DeSmuME v0.9.7 (r4001) - 模擬器

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-05-08T09:28

Table of Contents

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME v0.9.7 (r4001) is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.

DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
RAM Search: Force updating Current Value when field size gets increased.
The same fix needs to be applied to Previous Value as well. That hasn't been done this time yet.



All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2011-05-10T14:13
新版的玩reFF3超流暢! 戰鬥時不會lag了!

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