Enslaved幻想西遊記 劇情攻略 第十二章 - PS

By Liam
at 2010-11-06T18:27
at 2010-11-06T18:27
Table of Contents
同樣的 小弟的劇情翻譯基本上會盡量以中文文法呈獻
有部分內容因為"中文不會這樣說" 而不會對原文直接翻譯
對話: 原文 猴哥 小崔 老豬 系統 路人
非對話: 劇情動作 特別注意事項 攻略/路線提示 小弟迷之聲 獎盃
Chapter 12: The Dam
第十二章: 水壩
500 miles later...
P: According to my calculation, we've traveled twelve hundred miles.
老豬: 根據我的計算,我們已經飛了1200哩了。
T: I hope we get there soon.
小崔: 希望我們就快到了。
P: They're losing altutide. Looks like they're coming in to land!
老豬: 他們在降低高度了。看來它們準備要降落了。
M: Hey Pigsy... Pigsy... Don't they have security down there?
猴哥: 喂八戒...八戒... 你不覺得他們在下面有設安全部門嗎?
R: Unidentified flying craft, why are you approaching our airspace?
We have no landing copies for your vessel. Unidentified craft,
do you copy? Come in immediately.
電台: 不明飛行器,為何抵達本區領空? 本台沒有收到貴台的著陸許可。
不明飛行器,是否抄收? 請立刻入網。
P: Yeah, yeah I copy.
老豬: 對,對我抄收了。
R: Unidentified craft, why are you on the landing trajectory?
電台: 不明飛行器,為何貴台在著陸軌道上。
P: We... We ran into a problem. Erm... Some... Some turbulence!
老豬: 我們...我們遇到了麻煩。呃...一些...一些亂流!
R: Turbulence?
電台: 亂流?
P: Err... yes, sir!
老豬: 呃...是的!
R: We have no reports of any turbulence and we have a report that salvage
ships have been shadowed by an unidentified craft fitting your description.
電台: 本台並未收到亂流報告,另外據報與貴台敘述相符之不明飛行物於援助船
P: Really? Well. How unusual! I certainly don't know anything about that.
老豬: 真的嗎? 嗯。這太奇怪了! 我完全不知到有這麼回事。
R: Unidentified craft, please transmit your landing codes.
電台: 不明飛行物,請發送貴台之著陸代碼。
P: Landing codes?!
老豬: 著陸代碼?!
R: Affirmative, transmit your landing codes or we will be forced to
assume your ship is hostile and we will open fire.
電台: 是的,發送貴台之著陸代碼,否則本台將強制認定貴台具有敵意而開火防禦。
P: Copy, err just a minute! Well, errm... my landing codes are...
errm... One.
老豬: 抄收,呃等一下下! 嗯,呃... 我的著陸代碼是...呃... 么。
R: One?
電台: 么?
P: Yes.
老豬: 對。
R: One what?
電台: 么什麼?
P: 2? Hey, I think it worked!
老豬: 兩? 喂,我想這管用耶!
T: Are you coming?
小崔: 你要來嗎?
P: Yeah.
老豬: 當然。
T: No.
小崔: 不。(真的很擠XDDD)
P: Well... This is intimate!
老豬: 嗯... 這還真是親密!
M: Yeah. At least I get to be on the inside this time huh?
猴哥: 是啊。至少這時候我也在這裡面呢?
P: Monkey, would you mind shifting your left arm slightly?
老豬: 蒙基,你介意稍微移動一下你的左手嗎?
M: I don't really see how I can.
猴哥: 我不覺得我有辦法動耶。
P: It's just your hand is... Right on my... Penis.
老豬: 因為你的手...剛好在我的...老二上。
水壩旁 通風管中
P: Arghhh! Come on!
老豬: 啊! 用力啊!
T: At least try!
小崔: 你至少出點力啊!
P: I AM trying! Come on, this way!
老豬: 我有出力了! 來吧,走這邊!
P: Aww, that's sore.
老豬: 啊,還真是痛。
M: Hey Pigsy, are you absolutely sure that the "Leviathan" is here?
猴哥: 喂八戒,你百分之百肯定"利維坦"在這裡?
P: Oh yeah, it's here. You wait. It'll be awesome. It's here... somewhere.
老豬: 喔當然,就在這裡。你等著看。他會讓你大吃一驚的。就在這裡...的某處。
P: Oh... My... God. That is some weapon.
老豬: 喔... 天... 啊。這是那個武器?
T: It's THE weapon.
小崔: 這就是那個武器。
P: The Leviathan!
老豬: 利維坦!
T: And we're going to take it, Monkey! But how?
小崔: 蒙基,我們會得到他的! 不過該怎麼做?
M: That's how.
猴哥: 就那樣搞。
P: Great, but where do we find one?
老豬: 好主意,不過哪裡可以生一台出來?
T: Okey, there's console here. I'll see what I can find. According to this,
the subs are in some kind of hangar. It's behind that door.
小崔: 好啦,這裡有個操縱台。我來看看我能找到什麼。根據這操縱台的資料,
T: Okey, go and have a look... I'll stay here on the console.
小崔: 好啦,去看看有什麼發現...我留在這操控它。
P: Bingo!
老豬: 賓果!
T: Okey, let's see... It's on some kind of rail system...
小崔: 那好,我們來看看喔... 潛水艇在某種軌道系統上。
P: Look, the rails lead to that door! That must be the airlock.
We need to get the sub down there and get that door open.
老豬: 瞧,這軌道連到那扇門。那邊應該是壓差隔離室。
T: Okey, I'll highlight the door control panel.
小崔: 了解,我來標一下門的控制面版在哪。
P: No problemo! I have some pretty... wild computer skills.
Leave it all to me...
老豬: 沒問題的啦! 這電腦技術嘛...我也懂一些皮毛。就都交給我吧。
T: Pigsy, what are you doing?
小崔: 八戒,你在幹嗎?
P: Err... I...
老豬: 呃...我...
T: Ohh Monkey! Get him to stop!
小崔: 喔蒙基! 快去阻止他!
S: System Error!
系統: 系統錯誤!
T: He's overloading the power!
小崔: 他在讓電源過載!
S: Overload in hangar five.
系統: 五號機庫過載。
T: Ahhh too late... Great...
小崔: 啊來不及了...還真棒啊...
P: Okey, let's not panic... We'll do it the old fashioned way.
I'll set up some high explosives to blow the doors off.
Monkey, you just get the sub lined up to come through.
老豬: 好啦,不要這麼恐慌... 我們只是用老方法。我會裝幾個強力炸彈
T: Sounds like a plan! I'll see what I can do from the controls up there.
Right... I can apply power and I can choose direction...
...but everything is going to move at the same time.
So Monkey, you need to get it all lined up properly...
小崔: 聽起來可行的樣子! 我來看看從這操縱台能做些什麼...
不錯...我可以供電還能決定移動方向... 不過所有東西都會一起動就是。
M: Okey, apply power.
猴哥: 了解,供電吧。
S: Collision alert!
系統: 碰撞警告!
T: Hmm, the sub is blocked, but hang on... There's a turn table system
on each side of the room... You can use them to turn the cars around.
小崔: 唔,潛水艇被擋住了,不過等等... 這兩邊都有旋轉台系統...
這邊要稍微認一下小崔的指令 因為遊戲沒標好orz
左是後退(朝紅燈方向) 右是前進(朝綠燈方向)
過關的順序: 後退(-->前進-->拿面具1/2-->後退)--->轉左邊車子
T: Great work! You'll need to turn the other platform around though.
There's a catwalk above you.
小崔: 作得太好了! 不過你還是得轉動另一邊的平台。這上面還有小型通道。
然後: 前進-->往右邊跳上去
T: Why do you think Pyramid is building this Leviathan?
小崔: 為什麼你料到金字塔正在造這個利維坦呢?
P: Because it's the ultimate weapon... They'll be able to crush anything
in their way. Which is ironic, considering we are going to use it to
crush them...
老豬: 因為這是個究極兵器...他們就能隨心所欲的破壞任何東西。
最後: 後退--->轉左邊車子-->前進
T: That's it. Well done.
小崔: 就是這樣。搞定。
P: I'm all done too. I'm coming to get you, Trip.
老豬: 我這也好了。崔普,我這就來接你。
T: Okey, we're on the sub. Monkey, get back here.
小崔: 好,我們在潛水艇上了。蒙基,回到這來。
M: Okey.
猴哥: 了解。
M: I can't get up there.
猴哥: 我上不去。
T: You'll have to follow the sub on foot! Stand back! Pigsy's going to
blow the doors.
小崔: 你先跟潛水艇後面走! 後退! 八戒要炸開門了。
T: According to the schematics, we just need to ride this down to
the airlock... then we'll be in the open water.
小崔: 根據設計圖,我們只要坐著他到壓差隔離室... 然後我們就能從那下水了。
P: Sounds easy enough.
老豬: 聽起來很簡單嘛。
T: One thing I've learnd over this journey is. It's never easy.
小崔: 這旅途中我學到了一件事。這些事從來沒容易過。
T: Whoa! There's a lot of mechs down there...
小崔: 哇! 這下面有好多機械...
P: They're onto us! Trip, get that hatch open! We'll be safer inside!
老豬: 他們在瞄準我們了! 崔普,快打開艙門! 我們在裡面比較安全!
T: I'll try. Monkey, that bridge is blocking our way! Get it open!
小崔: 我會盡力的。蒙基,那座橋擋到我們的路! 快打開他!
兩架遠距盾兵 射爆就好XD
路上有震攝彈 電漿彈
T: Monkey, the sub won't move until the bridge is back up!
Get to that console and raise it!
小崔: 蒙基,橋沒升起來之前潛水艇是不會動的! 快去操控台那把他升起來!
M: Okey, okey. I'll take care of it.
猴哥: 知道,知道。我來處理。
先不要去開橋 旁邊有水管可以爬上去撿些科技點
M: Okey Trip, I'm at the console. Ahh, you need to help me out here.
猴哥: 好啦崔普,我在操控台這。啊勒,你得協助我。
T: Just press the blue button.
小崔: 只要按那顆藍色按鈕。
M: It's not working...
猴哥: 他沒反應...
T: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
小崔: 你有試著關機重開嗎?
M: Ahh, hold on a minute... It wasn't actually switched on...
猴哥: 啊勒。等我一下... 這不確定是不是開著的...
T: How are you getting on with that hatch, Pigsy?
小崔: 八戒,你怎麼還在應付艙門?
P: I'm trying.
老豬: 我盡力了。
T: Try harder.
小崔: 再大力點。
P: Wooooaaah!
老豬: 哇哇哇哇!
小崔: 八戒!
M: I'm on my way. Pigsy just... just hang in there!
猴哥: 我來了。八戒你...要撐下去啊!
P: I'm hanging!
老豬: 我在撐了! (譯註1)
這邊要拼速度囉~ 不然老豬就...(默)
這邊有電漿彈 醫療包*2
P: I'm going to get chopped up in the fans! HELP!
老豬: 我快被風扇絞碎了! 救命!
T: Monkey! Monkey, shoot them out!
小崔: 蒙基! 蒙基,快射壞風扇!
P: You gotta save me! HELP!!
老豬: 你得救我啊! 救命!!
這時候會來敵2(電氣1 拳擊1)(爛組合= =)
T: More fans! Take them out!
小崔: 還有電扇! 快打掉它們!
P: Get me outta here!
老豬: 讓我離開這!
T: More ranged mechs. Keep them off us!
小崔: 有機械在遠距攻擊。快讓它們遠離我們!
路上有電漿彈 震攝彈
這邊敵人會有 敵2(盾1 拳擊1) 遠距2(機槍1)
請優先打掉遠距 因為如果他不想射潛艇來射你 基本上是必死orz
後來會有敵援2台(電氣/盾1 拳擊1)
T: I think that's was the last of them...
小崔: 我想那是它們最後一台了...
P: Ahh!! Ahh! Help! Argh, that... that rope's cutting into my leg!
Oh, get me up! Hey! Help! Help! Monkey! Help! Argh, help me!
Monkey, get me up! Help! It's digging into my leg! I'm gonna lose me leg!
Help! Help! Oh no! Help! Ohh! I feel sick! I feel sick! I feel sick!
Ohh! I'm spinning! Please, make it stop! Make it stop! Monkey!
Make it stop! My leg's going numb! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh ahh ahh!
No, I don't wanna die! Don't let me die, don't let me die, Monkey!
老豬: 啊!! 啊! 救命! 啊,那個... 那個繩索要割斷我的腳了!
喔,快扶正我! 喂! 救命! 救命! 蒙基! 救命! 啊,救我啊!
蒙基,快扶正我! 救命! 它陷進我的腳裡啦! 我要失去我的腳啦! 救命! 救命!
喔不! 救命! 喔! 我好想吐! 我好想吐! 我好想吐! 喔! 我在旋轉!
拜託,快停下來! 快停下來! 蒙基! 快停下來! 我的腳沒知覺了! 啊! 啊!
啊! 啊—啊—啊—! 不要,我還不想死啊! 別讓我死,別讓我死啊,蒙基!
T: Okey Monkey, same again on that console. You remember what to do?
小崔: 好了蒙基,再操作一次吧。 你還記得怎麼作吧?
M: Yeah, yeah. Press the blue button right? Nothing happened,
but it is switched on.
猴哥: 知道,知道。按下藍色按鈕對吧? 沒反應, 不過它還開著。
T: Okey, in that case you have to activated the bay five frequency
algorithm... but don't erase the prime interface, or the sub-level
might loop back!
小崔: 那好,這種狀況你要啟動棕色的五頻算法... 但是不能把移除主介面,
M: Err... primary... err...
猴哥: 呃...主要的...呃...
S: Command accepted.
系統: 接受指令。
T: Wow! I'm impressed.
小崔: 哇! 我對你刮目相看。
P: I'm starting to feel weird... lights are dancing in front of my eyes.
They're pretty... my lips are tingling... I think I'm gonna throw up...
Do you think you can throw up when you're upside down? What will happen?
Will I be okey? [Retch]
老豬: 我覺得很不可思議... 我看到光在我眼前跳舞。還真漂亮...
我的嘴唇刺刺的... 我想我快吐了... 你有想過你能在被倒吊的時候吐嗎?
這會怎樣? 我會安然度過嗎? [嘔~~]
T: Monkey, you'd better get out of the way!
小崔: 蒙基,你最好快離開那。
P: No wait... I just swallowed it back. Mmmm, that cheese is really
repeating on me.
老豬: 等等... 我剛把他吞回去了。嗯,我又重複嚐到那塊起司了。
T: Incoming!
小崔: 它們來了!
這邊有敵3(爆炸1 盾2) 遠距2(先前方再左方)
不過潛水艇很硬 先打近戰3台再料理遠距
然後左轉後的右邊牆可爬上去 有科技點 電漿彈 醫療血清
T: More incoming!
小崔: 又來更多了!
敵人是拳擊/盾1 遠距1
這邊有電漿彈 醫療包可以撿
T: Hey! The sub is droping into the water!
小崔: 喂! 潛水艇要下水了!
P: Wait! I can't swin!
老豬: 等等! 我不會游泳!
M: Well, you know what, Pigsy? Now's a really great time to learn.
猴哥: 喔,八戒,你知道嗎? 現在是你學習的大好機會。
本章最後一波敵人 拳擊1 電氣1
會建議直接射爆兩台後 立刻往右邊房間進去 裡面有面具2/2
P: Monkey, you've got to save me! Help me! I think my head's gonna explode.
You're my best friend... I've always liked you... you're like a brother
to me. I think we've formed an incredibly strong body lately.
Don't let me down. You've not going to let me down, are you Monkey?
老豬: 蒙基,你得救我啊! 救命! 我覺得我的頭快爆炸了。你是我最好的朋友...
我真的很喜歡你... 你就像我的哥哥一樣。我想我們最近有鍛鍊出超級強壯的
T: Monkey, jump onto the sub and pull him up.
小崔: 蒙基,快跳上潛水艇然後拉他上來。
P: Heeelp!
老豬: 救—命!
P: Hey Monkey, you just saved my life! I guess that makes us even.
老豬: 喂蒙基,你救了我一命! 我想我們扯平了。
M: Makes us even? Are you serious? Since the moment, we've met,
all you've ever done is... Oh, never mind.
猴哥: 扯平了? 你認真的嗎? 從我遇見你開始,你的所作所為都...喔,別提了。
P: I'm stuck.
老豬: 我卡住了。
M: Shut up and get in.
猴哥: 閉嘴,快點進來。
獲得獎盃: Sub-way
譯註1: 其實這句是雙關 老豬喊的是"我已經被吊著了"
最近在玩光頭王 所以拖到了點時間QQ
再來兩章應該不會搞太久 畢竟後期戰鬥比較多XDDD
同樣的 小弟的劇情翻譯基本上會盡量以中文文法呈獻
有部分內容因為"中文不會這樣說" 而不會對原文直接翻譯
對話: 原文 猴哥 小崔 老豬 系統 路人
非對話: 劇情動作 特別注意事項 攻略/路線提示 小弟迷之聲 獎盃
Chapter 12: The Dam
第十二章: 水壩
500 miles later...
P: According to my calculation, we've traveled twelve hundred miles.
老豬: 根據我的計算,我們已經飛了1200哩了。
T: I hope we get there soon.
小崔: 希望我們就快到了。
P: They're losing altutide. Looks like they're coming in to land!
老豬: 他們在降低高度了。看來它們準備要降落了。
M: Hey Pigsy... Pigsy... Don't they have security down there?
猴哥: 喂八戒...八戒... 你不覺得他們在下面有設安全部門嗎?
R: Unidentified flying craft, why are you approaching our airspace?
We have no landing copies for your vessel. Unidentified craft,
do you copy? Come in immediately.
電台: 不明飛行器,為何抵達本區領空? 本台沒有收到貴台的著陸許可。
不明飛行器,是否抄收? 請立刻入網。
P: Yeah, yeah I copy.
老豬: 對,對我抄收了。
R: Unidentified craft, why are you on the landing trajectory?
電台: 不明飛行器,為何貴台在著陸軌道上。
P: We... We ran into a problem. Erm... Some... Some turbulence!
老豬: 我們...我們遇到了麻煩。呃...一些...一些亂流!
R: Turbulence?
電台: 亂流?
P: Err... yes, sir!
老豬: 呃...是的!
R: We have no reports of any turbulence and we have a report that salvage
ships have been shadowed by an unidentified craft fitting your description.
電台: 本台並未收到亂流報告,另外據報與貴台敘述相符之不明飛行物於援助船
P: Really? Well. How unusual! I certainly don't know anything about that.
老豬: 真的嗎? 嗯。這太奇怪了! 我完全不知到有這麼回事。
R: Unidentified craft, please transmit your landing codes.
電台: 不明飛行物,請發送貴台之著陸代碼。
P: Landing codes?!
老豬: 著陸代碼?!
R: Affirmative, transmit your landing codes or we will be forced to
assume your ship is hostile and we will open fire.
電台: 是的,發送貴台之著陸代碼,否則本台將強制認定貴台具有敵意而開火防禦。
P: Copy, err just a minute! Well, errm... my landing codes are...
errm... One.
老豬: 抄收,呃等一下下! 嗯,呃... 我的著陸代碼是...呃... 么。
R: One?
電台: 么?
P: Yes.
老豬: 對。
R: One what?
電台: 么什麼?
P: 2? Hey, I think it worked!
老豬: 兩? 喂,我想這管用耶!
T: Are you coming?
小崔: 你要來嗎?
P: Yeah.
老豬: 當然。
T: No.
小崔: 不。(真的很擠XDDD)
P: Well... This is intimate!
老豬: 嗯... 這還真是親密!
M: Yeah. At least I get to be on the inside this time huh?
猴哥: 是啊。至少這時候我也在這裡面呢?
P: Monkey, would you mind shifting your left arm slightly?
老豬: 蒙基,你介意稍微移動一下你的左手嗎?
M: I don't really see how I can.
猴哥: 我不覺得我有辦法動耶。
P: It's just your hand is... Right on my... Penis.
老豬: 因為你的手...剛好在我的...老二上。
水壩旁 通風管中
P: Arghhh! Come on!
老豬: 啊! 用力啊!
T: At least try!
小崔: 你至少出點力啊!
P: I AM trying! Come on, this way!
老豬: 我有出力了! 來吧,走這邊!
P: Aww, that's sore.
老豬: 啊,還真是痛。
M: Hey Pigsy, are you absolutely sure that the "Leviathan" is here?
猴哥: 喂八戒,你百分之百肯定"利維坦"在這裡?
P: Oh yeah, it's here. You wait. It'll be awesome. It's here... somewhere.
老豬: 喔當然,就在這裡。你等著看。他會讓你大吃一驚的。就在這裡...的某處。
P: Oh... My... God. That is some weapon.
老豬: 喔... 天... 啊。這是那個武器?
T: It's THE weapon.
小崔: 這就是那個武器。
P: The Leviathan!
老豬: 利維坦!
T: And we're going to take it, Monkey! But how?
小崔: 蒙基,我們會得到他的! 不過該怎麼做?
M: That's how.
猴哥: 就那樣搞。
P: Great, but where do we find one?
老豬: 好主意,不過哪裡可以生一台出來?
T: Okey, there's console here. I'll see what I can find. According to this,
the subs are in some kind of hangar. It's behind that door.
小崔: 好啦,這裡有個操縱台。我來看看我能找到什麼。根據這操縱台的資料,
T: Okey, go and have a look... I'll stay here on the console.
小崔: 好啦,去看看有什麼發現...我留在這操控它。
P: Bingo!
老豬: 賓果!
T: Okey, let's see... It's on some kind of rail system...
小崔: 那好,我們來看看喔... 潛水艇在某種軌道系統上。
P: Look, the rails lead to that door! That must be the airlock.
We need to get the sub down there and get that door open.
老豬: 瞧,這軌道連到那扇門。那邊應該是壓差隔離室。
T: Okey, I'll highlight the door control panel.
小崔: 了解,我來標一下門的控制面版在哪。
P: No problemo! I have some pretty... wild computer skills.
Leave it all to me...
老豬: 沒問題的啦! 這電腦技術嘛...我也懂一些皮毛。就都交給我吧。
T: Pigsy, what are you doing?
小崔: 八戒,你在幹嗎?
P: Err... I...
老豬: 呃...我...
T: Ohh Monkey! Get him to stop!
小崔: 喔蒙基! 快去阻止他!
S: System Error!
系統: 系統錯誤!
T: He's overloading the power!
小崔: 他在讓電源過載!
S: Overload in hangar five.
系統: 五號機庫過載。
T: Ahhh too late... Great...
小崔: 啊來不及了...還真棒啊...
P: Okey, let's not panic... We'll do it the old fashioned way.
I'll set up some high explosives to blow the doors off.
Monkey, you just get the sub lined up to come through.
老豬: 好啦,不要這麼恐慌... 我們只是用老方法。我會裝幾個強力炸彈
T: Sounds like a plan! I'll see what I can do from the controls up there.
Right... I can apply power and I can choose direction...
...but everything is going to move at the same time.
So Monkey, you need to get it all lined up properly...
小崔: 聽起來可行的樣子! 我來看看從這操縱台能做些什麼...
不錯...我可以供電還能決定移動方向... 不過所有東西都會一起動就是。
M: Okey, apply power.
猴哥: 了解,供電吧。
S: Collision alert!
系統: 碰撞警告!
T: Hmm, the sub is blocked, but hang on... There's a turn table system
on each side of the room... You can use them to turn the cars around.
小崔: 唔,潛水艇被擋住了,不過等等... 這兩邊都有旋轉台系統...
這邊要稍微認一下小崔的指令 因為遊戲沒標好orz
左是後退(朝紅燈方向) 右是前進(朝綠燈方向)
過關的順序: 後退(-->前進-->拿面具1/2-->後退)--->轉左邊車子
T: Great work! You'll need to turn the other platform around though.
There's a catwalk above you.
小崔: 作得太好了! 不過你還是得轉動另一邊的平台。這上面還有小型通道。
然後: 前進-->往右邊跳上去
T: Why do you think Pyramid is building this Leviathan?
小崔: 為什麼你料到金字塔正在造這個利維坦呢?
P: Because it's the ultimate weapon... They'll be able to crush anything
in their way. Which is ironic, considering we are going to use it to
crush them...
老豬: 因為這是個究極兵器...他們就能隨心所欲的破壞任何東西。
最後: 後退--->轉左邊車子-->前進
T: That's it. Well done.
小崔: 就是這樣。搞定。
P: I'm all done too. I'm coming to get you, Trip.
老豬: 我這也好了。崔普,我這就來接你。
T: Okey, we're on the sub. Monkey, get back here.
小崔: 好,我們在潛水艇上了。蒙基,回到這來。
M: Okey.
猴哥: 了解。
M: I can't get up there.
猴哥: 我上不去。
T: You'll have to follow the sub on foot! Stand back! Pigsy's going to
blow the doors.
小崔: 你先跟潛水艇後面走! 後退! 八戒要炸開門了。
T: According to the schematics, we just need to ride this down to
the airlock... then we'll be in the open water.
小崔: 根據設計圖,我們只要坐著他到壓差隔離室... 然後我們就能從那下水了。
P: Sounds easy enough.
老豬: 聽起來很簡單嘛。
T: One thing I've learnd over this journey is. It's never easy.
小崔: 這旅途中我學到了一件事。這些事從來沒容易過。
T: Whoa! There's a lot of mechs down there...
小崔: 哇! 這下面有好多機械...
P: They're onto us! Trip, get that hatch open! We'll be safer inside!
老豬: 他們在瞄準我們了! 崔普,快打開艙門! 我們在裡面比較安全!
T: I'll try. Monkey, that bridge is blocking our way! Get it open!
小崔: 我會盡力的。蒙基,那座橋擋到我們的路! 快打開他!
兩架遠距盾兵 射爆就好XD
路上有震攝彈 電漿彈
T: Monkey, the sub won't move until the bridge is back up!
Get to that console and raise it!
小崔: 蒙基,橋沒升起來之前潛水艇是不會動的! 快去操控台那把他升起來!
M: Okey, okey. I'll take care of it.
猴哥: 知道,知道。我來處理。
先不要去開橋 旁邊有水管可以爬上去撿些科技點
M: Okey Trip, I'm at the console. Ahh, you need to help me out here.
猴哥: 好啦崔普,我在操控台這。啊勒,你得協助我。
T: Just press the blue button.
小崔: 只要按那顆藍色按鈕。
M: It's not working...
猴哥: 他沒反應...
T: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
小崔: 你有試著關機重開嗎?
M: Ahh, hold on a minute... It wasn't actually switched on...
猴哥: 啊勒。等我一下... 這不確定是不是開著的...
T: How are you getting on with that hatch, Pigsy?
小崔: 八戒,你怎麼還在應付艙門?
P: I'm trying.
老豬: 我盡力了。
T: Try harder.
小崔: 再大力點。
P: Wooooaaah!
老豬: 哇哇哇哇!
小崔: 八戒!
M: I'm on my way. Pigsy just... just hang in there!
猴哥: 我來了。八戒你...要撐下去啊!
P: I'm hanging!
老豬: 我在撐了! (譯註1)
這邊要拼速度囉~ 不然老豬就...(默)
這邊有電漿彈 醫療包*2
P: I'm going to get chopped up in the fans! HELP!
老豬: 我快被風扇絞碎了! 救命!
T: Monkey! Monkey, shoot them out!
小崔: 蒙基! 蒙基,快射壞風扇!
P: You gotta save me! HELP!!
老豬: 你得救我啊! 救命!!
這時候會來敵2(電氣1 拳擊1)(爛組合= =)
T: More fans! Take them out!
小崔: 還有電扇! 快打掉它們!
P: Get me outta here!
老豬: 讓我離開這!
T: More ranged mechs. Keep them off us!
小崔: 有機械在遠距攻擊。快讓它們遠離我們!
路上有電漿彈 震攝彈
這邊敵人會有 敵2(盾1 拳擊1) 遠距2(機槍1)
請優先打掉遠距 因為如果他不想射潛艇來射你 基本上是必死orz
後來會有敵援2台(電氣/盾1 拳擊1)
T: I think that's was the last of them...
小崔: 我想那是它們最後一台了...
P: Ahh!! Ahh! Help! Argh, that... that rope's cutting into my leg!
Oh, get me up! Hey! Help! Help! Monkey! Help! Argh, help me!
Monkey, get me up! Help! It's digging into my leg! I'm gonna lose me leg!
Help! Help! Oh no! Help! Ohh! I feel sick! I feel sick! I feel sick!
Ohh! I'm spinning! Please, make it stop! Make it stop! Monkey!
Make it stop! My leg's going numb! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh ahh ahh!
No, I don't wanna die! Don't let me die, don't let me die, Monkey!
老豬: 啊!! 啊! 救命! 啊,那個... 那個繩索要割斷我的腳了!
喔,快扶正我! 喂! 救命! 救命! 蒙基! 救命! 啊,救我啊!
蒙基,快扶正我! 救命! 它陷進我的腳裡啦! 我要失去我的腳啦! 救命! 救命!
喔不! 救命! 喔! 我好想吐! 我好想吐! 我好想吐! 喔! 我在旋轉!
拜託,快停下來! 快停下來! 蒙基! 快停下來! 我的腳沒知覺了! 啊! 啊!
啊! 啊—啊—啊—! 不要,我還不想死啊! 別讓我死,別讓我死啊,蒙基!
T: Okey Monkey, same again on that console. You remember what to do?
小崔: 好了蒙基,再操作一次吧。 你還記得怎麼作吧?
M: Yeah, yeah. Press the blue button right? Nothing happened,
but it is switched on.
猴哥: 知道,知道。按下藍色按鈕對吧? 沒反應, 不過它還開著。
T: Okey, in that case you have to activated the bay five frequency
algorithm... but don't erase the prime interface, or the sub-level
might loop back!
小崔: 那好,這種狀況你要啟動棕色的五頻算法... 但是不能把移除主介面,
M: Err... primary... err...
猴哥: 呃...主要的...呃...
S: Command accepted.
系統: 接受指令。
T: Wow! I'm impressed.
小崔: 哇! 我對你刮目相看。
P: I'm starting to feel weird... lights are dancing in front of my eyes.
They're pretty... my lips are tingling... I think I'm gonna throw up...
Do you think you can throw up when you're upside down? What will happen?
Will I be okey? [Retch]
老豬: 我覺得很不可思議... 我看到光在我眼前跳舞。還真漂亮...
我的嘴唇刺刺的... 我想我快吐了... 你有想過你能在被倒吊的時候吐嗎?
這會怎樣? 我會安然度過嗎? [嘔~~]
T: Monkey, you'd better get out of the way!
小崔: 蒙基,你最好快離開那。
P: No wait... I just swallowed it back. Mmmm, that cheese is really
repeating on me.
老豬: 等等... 我剛把他吞回去了。嗯,我又重複嚐到那塊起司了。
T: Incoming!
小崔: 它們來了!
這邊有敵3(爆炸1 盾2) 遠距2(先前方再左方)
不過潛水艇很硬 先打近戰3台再料理遠距
然後左轉後的右邊牆可爬上去 有科技點 電漿彈 醫療血清
T: More incoming!
小崔: 又來更多了!
敵人是拳擊/盾1 遠距1
這邊有電漿彈 醫療包可以撿
T: Hey! The sub is droping into the water!
小崔: 喂! 潛水艇要下水了!
P: Wait! I can't swin!
老豬: 等等! 我不會游泳!
M: Well, you know what, Pigsy? Now's a really great time to learn.
猴哥: 喔,八戒,你知道嗎? 現在是你學習的大好機會。
本章最後一波敵人 拳擊1 電氣1
會建議直接射爆兩台後 立刻往右邊房間進去 裡面有面具2/2
P: Monkey, you've got to save me! Help me! I think my head's gonna explode.
You're my best friend... I've always liked you... you're like a brother
to me. I think we've formed an incredibly strong body lately.
Don't let me down. You've not going to let me down, are you Monkey?
老豬: 蒙基,你得救我啊! 救命! 我覺得我的頭快爆炸了。你是我最好的朋友...
我真的很喜歡你... 你就像我的哥哥一樣。我想我們最近有鍛鍊出超級強壯的
T: Monkey, jump onto the sub and pull him up.
小崔: 蒙基,快跳上潛水艇然後拉他上來。
P: Heeelp!
老豬: 救—命!
P: Hey Monkey, you just saved my life! I guess that makes us even.
老豬: 喂蒙基,你救了我一命! 我想我們扯平了。
M: Makes us even? Are you serious? Since the moment, we've met,
all you've ever done is... Oh, never mind.
猴哥: 扯平了? 你認真的嗎? 從我遇見你開始,你的所作所為都...喔,別提了。
P: I'm stuck.
老豬: 我卡住了。
M: Shut up and get in.
猴哥: 閉嘴,快點進來。
獲得獎盃: Sub-way
譯註1: 其實這句是雙關 老豬喊的是"我已經被吊著了"
最近在玩光頭王 所以拖到了點時間QQ
再來兩章應該不會搞太久 畢竟後期戰鬥比較多XDDD
All Comments

By Valerie
at 2010-11-07T14:25
at 2010-11-07T14:25

By Christine
at 2010-11-08T15:21
at 2010-11-08T15:21

By Linda
at 2010-11-10T16:54
at 2010-11-10T16:54

By Andy
at 2010-11-11T17:13
at 2010-11-11T17:13

By Suhail Hany
at 2010-11-15T00:31
at 2010-11-15T00:31
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