Jpcsp SVN r1744 - 模擬器

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-08-22T22:58

Table of Contents

Jpcsp SVN r1744 is released. JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator
which is written in JAVA. JPCSP is the first PSP emulator that is written in
JAVA. Most people think java is too slow. But Shadow and his team has proven
us wrong. The newest Java versions are almost as fast as C which makes it
very interesting for emu dev's. Shadow and his team are working day and night
with pleasure on the emu, many coders have dedicated to the project. Because
it's written in java many young devs find it interesting to learn how the
emulator works.

Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Improved interrupt checking routine's aspect (suggested by Orphis).
Improved scePsmfPlayer module with new findings and implemented all it's
Corrected SceKernelThreadEventHandlerInfo and improved it's handling in
Fixed fatms0 commands in sceIoDevctl.
Added interrupt checking to sceAudio.
Added drafts for GE commands 0xF0 to 0xF9 and added new findings on command


All Comments


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-08-22T18:35
我不清楚是模擬器還是rom的問題 我玩到第11關港口要搭船逃走那一關,過關後,一堆對話按掉後 背景就變成土黃色了,還有一推英文字出現又消失(這時按任何鍵都沒用) 約過了數分鐘,會出現一段日文:(日文苦手,不懂意思) スロットAにおいてメモリーカードを認識できませんでした メモリーカードをスロットA ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-08-22T16:28
※ 引述《KISSJOJO99 ()》之銘言: : 小嘉模擬器評測(使用的軟體) : 簡單來說 這款遊戲沒辦法完美運行 可以請各位暫時放棄 : 一開始 我使用2925 失敗 改用2962 依舊失敗而且聲音反而變質 : 2925 2962 : 聲音 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-08-22T15:47
※ 引述《UlyssesLin (女子露肩便是德:p)》之銘言: : ˙在思考型機器人大為盛行後,他們也跟人類一樣開始會犯罪。 : 出現這種行為時,便會被認定為「非正規化(イレギュラー)」,被視為故障。 : 於是便出現了以思考型機器人為主的 : 「非正規機器人獵人(イレギュラーハン ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-08-22T15:12
本作是當年(1993年)超轟動的洛克人X系列第一彈, 同時也是SFC上的洛克人系列的第一彈。 我自己是因為SFC的出現,當年元祖洛克人系列就只玩到四代,就接X。 這個就不用寫一堆啥原文或英文名稱了吧XD ...

(SNES) bsnes v068

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-08-22T10:22
2010.08.21 知名又好用的SNES(SFC)模擬器,需要的人快點下載吧! This release officially introduces the accuracy and performance cores, alongside the previously- ...