AJG's Mameography WIP - 模擬器

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-04-02T11:55

Table of Contents

Slowin it down.

Last release cycle I changed the lighting from a lame additive model to a
more reasonable one. It seems like I might have even gotten the intensity

I've also been playing around with a debug menu in Roads Edge. It doesn't
really do much, but it does highlight the fact that the hng64's 3d subsystem
is in a delicate state. As soon as I popped up the debug menu, the video
timing changed ever so slightly, making all of the cars' colors correct. This
is kind of annoying, since it means the color problem I was attempting to
track down isn't a color problem at all; it's likely a display list / missing
geometry problem. I'm also guessing a number of other problems are related to
this same missing geometry issue.

I've begun the task of fixing the missing geometry a couple of times. This
requires tracing the MIPS code and various things other MAMEDev are way
better at than me. Each of my attempts have resulted in mild disillusionment
due to a lack of time and expertise. Unfortunately this means things have
slowed down considerably.

It's not like all hope is lost (especially if I can convince convince a
MAMEDev who's smarter than me to figure out what's going on :-), but progress
is certainly going to be stymied for a good chunk of time. So it goes.

There are still plenty of 2d things left unimplemented that I can mess with
to maintain my sanity :-)!



All Comments


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-04-02T07:01
這是用NDS的FC模擬器做出來的小產物 剛好前幾天在老遊戲版看到有人求 心癢 就來弄這個 而我收藏的是原版的 玩NDS 當然要爽快一點 所以找修改過的 ybghzqe 簡要說明 點擊下螢幕 可改變 A B 對應鈕 按R加速 L倒轉 (好像可以配合SL ...

前陣子破的PCE-SG GAME--雷霆風雲

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-04-02T02:18
PCE-SG這個PCE末期出的加強版主機只出了五款專用遊戲就BYE BYE了, 這裡面有四款托朋友的福(因為他有買這台XD), 都玩過實機, 但唯一一款 沒玩到的就是本作オルディネス(Aldynes), 台灣叫雷霆風雲. 不過說前陣 子破的其實也有半年以上了吧, 之前大多介紹FC跟AC的, PCE的有破 ...

Makaron WIP (2010/03/31)

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-04-02T01:52
Iand#39;ve been quietly preparing a little surprise. Canand#39;t promise much yet but there has been a good progress lately so Iand#39;ve decided to show s ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-04-02T01:34
想要有大台感覺的話 其實有很多方法可以達成 第一種是屬於比較財的人專用的 就是透過板子跟c盒的組合來完成 這種方式不需要筐體只要有c盒跟板子搭配一個接能AV的螢幕就可以了 不過比較適合財財使用畢竟板子不便宜 經典遊戲的板子更是會讓你望之卻步 有的甚至有錢也買不到 第二種方是就是透過電腦搭配模擬器來使用 既 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-04-02T00:24
※ 引述《AceCash (阿信)》之銘言: : 國小的時候玩的吧 : 主角跟瑪莉長的很像 : 可以縮成一個球 : 要縮成球才可以打死敵人 : 還有敲磚塊也要變成球才行 : (但是絕對不是像音速小子那樣還有加速之類的) : 然後好像不知道吃了什麼東西就會變小一號 : 變小之後就可以直接攀牆跳 : 其實大隻的也 ...