KaKaRoTo has found an exploit to JB all future FW - 改機

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-03-18T21:20

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After previously admitted that the PS3 are secure again with the 3.60
update, it seems that KaKaRoTo will need to take back his words, as
you can see from the chat logs below.

[22:04:23] <@KaKaRoTo> and now i'm working on something new and
revolutionizing that will also take some months
of work
[22:04:29] <@KaKaRoTo> (hopefully :p)
[22:08:19] <@KaKaRoTo> anyways, the theory says that it will jailbreak
all future versions, but it needs probably 2 or
more months of work to get it to actually be
[22:08:24] <@KaKaRoTo> then need to test and see if it works
[22:10:11] <@KaKaRoTo> but like I said, I'm not interested in 3.60
[22:10:25] <@KaKaRoTo> I probably won't release this until 3.7 or
[22:10:34] <@KaKaRoTo> until I see an actual reason to jailbreak the
new version...
[22:11:03] <@KaKaRoTo> for now, there's no new feature between 3.55
and 3.60 that would justify it




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Tags: 改機

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-03-22T17:44
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-03-24T04:21
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-03-28T20:33
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-03-29T06:15

軟改cfg 所需的cios ?

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-03-18T15:25
最近朋友的美版 3.4 主機光碟機似乎也快掛了 請我去幫他改成可用外接硬碟 我自己之前的經驗是曾經自己從 3.4j 升到 4.1j 使用的軟體從 softchip 光碟直讀,過渡到 cfg loader 外接硬碟 由於事隔已久 我已經忘了我手邊備份的這些 cios 是基於什麼情況裝進去的 以下是我手邊有的 c ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-03-18T09:02
小弟的PS2是 70007型 外蓋會實好實壞 關不起來這樣 小弟拿橡皮筋給他綁著 常常 開啟電源 放入光碟片後 不是讀不到 要不然就會出現 and#34;請放入PS OR PS2光碟and#34; 這樣到底是 蓋子沒蓋好 還是 讀取頭太老舊勒? 有時 讀取的速度 很慢 像 他常常讀取到一半 就停住 這樣是不是 ...

舊版連線 PSN方式「暫時」失效

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-03-18T08:29
http://goo.gl/j4zmC If you use the FW 3.60 Spoofer, F*ck PSN, or DNS Bypass you should have noticed they no longer work anymore. The reason is that Sony h ...


John avatar
By John
at 2011-03-17T17:57
今天上課的時候無聊的在打全民暢快的超車遊戲 但是當我吃到N加速,又踏上加速車道之後, 不知道車子是超越光速還是怎樣 整個畫面突然一片漆黑 因為上課中我也不敢開聲音 當下我就先試著長按電源鍵,試圖關機 但是完全沒反應, 之後我將電池拔了再裝上.. 這下更慘, 不論我怎麼按電源鍵全都無法開機了.. 長按,短按, ...

Sony 對越獄(JB)駭客全面宣戰,誓言防堵 PS3 盜版

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-03-17T13:23
情報來源:T客邦打電動 【電視遊樂器】Sony 對越獄(JB)駭客全面宣戰,誓言防堵 PS3 盜版 作者:Monster in the lake 更新日期:March 17, 2011 10:38 http://game.techbang.com.tw/posts/8588-sony-on-prison-b ...