GameKnight v0.3 - 模擬器

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-08-01T20:12

Table of Contents

A new version of the Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator GameKnight has been

For the 0.3 release the project as been further split up and all platform
specific code(like System.Drawing) have been removed from the emulation code.
It is also now up to the interface to load and save files, this allows the
author to use a file system they prefer. Save states have been removed and
should be reimplemented in next update. The drawing code has been optimized
and there is now a frame-skipping option to help people creating ports on
slower systems.

There is currently a port for the Zune being made, progress and
binaries/source code can be found in this thread:

If you have problems running the Win32 interface,, try updating DirectX and
make sure you have at least .NET 2.0 installed.


All Comments


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-08-01T20:05
SDLMAME v0.126u3 MAMEUIFX32 v0.126u3 MAME v0.126u3 http://www.mamedev ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-08-01T18:55
X1:(2個問題) 1.這個不知道是不是rom的問題,就是在過了序關之後的8頭目,常常在過關之後 又會跑回到序關(武器裝備愛心都還在),我試過好幾個rom都是這樣,是rom的 問題嗎? 2.老鷹關有一個E罐,在第一個會上升的砲台上面的玻璃裡,這一點應該沒錯吧. 可是我試過SFC版的那裡就是沒有, ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-08-01T15:19
最近找到一個DC的模擬器 叫and#34;nullDC_100b1_6and#34; 爬文的時候有位大大分享操作方式 看他裡面的模擬器竟然是中文的 atata 想先請問在哪邊才能載到中文的模擬器... (找了好多載點好像都掛了..) 還有 不久找到一款遊戲and#34;EGGand#34;(中文好像叫an ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2008-08-01T14:22
我現在已經破到第四輪了 每次都是超人頒完獎盃就又從英國隊開始打 破到後面每個小兵都要打好多顆閃電球才會掛 這遊戲是不是沒完沒了啊? - ...

ClrMamePro v3.116c

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2008-08-01T13:34
2008.08.01 3.116c - fixed: 7z/rar add files was broken for filenames with spaces in 3.116b 3.116b - misc: nodump/gooddump clashes withi ...