GameEx v10.49 - 模擬器

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-04-02T17:04

Table of Contents

GameEx v10.49 is released.GameEx is a graphical DirectX based front-end for
MAME, Zinc, Daphne, PC Games, and all command line based game emulators,
along with being a good Home Theatre PC solution. It also makes a good CarPC
and touchscreen frontend. The original goal was for it to be used on Windows
XP Media Center and Arcade Cabinets although it will run on any version of
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and Vista.For just $25 (USD) you can too unlock the
full potential of the front end.

GameEx v10.49 Changelog:
.net framework 2 service pack 1 is the minimum required framework for GameEx
since the projet was upgraded to visual studio 2008 and the installer has
been updated to detect and install this. Id also like to point out that
windows 98 and ME are no longer supported. I would have personally supported
them still, but the development tools I am using do not allow me to. The
minimum supported OS is 2000 SP4 and XP SP 2. Its been this way for a few
releases but I had not pointed it out. In addition HTML applications are
fixed on windows XP, and favorites now also feature the random preview videos.
In other news - in partnershup with Micosoft I have purchased compenents used
in Windows Media Center and full TV support is on the way.


All Comments


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-04-02T13:40
吞食天地二赤壁之戰 大部分都是在討論正常版的 主機藍火版的似乎很少人在討論 接招摔技判定 藍火版真的是一個爽GAME 魏延抓住次兩下+空摔+兩段腳刀就ㄧ條血了 而且幾乎各種體型的敵人都適用 關羽也差不多但是千金墜的硬直時間太大 趙雲張飛就根本不知道怎玩了 空摔判定好難掌握 - ...

AJG's Mameography WIP

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-04-02T11:55
Slowin it down. Last release cycle I changed the lighting from a lame additive model to a more reasonable one. It seems like I might have even gotten the ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-04-02T07:01
這是用NDS的FC模擬器做出來的小產物 剛好前幾天在老遊戲版看到有人求 心癢 就來弄這個 而我收藏的是原版的 玩NDS 當然要爽快一點 所以找修改過的 ybghzqe 簡要說明 點擊下螢幕 可改變 A B 對應鈕 按R加速 L倒轉 (好像可以配合SL ...

前陣子破的PCE-SG GAME--雷霆風雲

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-04-02T02:18
PCE-SG這個PCE末期出的加強版主機只出了五款專用遊戲就BYE BYE了, 這裡面有四款托朋友的福(因為他有買這台XD), 都玩過實機, 但唯一一款 沒玩到的就是本作オルディネス(Aldynes), 台灣叫雷霆風雲. 不過說前陣 子破的其實也有半年以上了吧, 之前大多介紹FC跟AC的, PCE的有破 ...

Makaron WIP (2010/03/31)

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-04-02T01:52
Iand#39;ve been quietly preparing a little surprise. Canand#39;t promise much yet but there has been a good progress lately so Iand#39;ve decided to show s ...