M1 for Android - 模擬器

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-05-07T18:47

Table of Contents


M1 for Android is released. M1 plays the music from arcade games by running
the code in the original ROMs.

Froyo(2.2 or higher, I'm running gingerbread CM7)

This is not on the Market yet. I'll get around to it. I'm not selling it
anyway, it would be just for the sake of convenience I'll also put the source
out fairly soon. It's still kind of a mess.

This is, overall, very CPU heavy. Don't expect to multitask. I'm going to
recommend a phone thats pushing at least 800Mhz. I've tested down to 600 and
things get very bad very quickly at that point.

First release:
This expects things to be in specific places for now. Set your rom path in
the ini file.

You can put the roms wherever you want as long as you change the path in the
ini file. It does a simple check of sets during init so the game list should
only show roms that you actually have.

This is the ini I am using:
; m1.ini: sample configuration for M1



; where to find roms



; only 1 path valid/possible here



Known issues:
* Initializing at startup takes a little while, I dont think theres much I
can do about it.

* 68000/SCSP games are very slow and may cause a force quit.

* There is no way to set sample rate yet, it is fixed at 44100

* It is set to skip songs at 5 minutes

* All songs will skip to next after 2 seconds of silence(except when they

* If you press Stop, you will have to reload the game if you want to continue
listening to it. Use pause instead.

* Using Quit is not required but is recommended


All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2011-05-11T09:32
只有台 528Mhz 的 HTC Magic ....


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-05-07T17:25
記得是大卡帶以前我手上還有華泰的攻略本 那本攻略本好像是跟什麼遊戲一起弄成一本 忘了 這遊戲的火攻實在很婊是拿來欺負上級電腦的必勝絕招 只要火放得對就能看到電腦大軍被火慢慢烤到只剩下渣 所以後來乾脆不用火以免失去遊戲的樂趣 火攻這一點到2代還是很可怕 只要風向對搭配智力超高的單位 整個戰場就有機會被燒的亂 ...

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Poppy avatar
By Poppy
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Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-05-07T02:03
感謝上篇忍者龍劍傳大家熱情的回應 因為這是練習日文時寫的,有些想寫的但是我翻不出來就只好跳過= = 有時候會有點不太順,請多見諒。 ===================================== 搭配用圖片 圖一 三國志一代(光榮)的遊戲TITLE畫面 http://tinyurl.com/6x ...

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