrite Displays, serial LCD, GGG LEDWiz (LED), Ultimarc UltraStik360, ...
* LED Attract mode
* Comprehensive game list filter options and memorized filter sets
* Plugins - including support for hardware like LedWiz, Serial LCD's &
Ultrastick (you can make your own if you can code in C++ or Delphi)
* No ini file editing
* !! AND MORE !!

MaLa v1.744 Beta Changelog:
Mod: Added option in (GUI-MaLa Start) to allow staring multiple MaLa's


All Comments


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-06-11T16:13
我想請問要如何設置滑鼠來玩安布雷拉編年史啊??我在裡面找不到設置滑鼠的選項 有設置手把玩過但是很難玩0.0 版本為SVN R 6262M 感謝大家!! - ...

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-06-11T03:37
上網找到的資訊是要設使用FPS限制加上設定FPS為60 但是照做沒有用,後來找到原因,因為我電腦是雙核 的,在啟動ePSXe之後,在工作管理員將該行程設成 只用一顆CPU來跑,速度就正常了,但這樣每次玩遊 戲都要做一次,不知道有沒有更好的方法? - ...

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