Dolphin SVN R125 - 模擬器

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-08-02T13:20

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Dolphin SVN r125


※ 引述《conpo (小小岩男要回家)》之銘言:
: 2008.07.25
: r74 Linux: Fixed a bug in SplitPath which made the extension
: have no period. Fixes Memory cards and other checks.
: wxWidgets base has a nice cross-platform function for this ;)
: r75 Created wiki page through web user interface.
: r76 finished dialogs for memory checks and breakpoints
: r77 Minor linux fixes
: r78 Minor linux fixes - part 2
: r79 improved debugger - some meaningful icons would be nice :)
: r80 Linux: Fixed GUI bugs that only showed up in Linux
: r81 Minor update: Added the default Dolphin.ini.
: r82 minor improvements (mostly debugger)
: r83 crash fix for debugger in release mode
: r84 Edited wiki page through web user interface.
: ______________________________________________________________________________
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Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-08-02T12:01
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By Audriana
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