Dapplegrey v2.24 - 模擬器

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-05-07T23:59

Table of Contents


Dapplegrey v2.24 is released. Dapplegrey is a frontend for the MacOS X DOSBox
port (which you can get from the official DOSBox website) written in
REALbasic. Not only the plain DOSBox app, but DOSBox versions included in
DBGL or Boxer will also be recognized as DOSBox binary source. With
Dapplegrey you can easily set options the DOSBox gives to you w/o having to
enter them manually using the Terminal or have to edit the DOSBox config
file. This file will be written before Dapplegrey tells DOSBox to start the
DOS game.

Dapplegrey v2.24 Changelog:

If other drive letters than C: of an game entry got a folder assigned, a
programming mistake mixed through the drives: Other drives than C: suddenly
got assigned the same Mac folder as the C: drive. If you correct that in
Version 2.24 of Dapplegrey, the correction will remaining correct now.
Assigning a folder to an emulated drive letter the Label of this drive will
offer a Label name matching DOS conventions now (no space char, uppercase
only). If DBGL has been selected as DOSBox source, the keymapper file name
now will be set with the version number of DOSBox included. Its name no
longer will be 'mapper-0.0.map', but 'mapper-0.74.map' now, for example.
Dapplegrey still runs on Macintosh computers equipped with PowerPC, if Mac OS
X 10.4 minimum is installed.


All Comments


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-05-07T22:25
as title http://ppt.cc/TyP9 我玩太十到精美的動畫時就變成這副模樣... 大概剩十分之一的正常畫面 不知道是我電腦問題還是遊戲檔問題還是設定的問題atat 少了精美動畫,會讓遊戲減分不少 QQ 請板上大大幫忙指點,感恩 - ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-05-07T20:03
as title 今天歡天喜地從某論壇下載了太空戰士十 天真地以為是有人把它轉成電腦版本 但是代誌嘸係憨人想得那麼簡單 在把下載好的映像檔燒成光碟的十分鐘後...... 我就去google and#34;ps2 模擬器and#34; 了 我下載的是PCSX2 0.9.7 但接下來的使用說明就看 ...

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