Endless Space Wiki: Heros part8 - Steam

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2014-07-23T19:47

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作者: o07608 (無良記者) 看板: SLG
標題: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Heros part8
時間: Wed Jul 23 19:46:54 2014

今天是Hero List最後一部分,所謂的「少數民族英雄」



Endless Space Wiki 翻譯








Minor Faction Heroes 少數民族英雄

These heroes originate from minor, non-playable factions, rather than one of
the ten dominant, playable factions of Endless Space.

這些英雄來自Endless Space中較小且不可操控的種族。


Deuyivan 督伊馮

Ting Neuil 汀.努伊爾(Virtual Awakening)

勞動力 0
智商 6
星系攻防 0
攻擊力 4
防禦力 5

"As beings that evolved on a Dust-rich gas giant, the culture and society of
the Deuyivan are either incomprehensible or inexplicable. Therefore, to
simplify communication they tend to adopt the names of other sentients that
they meet. Neuil, a mathematical genius who applied his skills to financial
models and game theory, took the name of an Endless leader that he met during
his first trip off his home planet."



Dust Collective 集塵者

Lucrum Yoku 魯可昂.優酷(Disharmony)

勞動力 0
智商 12
星系攻防 1
攻擊力 1
防禦力 1

"The name Lucrum is well known among traders, bankers, and grumpy casino
owners across the galaxy. A genius at probability and statistics, Lucrum was
in the middle of playing five simultaneous hands of high-speed Sophon
blackjack with a six-deck pack when he was struck by a moment of lucidity. In
a brief flash he realized that his long-term exposure to Dust had given him
supra-genius mental capacity, that he would have an incredible future with
the mysterious and covert guild known as the Dust Collective, and that the
strange, secretive woman who he seemed to keep running into was actually
their recruiting agent, waiting for him to realize what was going on. Now a
key figure in the Collective, Lucrum understands the fine boundary where risk
meets reward perhaps better than any other living being. This fact masks
another, more interesting skill: An excellent comprehension of the practical
powers and limits of Dust."



Endless 永恆族

Skuoi Kyryi 思枯歐伊.可爾瑞(Emperor Edition)

勞動力 5
智商 5
星系攻防 0
攻擊力 5
防禦力 5

"Skuoi Kyryi was part of a small community that had created a large, complex
infrastructure across a series of large asteroids. They learned of the Great
Schism and the Dust Wars when an unmanned probe scattered hostile Dust across
their habitat, dissolving the gangways and corridors. As the contents of the
community were forcibly jettisoned into the vacuum of space, Skuoi, who had
been outside repairing antennae and computer infrastructures, watched friends
and family die. Leading a small band of survivors he managed to isolate and
counter-act the Dust invasion, though too late to save enough of the
community to keep it viable. When the emergency mission that took them away
finally reached a safe base, Skuoi was the only one who had not died of
thirst. A pitiless warrior and relentless adversary, the rage that burned
within Skuoi did not die for decades. He became one of the most feared
members of the Concrete defenses, though after numerous assassination
attempts his body was eventually almost completely remade as an android.
Finally burned out and desiring peace and silence, rather than war and
vengeance, Skuoi set himself adrift across the cosmos in cold stasis, living
on memories. It is there that he was discovered; with his cause and his
peoples long dead or gone, Skuoi is content to use his skills in the service
of worthwhile allies."


Kyuind Neuil 秋陰德.努伊爾(Virtual Awakening)

勞動力 7
智商 0
星系攻防 0
攻擊力 4
防禦力 4

Special ability 特殊能力
+5 Industry per population unit on methane 甲烷行星上每個人口+5工業產值
+5 Industry per population unit on helium 氦氣行星上每個人口+5工業產值
+5 Industry per population unit on hydrogen 氫氣行星上每個人口+5工業產值
-10% ship cost on star system 星系船艦花費-10%

"Appointed as the operator of an industrial platform orbiting a gas giant
during the Dust Wars, Neuil's skills at production were greatly appreciated
until the war moved elsewhere, and he was left alone. After spending
millennia maintaining the platform, he was found and expatriated by an
Automaton scientific expedition. Neuil now roams the galaxy, putting his many
years of practical knowledge in industry and warfare to work for his clients."



Oros Gec 歐絡思.蓋刻

Erram Zen Eerbee 艾壬.暹.伊爾比(Lights of Polaris)

勞動力 8
智商 7
星系攻防 0
攻擊力 0
防禦力 0

"Erram was best known for squeezing every last bit of value out of his
operations -- and his employees. Generally hated for his management style if
respected for his wealth, over a 24-hour period Erram underwent a stunning,
180-degree personality change. Rumors based on hearsay refer to Dust-induced
hallucinations pertaining to historical occurrences, present day operations,
and probability distributions of future events. Regardless of the reason,
Erram left his job as head of accounting at the Polaris Workshop and now
travels the galaxy, still famed for his management but also for his



Pirates 海盜

Bosun Jennifer Rach 波桑.詹妮佛.瑞區(Echoes of the Endless)

勞動力 0
智商 7
星系攻防 2
攻擊力 3
防禦力 3

"Rach was part of a pirate team that discovered an Endless research station
-- on a supposedly empty asteroid -- whose systems had been awakened by
Kryv's signal. Unfortunately the station's signature was picked up by a
Sheredyn fleet that immediately moved in and took out Rach's ship. She hid in
the Dust-infested station until an Amoeba mission picked her up; a fortunate
event as the Amoebas tend to try pirates before executing them. Impressed by
her intelligence and reason, Rach was freed and now sells her services across
the galaxy."


Berege Carter 貝瑞區.卡特(Virtual Awakening)

勞動力 0
智商 0
星系攻防 3
攻擊力 8
防禦力 4

"A highly decorated commander in the UEH navy, Carter quit the service in
3536 when she could no longer ignore the Empire's acts of atrocity against
Amoeba civilians. Now a pirate and freelance troublemaker, she is extremely
wealthy and a constant source of trouble for the UEH. Though she seems to be
in it for the money, in fact Carter harbours notions of building a fleet
strong enough to give the Empire what it deserves. If she does not live long
enough to do it, she will pass the task on to her unborn child."



Plocynos 普洛西諾司

Burra Techseeker 卜拉.科研者(Echo of the Endless)

第二名稱:Drra Techseeker 卓阿.科研者
勞動力 6
智商 6
星系攻防 3
攻擊力 0
防禦力 0

"Going by the name of his calling rather than his totally unpronounceable
family name, Techseeker is part of a race of intelligent amphibian omnivores
(Plocynos) inhabiting a swamp world, Codylus III. Driven by a fascination
with mechanics and systems from a young age, contacts with space-faring
species led Techseeker into an unexpected contact with an Endless artifact
that crumbled to Dust as he inspected it. Surviving this exposure, he reveled
in the power and insight that his Dust-enhanced powers gave him. Now a
restless researcher of technology and industry, it should also be noted that
he is very useful to have around during bar fights."



Unknown Race 未知種族

Keldron Bor 凱勒卓.波耳 (Echoes of the Endless)

勞動力 2
智商 2
星系攻防 3
攻擊力 4
防禦力 3

"This hero of an unknown race was found in a gutted ship, drifting in orbit
around an unexplored planet. With the ship apparently destroyed by an ancient
defensive ring of Dust mines that had been reanimated by Kryv's act, only Bor
-- who has yet to remove his or her suit, for unknown reasons -- survived.
While generally silent and dour, slow to speak and quite serious, Bor seems
lively and more energetic in groups, gaining energy from others."


The Broken Lords from Endless Legend (譯註:我不知道這句來幹嘛的)


Virus 病毒

Enil-Nex 8043 愛聶耳-耐克斯 8043(Disharmony)

勞動力 1
智商 1
星系攻防 3
攻擊力 7
防禦力 3

"An escaped viral lab experiment that evolved into a useful member of
galactic society, Enil-Nex’s rise to sentience moderated its drive to
control and consume into a simple desire to survive. Learning that through
cooperation it could gain more than through conflict, Enil-Nex understood
that its defensive skills as a viral entity (mutating forms, reacting to
pathogens, building up resistances, allocating resources) translated
surprisingly well when using Dust, rather than biological life, as a vector
for its actions. Now a Hero skilled in planetary defense, it is well-liked
and -respected (though rarely hugged)."





時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說
地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在立法院議場和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」

~《太陽花全書》 第一章第二節

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-07-24T21:08
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2014-07-29T02:41
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-07-31T13:14
以前有一款愚民化戰略就是這樣玩的啊 XD
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-08-04T14:31
The Broken Lords from Endless Legend > 意思是指是同世
John avatar
By John
at 2014-08-09T00:21
界觀的新作:Endless Legend中的broken lords
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-08-09T22:40

戰地:硬仗 & 闇龍紀元:異端審判延期發售

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2014-07-23T17:32
Battlefield Hardline(戰地風雲:強硬路線/戰地風雲:硬仗/戰地風雲:英雄)宣布延期 發售,原本預計在今年2014年10月21日上市,目前推遲至明年2015年第一季發售,約 在2015年1月至3月間上市。 EA DICE副總裁兼集團總經理Karl Magnus Troedsson表示,為響 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-07-23T16:39
不好意思,想請問在steam內有沒有推薦的沙盒遊戲呢? (本來標題是要問有沒有適合女生的遊戲,但是這樣問應該不太對XDand#34;) 自己是這一年多才開始玩遊戲的, 不過光是Terraria就讓我玩了六百多個小時XDand#34; 希望是能2人以上,或是不用太有時間限制的經營類遊戲 因為希望姐妹 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2014-07-23T16:34
【遊戲名稱】:Sequence 【遊戲類型】:節奏、角色扮演 【遊戲價格】:4.99 鎂 【商店連結】:http://store.steampowered.com/app/200910/ 【推薦指數】: 3 / 5 顆星 【遊戲介紹】: Hi,版上各位朋友大家好,今天要介紹的遊戲Seque ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2014-07-23T15:06
從夏季特賣開始,陸陸續續買了一些遊戲,但是都沒有玩它... 應該說,慾望在我看到遊戲庫裡面有新增該遊戲時就已經被滿足了.... 但是看到遊戲特價跟介紹後,這慾望又出現了,周而復始。 請問該怎麼克服這個難關呢 ? -- 思念,就是從記憶深處傳來的熟悉香味 - ...

想請問一下關於Planet Explorers?

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2014-07-23T12:25
http://store.steampowered.com/app/237870 今天上STEAM看到他正在特價~~ 不過沒有嘗試過這款~~~ 好像有點創世神那種自由創作機具風格加上一些冒險元素 但看板上好像很少人在討論 但我看遊戲評價底下都是正評~~ 負評的好像都是在講之前連線問題~~ 想問的是不知道這款遊 ...