EmuPack 2013 SP1 Development - 模擬器

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2013-05-13T23:02

Table of Contents


EmuPack 2013 Build is released. EmuPack is a collection of
emulators that have been developed by the emulation communities. An emulator
is software that duplicates the functions of the hardware that it is trying
to emulate. Basically emulators make it possible, for example, to play
Nintendo or Playstation games on your computer. EmuPack is an installer
script and frontend that attempts to create an out of box solution for
emulation of multiple consoles and file type associations.

Changes since EmuPack 2013:

- Removed bsnes and replace with Snes9x 1.53 SVN r353 (05-03-2013)

- WinUAE 2.6.0 Beta 20
- Stella 3.9_alpha2 SVN r2733
- DeSmuMe 0.9.10 r4637
- Dolphin 3.5-1337 GIT
- Pcsx2 1.1.0 SVN r5627
- FCEUX 2.2.2 interim SVN r2649
- PCSXR SVN r84398
- DOSBox 0.74 SVN r3829
- rPcS3 SVN r64 (Disassembler)
- AppleWin
- NeoRaine 1.4.1
- XRoar 0.29.5
- VBA-M SVN r1197
- SainT 2.30
- pcejin SVN r211
- WinImage 9.0.9000
- Runtimes
- Visual C++ 2008 SP1 (9.0.30729.7497)
- Visual C++ 2010 SP1 (10.0.40219.436)

- Khronos OpenCL

I'm looking for input regarding the changes that people would like to see.
If you know how to script or code, please critique the installed scripts
There is still something that isn't quite right about the implementation of
EmuPack into the Windows 'Default Programs' dialog.I'm asking for anyone who
knows some InnoSetup scripting and is interested in helping in the
development of EmuPack.


All Comments

Romulus v0.019

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-05-13T22:36
http://romulus.net63.net/ What′s new of 0.019 version ??? - FIRST Release of Community module. At moment you can add to request list and chat with othe ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-05-13T21:01
我發現其實二代劇情還頗長的(玩的時候都沒感覺XDD) 結果其實我可以一篇寫一個武器介紹就好了,不用把篇幅拉那麼長atat ……算了,反正武器介紹,到這篇就結束啦:) ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 火精靈サラマンダー ...

關於Emulator cheat遊戲修改器的問題

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-05-13T15:01
最近下載到了ec修改器,但好像沒支援到md模擬器 我使用的不是gens系列的,而且下載到的md模擬器解壓縮後 跳出一堆中文式亂碼,實在很頭痛.作業環境是win7 我玩的rom是光明與黑暗續戰篇二,大陸譯作光明力量二 我想修改資料可不會,一來我下載到的ec並沒有支援我用的 md模擬器,二來我也不會改模 ...

Dolphin 手把推薦

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-05-13T14:58
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SS快遞男孩(Courier Crisis)

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-05-13T12:20
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