DOSCenter v034 - 模擬器

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-06-12T22:51

Table of Contents

This is a tool to help folks with large collections of DOS games be able to
rename, sort, and weed out their collections.
It's a LOT like ROMCenter, but the focus was exclusively on PC games, not
console ROMs. ROMCenter cannot properly handle PC based games, so this
application was written to fill the gap.

* Zip file renaming based on .DAT file CRC matching *
Load in the above .dat file and have DOSCenter scan a folder of zip files.
It'll figure out what file is the closest match to the known files based off
The DOS Collection torrent work, and suggest a new name for you.
2x click on the zip file, and it'll show you in green what files match the
files in the .dat file, what files are unknown (black) and what files you're
missing (red).

* Zip merge utility *
Have files like highlighted in the picture above? merge them together with
this tool. It'll even let you know if there are filename collisions in the
multiple zips that might get lost if you merge them together.
* Zip file viewer/renamer * Scan a zip file against the .dat file. No
matches? Then 2x click on the file and the zip contents are displayed. If
there's an .nfo or .diz file, 2x click on that file and view it in the
browser. if you see the name of the game there, highlight it and copy it into
the clipboard. then on the left pane, highlight your file and select "rename
from clipboard" to quickly and easily convert your old 8 character zip files
into something more meaningful.


All Comments


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-06-12T12:41
昨天在手機玩了一個釣漁game忽然想起了小時後沒破關的釣漁太郎 剛剛跑去載了來玩看看,結果我載入檔案後,畫面就一直停留開頭畫面 就一個大瀑布跟幾隻鳥在飛..按;這個鍵會有一隻魚跳上來 接下來就一樣了.. 請問我要怎樣才能開始...謝謝各位高手了...orz - ...

Dolphin Pre-Alpha v0.5 for Android

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-06-12T11:03
THIS APP DOES NOT COME WITH ROMS - You must have the right to a given ROM before you play it! - A number of public domain games/demos are available at http ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-06-11T21:09
使用的模擬器版本是pcsx2 BIOS如下 GS:GSdx 1076m(MSVC 15.00,SSE2)0.1.15 PAD:SSSPSX PAD Pressure Mod 1.7.1 SPU2:SPU2X-r5478 2.0.0 CDVD:cdvdGigaherz (5403) 0 ...

pcsx2 太鼓達人出現的藍色畫面英文字

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-06-11T17:46
pcsx2 1.0.0版 玩太鼓達人進入10合1選擇時,如果選擇任一代,會出現以下英文。 爬文也爬不到相關的問題,請知道的大大幫忙一下! The present software is partially based on the project PS2MENU from http://cvs.ps2d ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-06-11T01:49
最近才剛研究,試了幾種模擬器版本、照網路上各式教學調整都不太順 LAG、破音等都有,想請問是電腦不夠力還是調整設定可以救 筆電acer 5820TG,情報如上 模擬器用官網最新版(或是用板友推薦的r6856版比較好?) http://im ...