(FC/SFC/GB) Pasofami v2.39 - 模擬器

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-03-22T20:12

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Pasofami a japanese NES, SNES And GameBoy emulator.

Pasofami Changelog:

"SF memory cassette rewrite" function

The renewal service of the SF memory cassette which had already been done by
Lawson etc. has been terminated, but in recent years SF memory cassette
popularity came out

It is circulating in the auction.

However, the rewriting function has a lot of troublesome work, and the free
software that is made seems to be bad in quality and troublesome.

This software does not take any trouble at all, it ends in high quality in a
short time.

Even writing 8 titles in full in in1, the writing time will end in 10 minutes
with (drag & drop) of SMC or SFC file only.

In addition, you can use various mandatory functions in menu options.





All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-03-25T10:12

Gaming Historian-2018/03/21更新

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-03-21T22:33
Pac-Man Frog https://youtu.be/2OdldW25omo Little Samson(聖鈴傳說) https://youtu.be/2o2EEOw8vFo Sega Game Gear https://youtu.be/q1C57a8w3PE - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-03-20T21:09
負けるな 魔剣道 https://imgur.com/WxNwSAS.jpg https://imgur.com/ZVPi3Jn.jpg https://imgur.com/ck5bOmc.jpg https://imgur.com/E0mzCIY.jpg 本作是1993年DATAM POLYSTAR發售 ...

淘金者(Lode Runner」

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2018-03-20T10:01
這個小時候沒全破也不太會玩,以前只喜歡玩ACT/STG/FTG,現在來攻略一下。 同樣50關所以篇幅有點長。 原文:ロードランナー 英文:Lode Runner 中文:淘金者 https://i.imgur.com/ZTyRxo3.jpg ═══════════════════════════════════ ...

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2018-03-18T23:17
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