(Macintosh) Mini vMac v3.2.2 Alpha - 模擬器

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-05-04T21:07

Table of Contents


Mini vMac v3.2.2 Alpha is released. Mini-vMac is a Macintosh Plus,
Macintosh SE, Macintosh 128 and Macintosh 512 emulator. Mini vMac
emulates a Macintosh Plus, one of the earliest of Macintosh
computers. It can run old Macintosh software that otherwise
couldn't be used on recent machines.

Mini vMac v3.2.2 Alpha Changelog:

Today's Mini vMac 3.2.2 alpha is made from the last source snapshot.
(Variations to follow.)

I think I'll phase out the OS X universal version. Five years after
the transition, there isn't much demand for it. I'll still keep the
PowerPC only version, along with versions for OS 9 and earlier.




All Comments


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-05-04T13:38
恕刪 小弟也是模擬器玩一玩就想去找實體來玩的人, 當初也是從GB/GBC開始找這種硬體備份卡, 圖的只是能開金手指跟電腦廝殺(本人ACT苦手) RPG/ SLG遊戲又沒有太多時間練功,所以這類卡可以讓我快速通關, 真是居家必備的好物。 以前為了買GB/GBC的備份卡,晚上下班從中和騎到新店, 閃 ...

節奏DJ GB2

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By Kyle
at 2011-05-04T02:32
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