Cxbx 0.8.1 Test Build - 模擬器

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-04-01T12:35

Table of Contents

Okay, it's Sunday afternoon (at least here it is) and I've got the rest of
the evening to do whatever I feel like today, so I'm doing a little work on
Cxbx today. Now, I want you all to do me a favour... the latest build of Cxbx
from my branch is attached below, and yes it does play Smashing Drive!
There's also a mini game attached below (remember the old DirectDraw game
Donuts from the old DirectX SDKs anyone?), so you can test it with that if
you have no compatible games. What I want you all to do is test it for speed!
You can test it for compatability if you want, but right now I'm more worried
about speed issues.

Why am I worried about speed, you might ask? Let me explain... lately I've
noticed that every Cxbx dev has been getting faster results than I am with
their branches. For instance, Caustik's last release ran Turok at over 85 fps
on my machine, my build only gives me a fraction of that speed. The same goes
for other games and XDK samples, even the mini game attached below has speed
problems when there are only a few sprites on the screen. I'm positive that
Smashing Drive can run at full speed (or at least 30 fps) and that's my
current goal for today. I don't know it it's just my machine(s) or my builds.
Today, I just want to find out once and for all. So if you have Turok or
Smashing Drive, I encourage you to try this build and let me know what speeds
you get.

Last minute notes: I disabled the debug output to the console to increase
speeds a bit, so don't worry about KrnlDebug output. If running Smashing
Drive and you get a white screen, don't worry about it; It's just an alpha
blending bug and it will go away once you get in game. I'm sure this build
has lots of bugs in it so don't freak out over random crashes (Smashing Drive
shouldn't crash at all).

Have fun.


All Comments

(SNES) Snes9X v1.43 re-recording r60

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-03-31T23:05
- r56 fixing a bunch of warnings, turning up the Release mode optimization level, and adding a vcproj.user file to make Lua script relo ...

(SNES) Snes9X v1.51 re-recording r45

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-03-31T22:58
- r42 fixing a bunch of warnings, turning up the Release mode optimization level, and adding a vcproj.user file to make Lua script reload ...

(Multi Arcade) FBA shuffle v0.2.97.04 (090331)

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-03-31T22:49
31.03.2009 - updated PGM driver, made olds, olds100 and kovsh working. [XingXing] (Thanks to iq_132 for port this driver) - fixed kovsh d ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2009-03-31T21:21
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MD魔導物語 日文苦手

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-03-31T21:13
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