Hardcade v1.9.2 - 模擬器

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-09-26T23:01

Table of Contents


Hardcade v1.9.2 is released. Hardcade is a Frontend multi-arcade emulator for
PC with built-in Windows or just Windows PC, it supports the systems of
arcade games and game consoles. It allows you to hide windows and have a
single interface to play your arcade games and consoles favorites. It is
controlled entirely with the joystick or keyboard.

The advantages of Hardcade:
- Less than 4 MB, quick and easy installation. Works 100% fullspeed on PCs
with low processor.
- Develop and optimized specifically for each supported emulators!
- Supports emulators that launch from the command line but also those who do
not support command line. Supports emulators like bsnes, Snes9x, Project 64,
1964 ...
- Configure and add multiple emulators with the same name in same or
different versions: Mame32-62-92 Mame32, Mame32-145.
- Supports all resolutions with the option "Switch to full screen resolution"
in 15, 24 and 31khz.
- Launch of all emulators full screen (Fullscreen) even emulators that do not
launch command line.
- Supports games on vertical screens with two modes of rotation of the
frontend to the left or right.
- Supports all systems Arcade Mame, CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, Sega System 16, Sega
System 32 and Super Nintendo consoles, Nintendo NES, Nintendo 64, Sega Master
System, Sega Genesis, Sega 32X, Sega CD.
- Currently supports emulators Mame32, Mame, ADVMAME, WinKawaks, Final Burn
Alpha, Raine, Nebula, Nestopia, Virtuanes, 1964 N64, N64 Project 64, Kega
Fusion, Gens Sega, Zsnes, bsnes, Snes9x (other emulators will soon supported)
- Configuration of emulators and roms lists very easy.

Hardcade v1.9.2 Changelog:
- Bug fix dans Hardcade.exe lorsque le nom de l'executable de l'emulateur
comportait un espace l'émulateur ne se lançait pas.
- Rajout du mode de résolution Arcade TV 640x288 à choisir dans le menu
"resolution mode fullscreen".
- Correction de quelques bug mineurs.


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By Frederic
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