FB Alpha Release - 模擬器

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2008-08-02T13:28

Table of Contents


-Burner (interface) changes
*Added board type, genre and family filters to the game selection dialog
-*Updated all drivers with the new flags
-*Amended the relevant dialogs to display the new genre and family information
-*Added the genre and family flags to the -listextrainfo output
*Added gamelist localisation functionality
-*It works in much the same way as the UI localisation, beware though, that if
you have a large file it can take some time to start the program, try and
keep the file small and with only the titles you want to translate
-*Maximum titles to translate is currently set at 5000
-*The advantage of doing it this way is that the whole program benefits from
translated titles, not just certain parts and the speed hit is only felt once
rather than every time a title is retrieved
Obviously this only works with UNICODE builds
*Fixed some issues with clicking behind some dialog boxes
*Fixed a problem with the config file, allowing multi-byte paths to be
*Double clicking on cheats in the dialog now selects the next option, thanks
to sho
*Changed the menu in the game selection dialog to a basic menu
*Increased the width of the info boxes in the game selection dialog to use all
available space (and not crop text unnecessarily)
-Burn (emulation) changes
*Hooked up the SN76496's in Van-Van Car
*Finished up sf2m13 thanks to a small patch posted by iq_132 years ago
*Added various homebrew games and demos (can be filtered out if you don't want
to see them)
*Added various decrypted C sets to the Neo Geo driver (can be filtered out if
you don't want to see them)
*Fixed a rom size issue in 8ballact


All Comments

Dolphin SVN R125

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-08-02T13:20
Dolphin SVN r125 http://www.nyleveia.com/daco/ Wii模擬加入? ※ 引述《conpo (小小岩男要回家)》之銘言: : 2008.07.25 : r74 Linux: Fixed a bug in SplitPath which made the ...

Audio Overload v2.0

James avatar
By James
at 2008-08-02T13:01
Audio Overload emulates the sound hardware of vintage consoles and computers, allowing you to listen to completely authentic renditions of cl ...

Xe 2.16.0

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-08-02T12:43
08/01/08 Xe updates: - [Xe] new execution core. - [Xe/Linux] Modified joypad analog axis access. - [PC Engine CD-ROM2] Fixed audi ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-08-02T12:01
各位好 在我小時候曾玩過一種四人玩的大型機台遊戲 印象中可選的角色有黃色、藍色、綠色 (另一位忘記了= =) 每一位都拿有不同種類的武器 各有不同的攻擊方式 印象比較深的是穿黃色衣服的黑人 射出去的子彈像是榴彈,是拋物線的 他的殺傷力最大 其它像藍色、綠色的人物所發射的子彈軌跡都不一樣 記得那時候我是選 ...

看板人物 (功夫)

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-08-01T20:23
這款好像是翻成「功夫」,但也有看過叫「李小龍」的 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=ID0r8dsC00s 之前發過的這個改造遊戲畫面 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=hQtVaQ93JDY 有日本人用遊戲中的音樂配上 rap 詞,於是有 ...