Cxbx-Reloaded WIP - 模擬器

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-06-20T20:58

Table of Contents

下版大躍進( ′-`)y-~

A branch of the Cxbx source code with support for 64-bit operating systems.
This branch has been renamed to Cxbx-Reloaded and started from version 0.0.1
as I plan to completely rewrite large portions of the emulator.

Main Features:

.64-bit support!
.Able to boot and get ingame in Turok Evolution, and Futurama.
.May work with other titles, I have not yet tested much outside of these.

Differences from mainline Cxbx:

.Corrected generation of SizeOfImage field in converted executables (Fixes
.0xC000007b on Windows 64-bit)
.Partial emulation of the FS register without using the LDT (Allows Xbox
games to execute on Windows 64-bit)

Known Issues:

.Included project file only known to compile with Visual Studio 2010, can
be compiled with other versions by using project files from a different
.Code to work around enhanced memory protection in 64-bit assumes executable
is named "default.exe" and will break on games with multiple XBE files.
.FS register emulation is incomplete, only essential FS register accesses
are hooked.
.Incomplete FS register emulation makes Cxbx unstable, may not run if you
have lots of background applications open.
.Debug builds have very low compatibility, release builds are more compatible,
try to avoid running games in Debug mode
.All titles crash if console output is enabled, disabling it allows games
to boot.


All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-06-21T14:23
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2013-06-24T10:42
喔喔,64-bit support!
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-06-24T14:09
我也在等他可以玩orta XDD


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-06-20T20:41
事情是這樣的 手把是360的 問題出在類比移動上 四個方向都沒問題 可是只要往斜角走就會稍微卡住 就會變得跑一跑轉方向後 卡住變走路 視角轉正後 才會變回跑步 我有用過用右類比移動 還是一樣 之後我又試用十字鍵和鍵盤移動結果超順 已經確認過不是手把的問題 我想問題應該也不是出在遊戲上 順帶一提遊戲是KH2 雖 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-06-19T21:03
大家好 我是用ePSX 180 本來在A電腦玩FF9 後來我把整個檔案夾搬到B電腦 進遊戲之就要讀取存檔就說NO FF9 FILE 但是原本的A電腦還是可以進去存檔 請問是哪邊出錯了呢? - ...

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