Makaron Test 10 - 模擬器

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-07-01T11:41

Table of Contents

I think I′ve finally got the DMA code working. Well, for me at least It
needs to be tested further on variety of hardware - and that′s where you
people come in. Expect T10 soon.

Some loose thoughts I feel like voicing:

1) T10 might be a bit slower than T9 series. It′ll most likely affect only
low-end systems as there isn′t really much of a difference (if any) on my
2) WinCE games usually crash when emulation speed drops below certain
treshold. In other words, if you got fast system you should get stable
3) Due to changes in GD-DMA code loading times are back. It′s considered
normal behaviour since this is how Dreamcast works. Thanks to those changes
compatibility has improved and following titles should now boot and work:
- all Dream Preview discs
- original MIL-CDs
- Street Fighter Zero 3
- SEGA Tetris Online
- Tetris 4D
4) CD-DA (audio tracks) will play, but still use the older method of fetching
data. This might cause Makaron to crash but it′s very unlikely as data reads
and playing audio are mutualy exclusive tasks.
5) There are some minor changes in full-screen setup code (the debug window
will be hidden and not forcibly refreshed). No 16:x aspect ratios yet.
6) Changes to sorting/drawing code broke shadows in Virtua Fighter 3tb. I′m
not planning on fixing that anytime soon though, as it would break many other
things. Late T9 versions have this problem too, by the way.
7) Makaron now disables screen saver when run. It′s only going to be a
problem if it crashes, as it might not re-enable it on exit. Just so you
If you manually enable MMU the recompiler will not switch to address
translation mode until it′s actually requested, so there′s no speed penalty
in BIOS and most games. Some however (like Ikaruga) use only partial
translation and this can be emulated without full-blown MMU support. It′ll
work either way but will be a lot slower with MMU enabled. Some WinCE games
are automatically recognized (this works only for GD images) and MMU will be
turned on when necessary. In short: keep it off unless Makaron complains
about it.

UPDATE: Few more notes:

There were some last-minute cleanups in the code, I hope I didn′t break
MT version is the one I actively develp, the other is just dumbed down not to
support threading. Not tested much so your mileage may vary.
As always, make sure you backup your own INI files if you want to keep them.
For GDROM.ini though you should comment out the GDMT setting, or choose one
of the following:
-1 is immediate mode. This will block emulator and allow the read to
complete. In short: worst performance, but should always work. This is also
the default mode for non-MT version.
0 is deffered mode. The read still blocks, just not right away but rather
outside SH4 main loop. It might provide smoother emulation (if it works at
1 is threaded mode. Disk reads are scheduled to separate thread for another
core/CPU to take care of. Best speed, smooth emulation, should now work with
every game. This is the default for MT version.
Threaded mode can′t be selected for non-MT version of Makaron - deffered
method will be used instead. This limitation was introduced on purpose, and
might be lifted in future. Note that unless you have multiple cores/CPUs it
will work just like deffered mode anyway.

I′d also like to remind you that there′s a frontend to Makaron called
mkfro. Highly recommended for people who can′t work my INI files.

Anyway, click here to download Makaron T10.

UPDATE2: If you experience random crashes while in-game movies play (or are
about to start), or from time to time CD/GD image refuses to boot (but works
most of the time) - report this. Give me the title and your PC specs.


All Comments

請問一片 SS遊戲名稱~

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-07-01T06:24
之前在SS上有玩過 因為最近突然想到...想玩~XD 但遊戲名稱我無從查起= = 所以來這裡請教各位 他的遊戲方式有點類似超級瑪莉 是以跳坐的方式來消滅怪物 主要是在類似迷宮的關卡裡走動(半3D) 主角是一隻and#34;屁股有刺and#34;的and#34;綠色and#34;而且and#34; ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-07-01T02:39
小時後在遊樂場有玩過一個格鬥遊戲 看起來和摔角霸王差不多 但人物較特別 我記得裡面有個大胖子 還有一個長髮的男角色手上有拿一個鐵鍊甩 還有一個壯漢穿露肚臍的衣服 小時候超喜歡玩 為了這個常常跑遊樂場 有人知道這個遊戲嗎? - ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-06-30T23:23
dc-SEGAGAGA攻略 遊戲優點:兼具爆笑與感人的srpg遊戲,推荐給喜歡玩sega遊戲和想要輕鬆玩遊戲的人 下載網址: (不須會員即可下載,載點在站內可找到) 攻略網: http://www.babeij ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-06-30T22:22
忽然想到一款小時候在電玩間很喜歡的遊戲,一直沒全破很殘念... 是橫式捲軸的遊戲,可以選擇恐龍,機器人,鹹蛋超人(?)三個腳色, 每個腳色都可以進化跟大絕招,恐龍可以用角,大跳躍地震攻擊等等, 機器人後來大絕還可以上下身分離等等... 整個遊戲就是一直在破壞城市... 請教版友解惑...! -- ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-06-30T18:42
最近使用了ePSXe玩了實況野球的2003版, 發生了幾個問題? 1.每當我Alt+Tab跳回桌面,再回去遊戲時, 遊戲畫面會變成一片漆黑。 但是聲音仍然正常,亂按按鍵也有反應,但就是沒畫面。 我原本以為是螢幕解析度的問題, 我從1024x768改成800x600也是沒用,反而更嚴重的當機了 ...