higan v092.10 - 模擬器

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2013-07-30T10:45

Table of Contents

沉寂了好段時間( ′-`)y-~

I'm posting higan v092.10 as a beta release.

This release adds multi-pass shaders, SNES hires blending improvements, OS X
Lion support, and more. Most importantly, after polling on the issue on my
forum, popular opinion was to default to the most optimal video/audio
drivers, rather than the safest. Notably, this means you'll need official
video card drivers for OpenGL 3.2 support. By defaulting to OpenGL across the
board, we can treat video shaders as ubiquitous. However, it's sure to not
work on some systems. If you have trouble with video or audio, be sure to go
to Settings->Configuration->Advanced, change the drivers, and restart the

I'd like for v093 to be a solid release out of the door, but a lot has
changed. So if you could all please test this release as thoroughly as
possible, and report any bugs on my forum, it would be greatly appreciated.

Included is the source, and Windows 64-bit binaries. If you need binaries for
Windows 32-bit, OS X, or Linux, you'll need to compile the source yourself,



All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-08-03T17:18
還在用bsnes 088 新UI實在太麻煩 存檔又不好整理
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-08-06T05:49
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-08-08T11:41
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-08-13T07:17
我只覺得 為什麼要把記錄檔搞的那麼麻煩 還又另存一個ROM
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2013-08-17T13:10
舊版的UI雖然稱不上好用 至少很簡潔 感覺是應該它做太雜了
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-08-17T17:11
模擬太多種主機 導致弄成這種管理風格 個人是不太能接受
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-08-19T08:05
bsnes一直標榜模擬的原汁原味 但反而多了個UI妨礙XD
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-08-24T02:05
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2013-08-28T18:09
這目錄裡有rom、save、特殊晶片等等 這樣包起來
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-08-31T09:07
每個人的整理習慣不同 對作者來說 他覺得這樣是他理想的UI
George avatar
By George
at 2013-09-01T13:31
使用者只能選擇接受 換別套 用舊版 3擇而已
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-09-04T00:40
除了特殊晶片會用他,其他基本上還是zsnes snes9x (省電)


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-07-29T22:29
※ 引述《st1nger (刺魚)》之銘言: : 最近順著風潮把槍彈一給破了 : 想說用原文挑戰槍彈二 : 結果用ppsspp 0.8.1-546不能調查 : 在之前的文章有查到說一代把 : FramebuffersToMem : FramebuffersCPUConvert : 這兩項改成ture就可以調 ...

(Android) Genymotion v1.1.0 (ehemals A

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-07-29T17:45
※ 引述《conpo (棒茄子素手絵事)》之銘言: : 2013.07.26 : 新規參戰! : Genymotion is a new Android emulator for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. : 下載、官方:http://www.genymot ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-07-29T17:19
又要來麻煩各位大大了atat 平台是gba,一個動作過關遊戲, 可以操作一隻馬還是噴火龍的生物, 可以噴火攻擊敵人,敵人會被燒焦, 路上能跟一些動物對話, 能進入房間玩很多小遊戲, 印象比較深刻是走出城堡還要連打按鍵才能開啟城門, 畫面很漂亮,大概就這樣.. 因為朋友的記憶很片面, 所以線索不是很多,先謝謝 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-07-29T16:13
之前都是用jcpsp在玩遊戲 最近想玩槍彈辯駁,爬了一下文好像大家都說ppsspp跑起來比較順 我就抓下來試試了,的確感覺有比較順,但我一直只能用滑鼠點按鈕 覺得控制起來很彆扭,但是我控制的地方不知道怎調 找了optionandgt;control 他跳出這個畫面 http://i.imgur.com ...

Soywiz's Psp Emulator (2013/07/28)

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-07-28T22:50
http://pspemu.soywiz.com/2013/07/release-soywizs-psp-emulator-2013-07-28.html Soywiz's Psp Emulator (2013/07/28) (r525) is compiled. Soywiz's Psp Emulator ...