fake86- - 模擬器

William avatar
By William
at 2012-09-20T23:10

Table of Contents


Fake86 is a portable, open-source 8086/80186 PC emulator written from the
ground up in C. Although the CPU engine is a pure interpreter it is still
capable of reasonably fast execution. Even on an old 400 MHz Pentium 2, it
can achieve emulation rates of around 2 million instructions per second on
average. On modern systems, it can reach rates of 50 million emulated
instructions/sec and beyond.

Fake86 began in 2010 as just a project that I intended to use to familiarize
myself with 8086 assembly, it's binary instruction encoding format, as well
learn the low-level details of the support chipset in an XT-style computer. A
main goal is keeping the source as simple as reasonably possible to
understand and modify. Soon the project began to expand beyond the basics to
include extras like audio hardware emulation, ethernet emulation, etc.

The entire project's code base currently weighs in at comfortably under 8,500
lines of code, including blank lines and comments.

- Fixed bug from v0.12.9.16 where the call to createscalemap() in the
VideoThread() function was placed before the mutex lock, sometimes causing
crashes when Fake86 first loads. (due to an uninitialized pointer)

- Fixed bug in imagegen that made it crash on some Windows systems.


All Comments


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-09-20T21:35
今天剛開始玩夢幻系列 想請問有關於人物的復活問題 要在哪邊復活呢? 還是說跟FE一樣 死掉的人物是不能復活的? -- 次に俺かベンチに座るのは来月、社子島のベンチだ!! 絶対に勝とう!!勝ってみんなと一緒に社子島に行こう!!         ...

The COP Diary #2

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-09-20T15:43
http://mamedev.emulab.it/kale/?p=1746 懶得列截圖連結自己開網頁看吧 順利的話年底前應該就能玩到雷電2/零組/格鬥貴族惹 #5/6 Raster A/B test This test checked if the scrolling registers applie ...


James avatar
By James
at 2012-09-19T17:57
我有問題(._.)/ http://ppt.cc/IhaQ 第5話有提到街頭快打(Final Fight)的一個秘技, 就是在打破桶子或汽油桶之類的東西的同時, 以0.033秒將搖桿轉往不同方向的話,就一定會拿到高分道具, 可是我試了半天就是不行,請問這個秘技是真的嗎?? 其實這不是大叔漫畫, 連我這 ...

MD 太陽碼頭(Pier Solar)懶人快速攻略

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-09-19T16:47
網誌圖文好讀版: http://0rz.tw/gLyyy 終於破關了,遊戲時間花了大概26個小時,前前後後、斷斷續續玩了快一個月。中間有 一度曾經想放棄,主要是因為卡關跟惱人的bug,但中途放棄實在不是我的行事作風。 所以還是開著底力把它給玩完了。看了一些國外玩家的評論跟分析後,我發現自己並不是 所有要素 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-09-19T12:41
本篇開始寫攻略,這次雖然一邊玩《女神異聞錄惡魔求生者》一邊寫, 但因為系統差滿多的,就不會像一代那樣兩邊搞混亂了XDDD 因為一代有寫過操作的詳細內容,二代就只寫差異。 但由於有些都是隨進度才會逐漸開放使用,所以就融入攻略文慢慢說明吧。 本篇先從魔法、特技跟種族概念談起。 ══════════════════ ...