harddrop討論全消perfect clear - 俄羅斯方塊

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-08-09T08:50

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俄羅斯方塊討論全消(perfect clear)技巧引述自www.harddrop.com的會員

*引述自Harddrop的Xenoslah(quoted from Xenoslash from Harddrop)

DO NOT TRY with 3, 2 or 1 blocks. "

I might have misunderstood this statement , but I thought it's impossible to have an odd number of blocks in the matrix?

-To build, multiples of 4, lines clears, multiple of 10, so always even number of blocks in the matrix.

"Also, it is impossible to get 1, 3, 5, etc., cells left on the board."

I was wondering why raven would state that it's impossible to get a pc with 1,3,5 cells when it's impossible to get an odd number of cells. (you stack + multiples of 4. Clear lines. multiples of 10)

"he meant minos. like what makes up a tetromino."

mino = the cells question mark is talking about?
And I accidentally clicked report questionmark lol. Sorry!

Oh, and like what questionmark said. I am talking about practice mode. So no weird garbage and stuff.


"Not only is it possible to get a PC with 2 remaining cells...it's necessary to use an odd number of line clears to do so, no matter how many line clears it takes to get the PC from there."

2 cells + 4 * number of pieces = 10 * n .

1 + 2p = 5n

If n is even. 10(n/2) = 1+2p

n/2 = (1+2p)/ 10 = 0.1 + p/5 no integer value for p exists to make n/2 an integer. Hence, n cannot be even

if n is odd, let n = (k-1)/2

1+2p = 5/2(k-1)

5k-5 = 2+4p

5k = 7 + 4p

k = (7+4p)/5

p = 2, 7, 12 , etc

p = 2 + 5C, where C is an integer >= 0

Hence. You need 2 + 5C pieces to get the odd number of lines clears to get PC.



All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-08-11T01:56
哪招= =
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-08-14T05:39
目前為止還沒看懂= =
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-08-15T12:24
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-08-19T08:29
英文我懶得弄懂就給大家看看了 @@
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-08-21T11:15
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-08-23T17:36
這篇主要在說 "當畫面裡原本有兩個小方塊時,
John avatar
By John
at 2011-08-25T07:56
則一定要疊到奇數行才能Perfect Clear"
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-08-27T02:10
因為每個方塊是4格 每列10格 原本已有2格的話
要剛好全消要1列 2+2*4=10 或3列 2+7*4=30

ST stacking 的困境

David avatar
By David
at 2011-08-08T18:08
最近常玩ST stacking,因為還不熟練,所以遇到不順的方塊順序都會想很久, 常思考怎樣排才能回到T-spin循環,因而想到了這個題目。 下面題目是ST stacking的形狀,不會ST stacking也能解答,不過至少要懂T-spin。 狀況:地形如圖(Page Down),HOLD方塊為Z, ...

Tetris on facebook

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-08-08T01:20
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FB的tetirs battle影片有時貼出不能?

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-08-07T21:28
問題地點:facebook 說明: 我有一台桌機一台筆電,一台放宿舍一台放老家, 用桌機玩的時候,開IE有時PO對戰影片會不能看, 就是PO出後點了會出現and#34;this replay doesnand#39;t exist or deletedand#34; 用chrome就沒這個問題了; 我在家 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-08-07T20:56
遊戲畫面是10寬 x 20高 有七種方塊,體積都是4單位,經過旋轉可以滿足所有4單位的組合可能 習慣上把七種方塊各用一個字母代表 1.I方塊 ▓▓▓▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ 可以達到單次最有效率的消行 2.L方塊 ▓ ▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▓▓ 3.J方塊 ...

FB tetris battle的炸彈

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-08-07T15:01
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