DSP Emulator v0.11b2 WIP (2011/04/17) - 模擬器

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-04-18T23:14

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DSP Emulator v0.11b2 WIP (2011/04/17) is released. DSP Emulator is a new
version of the ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade,
Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy emulator.

DSP Emulator v0.11b2 WIP Changelog:

18/04 - DSP Emulator 0.11b2 WIP 17/04
Long time since last WIP! Now released DSP 0.11b2 WIP 17/04, binary and
Big changes on timer engine, cpu engine (added states for the interrupts of
all CPUs) and new sound engine (more speed for all drivers), fixed main
window resize mess.
New ADPCM chip 'UPD7759', fixed OKI6295 sound quality.
Fixed 'Prehistoric Isle in 1930' driver and now works fine with sound, added
ADPCM to 'Combat School', fixed M68705 in 'Xain'd Sleena', fixed sound in
'1942' and NMK16 driver ('Saboten Bombers' and 'Bombjack Twin') and small
fixes here and there in all drivers...


All Comments


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-04-18T19:39
如題 在電腦上用Wii控制器除了玩Wii模擬器以外 還有別的電腦遊戲用Wii控制器玩也很有趣的嗎? 倒也不是特別想玩Wii模擬器 只是想玩一下Wii控制器 所以問看看 現在只有看到當電子白板的功能 不過我大概用不太上吧 另外用手電筒充當紅外線發射器的功能有只限於燈泡式的手電筒嗎? 還是白光LED手電筒也可 ...

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