(WIP) NDS3 / Nintendo DS Emulator - 模擬器

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-05-03T14:03

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Anonymous gives us news about the development of its Nintendo DS
emulator, we made a video to show you the progress of the project.

There are some days that we announced in exclusivity the new creation
of Anonymous , which is simply porting an emulator Nintendo DS .
Replying now codenamed NDS3 , this emulator has improved, so we
decided to make a video of the latest draft to show you the status.


Since the last version, Anonymous had to restart the development to
adapt the emulator DeSmuME at the base available on PC to make it
compatible with the architecture PowerPC the PlayStation 3 . Now, the
console is capable of using the CPU to successfully comfortably play
3D games, they were accelerated by 7 times compared to the first version.
However, the emulator is still under development and 3D games are not
yet optimized to their fullest. We therefore present two games in this
video, Yoshi's Island DS and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time . To take
full advantage of gameplay offered by the emulator, we cut the cutscenes.

As you see, the 2D games are very fluid and require almost no work,
Anonymous will therefore now concentrate on the most advanced games
to optimize the architecture of the PlayStation 3 . The video is
available below, we will give you more information, always exclusive,
as soon as development progresses.




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