(Diverse) Audio Overload v2.1 test 1 PulseAudio Linux - 模擬器

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-05-06T15:53

Table of Contents


Audio Overload is a music player written by R. Bannister and R. Belmont
for various formats. It is available for Mac OS, Windows and Linux.

Hi all,

I believe all previously released Linux versions of AO used OSS /dev/dsp,
which in the last 12 months has basically disappeared completely from
mainline distros. I have been building a better audio output backend
in that time, and I have a version today for testing. It′s a 32-bit
binary that I have tested on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32-bit and Fedora 14
64-bit. (x64 Fedora users may need to install some .i686 packages to
get everything going).

Here′s the command-line switch:

- output=pulse gives full native PulseAudio support using the
"non-simplified" API. This is the default if you give no options.
- output=alsa gives native ALSA support, which is a little buggy but
should work on straight ALSA setups with no PulseAudio
- output=oss gives the old /dev/dsp OSS support (if you use OSS4 for
whatever reason)
- output=sdl uses SDL output similar to MAME/MESS - this is intended
as a compatible fallback if nothing else works

Please copy/paste the following URL into your browser - if you get a
Forbidden error, just hit enter again on the URL bar.


NOTE that this does not necessarily contain any bugfixes or new format
support, this is simply to get the thing running again on modern systems.
In particular it changes nothing with WAV output from multi-song files
like NSFs.

If you download this, please reply if it works or not and what your
distro is and which options you tried. Thanks!





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