Dolphin Pre-Alpha v0.5 for Android - 模擬器

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-06-12T11:03

Table of Contents

- You must have the right to a given ROM before you play it!
- A number of public domain games/demos are available at
This is a public preview release of this Dolphin for Android.
This is currently in early beta testing, expect slow speeds, graphical
glitches, and a myriad of problems with it.
If you're expecting reasonable speeds out of this, you are sorely mistaken.
This will run slow on every single Android device, no matter if it is the
most powerful one in the world.
Once we port our OpenGL plugin over, and you use a OpenGL ES 3 capable phone,
this will improve a bit. has a bunch of free homebrew applications to try out.
One I particularly like to use is Starfield
Some caveats
- It will crash. Alot.
- Rotations don't work well or at all.
- There isn't /any/ input
- It might need to be force closed and ran multiple times to work.
- It renders video with the CPU entirely with our VideoSoftware backend.
Pros of this, is it will run on almost any hardware. Some limitations are
- Phones that support OpenGL ES 2 (99.8% of the Android Market)
- Phones that have at least 1Gb of RAM
This app is licensed by the GNU GPL v2, and the full source code is available
through the public GIT repository at

Dolphin v0.5 for Android Changelog:

- Raise minimum Android version to Ice Cream Sandwich. 2.3 was just setting
for people that asked for it. This won't be dropped back down again.
- Fix a issue with drawn buttons causing graphical corruption
- Fix a issue where it wouldn't let someone leave the sdcard directory.
Pre-Alpha Version 0.4
- Fix Back and Menu key not opening the navigation drawer.


All Comments


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-06-11T01:49
最近才剛研究,試了幾種模擬器版本、照網路上各式教學調整都不太順 LAG、破音等都有,想請問是電腦不夠力還是調整設定可以救 筆電acer 5820TG,情報如上 模擬器用官網最新版(或是用板友推薦的r6856版比較好?) http://im ...

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2013-06-10T15:24
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Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-06-10T12:14
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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-06-09T13:48
部落格圖文好讀版: 開始來趕一下進度,因為可以跑出去匪類的假期又快到了,哈哈。另一方面也是因為硬碟 裡一堆截圖跟資料也被翻了出來,所以乾脆就快點花點時間寫一寫,以免又被我堆到硬碟 的某個角落去。進入正題,來介紹一款有點冷門、但對我個人而言卻是相當有印象 ...