Romulus v0.019 - 模擬器

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-05-13T22:36

Table of Contents

What′s new of 0.019 version ???

- FIRST Release of Community module. At moment you can add to request list
and chat with other connected users.
- ADDED Sharing option by scanner - profiles tab popupmenu.
- ADDED Filters for Offlinelist profiles at Scanner tab.
- ADDED Taskbar special effect feature when mouse is over Romulus bar for
Windows 7 and later users.
- ADDED Automatic exception to integrated Windows Firewall for Windows XP and
later users.
- ADDED to Updater groups Trurip Normal and Super DATs collection.
- CHANGED Automatic detection for empty CRC32 hashes when rebuild files, then
MD5 and SHA1 are checked.
- CHANGED jump to directory option added to scanner - profiles tabs.
- CHANGED jump to directory option now sets the possition in list of selected
- CHANGED full thread of loading profiles, no more slowdowns loading big
- CHANGED Right click menus has 15 seconds of timeout.
- IMPROVED detection of profiles at Updater option based on more profile
information like author or email.
- IMPROVED security code at end of application that kill it if is running a
hard process.
- IMPROVED Speedup hacks when importing, reading or displaying profiles.
- IMPROVED Threads methods are more stable adding a security code.
- FIXED Generator creating DAT from folder when process is stopped by user
when is searching files.
- FIXED Recovery of Log window real position and size when user close it when
maximized and opens it again.
- FIXED Lost application icon when using report option.
- FIXED Lost on mouse under button effect when doing some hard processes.
- FIXED scanner option tabs and web navigators tabs, right mouse button click
popupmenu event from mousedown to mouseup.
- FIXED a crash problem when user try to hide to tray application in some
- FIXED not hide Log window when is necessary.
- FIXED If user sets scan MD5 or SHA1 and this not exists in current profile
then this checksums are ignored.
- FIXED minor bugs.
- REMOVED unnecessary and old Windows default events like right click on
windows bars or right click on scrollbars of lists.


All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2013-05-17T23:33
喔喔喔 這款介面不錯 最近想研究 竟然更新了
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-05-20T08:06

Dolphin 手把推薦

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-05-13T14:58
前天剛接觸了Dolphin這個emu 目前只玩任天堂明星大亂鬥DX跟X (童年的神作) 兩款玩起來目前都非常順 FPS 60 SPEED 100% 但都是用鍵盤玩 (代表無法找人一起玩 同鍵盤真的無法) 玩得很不盡興 打算一個用鍵盤一個用手把 想請問各位有使用手把的建議 目前完這兩款 一款是GC的作品一個 ...

SS快遞男孩(Courier Crisis)

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-05-13T12:20
Game-Courier Crisis Genre-Racing Year-1997 Compressed Size-223MB Uncompressed Size-307MB http://www. ...

(GB) Gambatte r532

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-05-13T11:32
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By Faithe
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Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2013-05-13T01:16
我想問一下PPSSPP的聲音是不是都不好 因為有試過JAVA那款來玩俺妹 雖然語音.聲音上比PPSSPP好很多 但是常常沒多久就卡死必須重開 而PPSSPP就沒這個問題 可是人物的語音就像機器人說話一樣有雜音 而且用PPSSPP也沒有看到開頭動畫 請問這有辦法解決嗎? - ...