nemulator v2.3 - 模擬器

John avatar
By John
at 2011-04-18T16:58

Table of Contents

Nemulator v2.3 is released.Nemulator is win32 NES emulator.nemulator 2.0 uses
DirectX 10, therefore Windows Vista or Windows 7 is required. If you receive
an error message stating that d3dx10_33.dll is missing, please download the
latest DirectX 10 update from Microsoft at need a lot of
horsepower (probably a dual-CPU/core system) to run the menu at full speed.

nemulator v2.3 Changelog:
- Support for joystick axes and POV hats (e.g., Xbox 360 D-Pad). See
nemulator.ini for configuration examples.
- New audio engine provides better audio rate/framerate synchronization
- Processor throttling is disabled by default as it interferes with
nemulator's timing
- Fixed handling of RMW instructions by MMC1 (Bill and Ted's Excellent Video
Game Adventure, AD&D Hillsfar, etc. work now)
- Turbo button support - press turbo button (by default, S for button A on
joypad 1, A for button B) to enable/disable turbo mode. Hold down left shift
while pressing button to decrease rate or right shift to increase rate.
- Added support for SKB opcode (fixes Puzznic glitches)
- Fixed scrolling bug in menu
- Added config option to run nemulator as high priority process
- Rewrite of cartridge/mapper interface
- Added support for the following mappers:
* 10 (MMC4) - Fire Emblem
* 19 - Final Lap, Splatter House, Mappy Kids
* 25 - Gradius 2
* 32 - Image Fight
* 33 - Bubble Bobble 2 (J)
* 34 - Mashou (J)
* 40 - SMB2J FDS conversion
* 68 - After Burner
* 75 - Tetsuwan Atom, Exciting Boxing
* 79 - Krazy Kreatures
* 80 - Minelvation Saga, Kyonshiizu 2
* 87 - City Connection (J)
* 88 - Quinty (J), Devil Man (J)
* 103 - Doki Doki Panic FDS conversion
* 112 - San Guo Zhi - Qun Xion Zheng Ba
* 152 - Arkanoid II (J)
* 228 - Action 52, Cheetamen II


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