DSx86 v0.13 Beta - 模擬器

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-05-24T14:31

Table of Contents


DSx86 v0.13 Beta is released. DSx86 is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS. It's
purpose is to allow you to run old DOS games on your Nintendo DS game console.

DSx86 v0.13 Beta Changelog:

This version actually has the longest list of changes in any version yet, but
the great majority of the changes are new graphics opcodes and support for
new INT calls and port I/O (most of which are actually just silently ignored,
as in DOSBox). However, there are also some bigger changes.

Improved touchpad mouse (TPM) emulation, with new configuration options that
can be set in the DSx86.ini file, either in the default section or adjusted
by each game if needed:
TPMScroll is a boolean that determines whether the screen should be scrolled
when the stylus moves near the screen border in Zoom mode.
TPMTap is a boolean that determines whether tapping the screen with the
stylus is registered as a left mouse click.
TPMLeft determines the DS button to use for the left mouse button.
TPMRight determines the DS button to use for the right mouse button.
The defaults if DSx86.ini does not have any of those set are as follows:

New built-in commands on the 4DOS prompt:
VER command can have a parameter to change the reported DOS version number,
like "VER 4.00" or "VER SET 4".
SETVER command works like VER command with a parameter.
LOADFIX command can be used to launch games that otherwise would give "Packed
file corrupt" problems. This still does not seem to work for games that
consist of several executables, though.
DEBUG command can be used to start the game and immediately go to the
debugger. That is mainly for my own use.
The Zoom modes now scroll smoother than before (using the trigger KEY_L and
KEY_R buttons). When already at the left/right edge, they start scrolling
up/down, with the KEY_L preferring to scroll up and KEY_R preferring to
scroll down. The longer you keep the button down the faster it will scroll,
so quick taps will move the screen in short increments.
Fixed a bug in REP CMPS Carry flag setting after the string comparison. This
could have caused string comparisons to return the opposite order.
Fixed problems in string opcodes when indices wrap around the segment. This
caused Jumpman 2 to crash, for example. This also seemed to get rid of the
problems in Wing Commander 2 intro when using full EMS memory.
Fixed a bug in EGA 16-bit Read Mode 1 code (FS3).
Fixed VGA Line Compare Register handling (GOT).
Fixed VGA palette handling (Star Control 2).
Added support for VGA offset handling in 320x400 ModeX mode (GOT).
Added support for BIOS functions to clear and scroll up an area on the screen
for all supported graphics modes (Ultima, etc).
Added BIOS INT1 default handler at F000:E987 (STARGATE).
Adjust disk free space calculation when SectorsPerCluster*BytesPerSector =
A large number of EGA and Mode-X opcodes added.
A large number of new INT calls supported (mostly just ignored).
A large number of new port I/O addresses supported (mostly just ignored).

I still did not manage to fix the problems causing some games to execute data
instead of code. Debugging and finding these problems seems to be more
difficult by every release, as I get the easy problems fixed. I will continue
looking into these in the future version.

I also did not have time to improve the screen scaling features, I'll see if
I can add those to the next version. Please send me again the debug logs,
those have been very helpful in my improving the compatibility of DSx86!


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