IRO:進(起)化(源) - 仙境傳說

By Eden
at 2019-11-14T13:57
at 2019-11-14T13:57
Table of Contents
來源: / 隔壁巴哈文章
Hello Everyone,
As you may have noticed the pre registration site for Ragnarok: Transcendence
has launched. Ragnarok: Transcendence, or RT, is an updated version of
Ragnarok Online.
大家有否留意到Ragnarok: Transcendence的PRE(前?)-註冊網站已經開啟,
Ragnarok: Transcendence(RT)是新版的仙境傳說ONLINE。
We have already discussed a couple of the upcoming game systems during our
extralife live stream.
我們經已在extralife live stream(蛤?)中討論諸多相關的遊戲系統設定。
Pet Evolution System
-The pet system is getting a major overhaul. It is now possible to have pets
evolve into more advance forms over time. In addition, pet loyalty bonuses
will no longer be an all-or-nothing prospect. Instead, pets will begin giving
greater bonuses as they become more loyal to you.
Homunculus Renewal Update
-Alchemists are receiving an important update to their own unique adventuring
companions. Homunculi will now gain experience based on when it’s master
gains experience, no longer will users be penalized for taking their
homunculus out on an adventure. In addition, the homunculus auto feed system
will be implemented so your companion will never again run away due to a lack
of food (Owner must have food to auto feed. If you don’t have food it will
still run away. Feed your pets please.)
In addition to these updates, over the next few weeks we will be showcasing
additional changes to the new service:
An antibotting/cheating system that has been tried, tested, and working on
other RO servers.
Refine UI Update
Daily Login Reward System
Inventory Capacity Display Update
Vending System Update
Memorial Dungeon System Renewal
Item Based VIP System
Navigation System Update
Rodex Search Feature
VIP系統新物品(? 不確定
There has been some speculation that this new service will be a copy of
Ragnarok: Zero, but we want to be clear that this is not a 1 to 1 conversion
of Ragnarok: Zero for international release. For months we have had
discussions and meetings with the studio and development team, to bring more
refined Ragnarok Experience to our users. RT is an improvement on the
Ragnarok Zero Server with its own unique settings, balance, and content.
有一些猜測認為本服務(RT)是從複製自Ragnarok: Zero,但我們清楚表示這並不是完全
從Ragnarok: Zero轉化到RT,我們經已和工作室及開發團隊討論及會面多個月,希望帶
給玩家更多更好的RO體驗,RT是從Ragnarok Zero之上加本土化的獨有設定,平衡和內容。
RT will also have its own iRO exclusive systems/dungeons including.
Elemental enchanted weapons dropping from monsters.
Unique equipment dropped from special dungeons.
New achievements and rewards for completing them.
Special storyline quests unique to the RT servers.
Increased healing power for Acolytes/Priests
World drop events
Second Classes and Max Level 99/50 to start.
Please keep an eye on us over the coming weeks as we share more details
regarding the server and our plans for the future.
IRO的起源 會活得比我們的久嗎
要整編翻譯通暢比我想像的難好多 果然要多看書 _(:3 」∠ )_
Hello Everyone,
As you may have noticed the pre registration site for Ragnarok: Transcendence
has launched. Ragnarok: Transcendence, or RT, is an updated version of
Ragnarok Online.
大家有否留意到Ragnarok: Transcendence的PRE(前?)-註冊網站已經開啟,
Ragnarok: Transcendence(RT)是新版的仙境傳說ONLINE。
We have already discussed a couple of the upcoming game systems during our
extralife live stream.
我們經已在extralife live stream(蛤?)中討論諸多相關的遊戲系統設定。
Pet Evolution System
-The pet system is getting a major overhaul. It is now possible to have pets
evolve into more advance forms over time. In addition, pet loyalty bonuses
will no longer be an all-or-nothing prospect. Instead, pets will begin giving
greater bonuses as they become more loyal to you.
Homunculus Renewal Update
-Alchemists are receiving an important update to their own unique adventuring
companions. Homunculi will now gain experience based on when it’s master
gains experience, no longer will users be penalized for taking their
homunculus out on an adventure. In addition, the homunculus auto feed system
will be implemented so your companion will never again run away due to a lack
of food (Owner must have food to auto feed. If you don’t have food it will
still run away. Feed your pets please.)
In addition to these updates, over the next few weeks we will be showcasing
additional changes to the new service:
An antibotting/cheating system that has been tried, tested, and working on
other RO servers.
Refine UI Update
Daily Login Reward System
Inventory Capacity Display Update
Vending System Update
Memorial Dungeon System Renewal
Item Based VIP System
Navigation System Update
Rodex Search Feature
VIP系統新物品(? 不確定
There has been some speculation that this new service will be a copy of
Ragnarok: Zero, but we want to be clear that this is not a 1 to 1 conversion
of Ragnarok: Zero for international release. For months we have had
discussions and meetings with the studio and development team, to bring more
refined Ragnarok Experience to our users. RT is an improvement on the
Ragnarok Zero Server with its own unique settings, balance, and content.
有一些猜測認為本服務(RT)是從複製自Ragnarok: Zero,但我們清楚表示這並不是完全
從Ragnarok: Zero轉化到RT,我們經已和工作室及開發團隊討論及會面多個月,希望帶
給玩家更多更好的RO體驗,RT是從Ragnarok Zero之上加本土化的獨有設定,平衡和內容。
RT will also have its own iRO exclusive systems/dungeons including.
Elemental enchanted weapons dropping from monsters.
Unique equipment dropped from special dungeons.
New achievements and rewards for completing them.
Special storyline quests unique to the RT servers.
Increased healing power for Acolytes/Priests
World drop events
Second Classes and Max Level 99/50 to start.
Please keep an eye on us over the coming weeks as we share more details
regarding the server and our plans for the future.
IRO的起源 會活得比我們的久嗎
要整編翻譯通暢比我想像的難好多 果然要多看書 _(:3 」∠ )_

All Comments

By Valerie
at 2019-11-17T20:57
at 2019-11-17T20:57

By Jake
at 2019-11-21T00:47
at 2019-11-21T00:47

By Frederica
at 2019-11-22T20:24
at 2019-11-22T20:24

By David
at 2019-11-25T07:13
at 2019-11-25T07:13

By Oliver
at 2019-11-25T16:19
at 2019-11-25T16:19

By Suhail Hany
at 2019-11-27T04:34
at 2019-11-27T04:34

By Barb Cronin
at 2019-11-29T10:38
at 2019-11-29T10:38

By Bennie
at 2019-11-30T23:18
at 2019-11-30T23:18

By Edith
at 2019-12-04T00:55
at 2019-12-04T00:55

By Una
at 2019-12-05T07:18
at 2019-12-05T07:18

By William
at 2019-12-08T02:06
at 2019-12-08T02:06

By Gary
at 2019-12-10T16:38
at 2019-12-10T16:38
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