DBGL v0.76 - 模擬器

Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-06-18T22:34

Table of Contents


DOSBox Game Launcher


v0.76 (06/16/2013)

‧Implemented "Gallery View" mode; instead of using a table to browse through
your profiles, DBGL can now display the profiles as icons (in 3 different
sizes; small, medium, large) as well. This was implemented using the Nebula
Gallery SWT Widget which allows for nice custom styling and good performance.
It supports multi-select, and should thus behave mostly the same as the
regular 'Table View' mode. Hovering over a profile-icon will display the
extra information about the profile that is normally shown in the table
PLEASE NOTE: You will need the new gallery-0.5.3.jar file if you want to
upgrade an existing DBGL installation!
‧Some interface improvements; implemented showing/hiding of profile
screenshots and notes (Neville), made web-search results table sortable by
clicking on columns (kolano), and optimized thumbnail caching somewhat.
‧Fixed crashbug when trying to import GamePackArchive containing native
commands, but with at least 1 profile without actual native commands.
‧Implemented data dir redirect in case of set env. variable
(dbgl.data.localappdata=true or dbgl.data.userhome=true) or read-only DBGL
dir. All DBGL data is written to %LOCALAPPDATA%/DBGL (on Windows) or ~/.dbgl
(on Linux and OSX) in that case. Also, if no dosbox version is included in
the DBGL folder, then no default dosbox version and templates are generated
on first startup. Also, a generic Linux ANT target (without pre-compiled
DOSBox and templates) was added. All these changes should provide for easier
inclusion in Linux Repositories such as AUR (dostux) , and makes it possible
to put DBGL in a read-only folder such as [c:\program files\dbgl]. Please
note that for this to be implemented, I had to make the database folder
relative to the data folder (thus no longer relative to the main DBGL folder).
‧Implemented a workaround for a potential DBGL startup problem regarding SWT
not being able to write its dll files to a specific directory below
user.home, by redirecting that location to DBGL's lib directory, instead.
(Jurjen Bakker)
‧Added support for the DOS "loadhigh" command.
‧Improved custom autoexec parsing.
‧Fixed a minor regression regarding changing a custom column's name. (kolano)
‧Added (partial) Polish translation from Abrio, and updated the Italian
(code120), French (Max Buttjer) and Korean (ykhwong) translations.
‧Updated SWT to 4.2.2


All Comments

MAME Update ROMs (v0.148 to v0.149)

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-06-18T11:05
and#34;Update ROMsand#34;是拿來整理不是拿來覆蓋的 不要再寫信來問我這是幹嘛的 想要懶人覆蓋的話自己去找 v0.148 to v0.149:百度 link?shareid=3145950900andamp;uk=3123431489 - ...

Snes9x 1.53 TestBuild 16/06/13

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2013-06-17T22:47
http://www.s9x-w32.de/dl/testbuilds/ snes9x testBuild | OV2 16-06-2013 03:53:28 ■win32: make controller command line parameters work ■nes9xgit/snes9x/comm ...

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Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-06-17T22:39
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MAME 終於拆台了

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2013-06-17T20:22
終於把水果台跟彈珠台拆開了..... http://mame.dorando.at/svn/?rev=23745 Split of mame.lst into multiple logical lists (nw) [src/mame] arcade.lst* frui ...

Action 52同人重製計畫

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2013-06-17T15:12
新聞出處 http://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=2045221 傳說果然是傳說 不能被埋沒在歷史洪流中 XD 希望能有更多糞作的價值被發現(誤)!! - ...