Content Update 2.6.0 Patch Notes - 流亡黯道

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-03-02T00:08

Table of Contents

※ 引述《ronankoko (Indiefucker)》之銘言:
: 原文:
: 只貼技能、裝備、天賦改動
: 剩下的請參照官方原帖
: ==== General Balance Changes ====

: - Unset Rings can now roll a new mod that increases the level of the socketed
: gem by up to three levels.

潛能之戒(有洞的戒指)有機會骰出「此裝備上的寶石+1~3等級』 (起飛啦!)

: - The Nihilist's item prefix that gave +1 to socketed Chaos Gems now appears
: on level 4 items and above, down from level 40. Added a new mod,
: Anarchist's, that grants +2 to socketed Chaos Gems.

: - Diviner's Strongboxes can now only spawn in maps.

占卜師的箱子(噴命運卡的)現在只會在地圖中出現 (瓜農哭哭)
: - The Brinerot mod (found from Brinerot Warbands) now grants Damage +% during
: Flask Effect, instead of Rarity during Flask Effect. This is because the
: rarity mod was overshadowed by the fact you could already get rarity on
: Gloves and unique items. This new stat is more valuable, useable and
: competes with the Redblade/Mutewind mods better.
: - Spectral Wolves summoned by unique items such as Rigwald's Crest and The
: Scourge now have 80% more life. They are now the same size as the player for
: the purpose of pathing or collision checks which allows them to swarm
: enemies better, or follow the player through tight areas. They also now have
: impact audio when attacking.
: - The "Other Allies Cannot Die" mod can no longer appear on immobile monsters
: such as Eye Hatchery or Rakangos.
: - The Faun now does more damage in Cruel and Merciless.
: - Reduced monster Spectral Throw damage because it can hit twice when turning.
: - Substantially reducing the size of Perandus Packs, for both balance and
: performance reasons.
: - The Docks unique monster The Revenant has been renamed The Shipyard Terror.
: - The Riverways unique monster Kall Foxfly has been renamed Targa, Beast
: Poacher.
: - The Northern Forest unique monster Tailsinger has been renamed Seleslatha.
: - The Sewers unique monster Spinesnap has been renamed Gloomgut.
: - The Climb's unique monster Guardian of the Mound has been renamed Ungulath.
: ==== Skill Balance Changes ====
: - Ice Crash has had its damage increased by 13% at level 1, and has slightly
: improved damage progression as the gem levels. The second stage now deals
: 10% less damage, down from 15%. The third stage now deals 20% less damage,
: down from 30%.
: - Sunder has had its primary damage increased by 40% at level 1 and has
: slightly improved damage progression as the gem levels. The secondary
: shockwave effects now deal 40% of base damage, down from 70%.
大地震擊的主傷害在1等時增加40%,之後的等級(ry <這是BUFF
衝擊波只剩下主傷害的40%(原70%) <這是NERF,而且1.4*0.4=0.56<0.7
: - Blade Flurry has had its damage reduced by 18% at level 1 of the gem,
: scaling to a 15% reduction at level 20 of the gem.
刀鋒亂舞在1等的時候減少18%傷害,20等的時候減少15% <這是NERF
: - Magma Orb's explosion radius has been increased by 28%.
熔岩之核的爆炸半徑增加28% <這是BUFF
: - The Animate Weapon skill now has a maximum of 50 animated weapon minions
: that can be active at once.
幻化武器現在最多只能召喚50把 <這是NERF,本來無限
: - Wild Strike now converts 100% of the attack's physical damage to a random
: element, up from 60%.
野性打擊轉換100%物理傷害為元素傷害 <應該算BUFF?
: - Flame Surge now has approximately 40% less Mana Cost at all Levels. Flame
: Surge previously had one of the highest mana costs per second of any
: offensive spell, and will now be more in line with similar skills.
怒炎奔騰現在差不多減少40%的魔力消耗(無論哪一等) <BUFF
: - Orb of Storms now has a base skill duration of 6 seconds, down from 10.
風暴漩渦基礎持續時間10>6 <NERF
: - Raised Zombies now have a melee attack range of 9 on their basic attack,
: up from 4. Their slam ability is now more visible, has a 25% larger radius,
: and will be used more readily.
殭屍的攻擊距離4>9,而且它們的特殊攻擊辨識度更高,半徑增加25%,使用更頻繁 <BUFF
: - Vigilant Strike now grants at 75% Increased Fortify Duration up from 50% at
: level 1, and increases by 5% each gem level.
戒備打擊獲得的更多護體時間從50%>75%(1等時),之後每一等+5% <BUFF
: - Vaal Haste now gives 25% attack speed, 24% cast speed and 10% movement speed
: at level 1 of the gem, down from 30% attack speed, 29% cast speed and 14%
: movement speed. At level 20, Vaal Haste now gives 31% attack speed, 31% cast
: speed and 13% movement speed down from 36% attack speed, 36% cast speed and
: 20% movement speed. The duration of Vaal Haste has been reduced to 4s from
: 6s at all levels.
: - Vaal Discipline has been changed to no longer provide any bonus energy
: shield.
: - You can now only have one instance of Blade Vortex active at once.
現在只能一次用一個寶石發動BV <不確定是否是這樣

: ==== Passive Tree Balance Changes ====
: - Vitality Void/Spirit Void: Moved the Mana and Life Leech combined passive to
: the bottom and attached it to the outside perimeter.
: - The Thick Skin cluster now attaches to the outside perimeter.
: - The Slashing Comeback, Fatal Blade and Brutal Blade clusters have been
: merged.
: - The Flash Freeze cluster now has a second arc for increased Cold Damage with
: Weapons and converting Physical Damage to Cold.
: - The Forces of Nature cluster has been moved to between the Ranger and the
: Shadow on the inner path.
: - A new Weapon Elemental Damage wheel has been added on the South-East corner
: of the tree. This is a large source of weapon elemental damage to provide
: support to more of the ranger-orientated elemental skills.
: - The area between Ranger and Shadow has been changed: a number of the more
: expensive weapon clusters have been reduced into 3-point clusters to be more
: efficient.
: - The Revenge of the Hunted and Void Barrier clusters are now more accessible.
: - Master Fletcher has been removed and replaced by Avatar of the Hunt.
: - Blood Drinker Life Leech is now all attack damage, not just physical.
: - Mind Drinker Mana Leech is now all attack damage, not just physical.
: - The large claw wheel has been generally improved and now offers more
: Critical Strike support.
: - Soul Raker Life and Mana Leech is now all attack damage, not just physical.
: - The Nightstalker cluster now only contains a total of three passive skills.
: - The Claws of the Falcon cluster now gives a higher value of Claw Critical
: Strike Chance and Accuracy percentage.
: - The Arcing Blows cluster has been moved and is now joined with the
: Crackling Speed cluster.
: - The Crackling Speed passive skill is now cheaper to acquire.
: - Mind over Matter has been moved (it is still connected to the same passive
: though). A new smaller cluster has been added behind Mind over Matter
: providing large increases to mana.
: - In the Explosive Impact cluster, it is now cheaper to acquire the notable
: skill. The two paths to it now differ, one is combined Increased Fire
: Damage and Increased Cast speed with Fire Skills.

: - Zealot's Oath has been repositioned to the perimeter of the tree.
: - The staff wheel to the left of Templar has been improved. A third notable
: has been added which focuses on improving Critical Strikes. This should be
: accessible to all Critical Strike-orientated staff builds.
: - The Razor's Edge passive skill now grants 30% increased Physical Damage
: with Swords and 15% chance to cause Bleeding. This now also has +1 to Melee
: Weapon Range.
: - Removed the passive skills behind Razor's Edge and Blade Master.
: - The Blade Master passive skill and passives before it have been improved.
: Blade Master now grants +200 Accuracy Rating with Swords, instead of
: Accuracy percentage.
: - Master of Force has been moved and made cheaper to acquire. This also now
: provides 10% reduced Reflected Physical Damage Taken.
: - Ash, Frost and Storm now provides 10% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage
: Taken.
: - Aspect of the Eagle, and the passive between it and Ballistic Mastery now
: give Bow Damage percentage (not just physical). This is to open up a path
: for non-physical bow builds.
: - Revenge of the Hunted has been moved and now grants 8% increased maximum
: life.
: - The Blade of the Cunning cluster has been improved.
: - The Hatchet Master cluster has been improved.
: - Prism Weave now grants 30% increased Elemental Damage with Wands (from 20%).
: - Soul of Steel is now cheaper to acquire. The two paths to it now differ,
: one is now combined. Increased Armour +% and Elemental Resistances.
: - Celerity now has 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed.
: - Blast Cascade now has 15% chance to gain a Power Charge when your Mine is
: Detonated. targeting an Enemy.

: ==== Map Mod Balance Changes ====
: - The 'of Rust' Map mod now has 20%, 25% or 30% less Armour at Low, Mid and
: High Tier Maps respectively, down from 30%, 40% and 50%.
: - The 'Hexwarded' Map mod now has 40% and 60% less Curse Effect at Mid and
: High Tier Maps respectively, down from 50% and 75%. The Low Tier Hexwarded
: mod is unchanged.
: - The 'of Drought' Map mod now has 30%, 40% and 50% reduced Flask Charges
: gained at Low, Mid and High Tier Maps respectively, up from 20%, 25% and
: 30%.
: ==== Threshold Jewel Balance Changes ====
: - Unique Threshold Jewels that applied to specific skills have had their
: attribute requirements reduced to 40, from 50. They also no longer require
: those attributes to be allocated.
: - The "Steel Spirit" unique threshold jewel now grants 5% increased damage to
: Spectral Throw projectiles for each enemy hit, up from 4%.
: - The Rapid Expansion unique threshold jewel now grants a 35% increased angle
: for Ground Slam. It also has a 25% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when
: you Stun an enemy with Ground Slam, and is now limited to 3.
: - The Growing Agony unique threshold jewel now also has a 10% chance to grant
: Unholy Might when for each poison stack on an enemy you hit with Viper
: Strike. It is now limited to 1.
: - The Spirit Guards unique threshold jewel now allows up to 8 ranged weapons
: to be animated, and is now limited to 2.
: - The Spirited Response unique threshold jewel is now limited to 2.
: - The unique threshold jewel The Vigil now fortifies you and nearby allies
: for 20 seconds, and is now limited to 1.
: - The Unending Hunger unique threshold jewel now grants spectres a 50% chance
: to gain Soul Eater on kill, and is now limited to 2.
: - The Volley Fire unique threshold jewel is now limited to 3.
: - The Weight of the Empire unique threshold jewel is now limited to 2.
: - The Winter's Bounty unique threshold jewel now grants a 50% chance for Cold
: Snap to grant a power charge on kill. It is now limited to 2.
: - Note that there are some other Threshold Jewel changes listed in the Area
: of Effect Balance section below.
: ==== Weapon Balance Changes ====
: - All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased. Lower-level
: weapons, weapons with lower critical chance, and weapons with lower-value
: implicits have had their damage increased by a higher value.
: - Local Added Physical Damage modifiers to One-handed weapons have had their
: values increased by 10%. Using a Divine Orb will cause existing mods to be
: updated to the new values.
: - Weapon critical strike chances have been adjusted. Most critical chance
: values have been reduced on base types that could have over 6.5% base
: critical chance. This is to create a more distributed choice of weapon
: types for critical strike characters.
: - Two-handed swords have had their weapon speed increased by 0.1 attacks per
: second, and their base damage reduced to compensate. This makes them the
: highest average speed two-handed weapon type.
: - Many one-handed and two-handed swords now grant additional flat accuracy as
: their implicit mod, replacing percentage increases to accuracy. Existing
: copies of these swords will not be updated.
: - Dagger implicit mods have been reduced. Daggers now grant 30%, 40% or 50%
: increased global critical chance, down from 40%, 60% and 80%. This will
: automatically apply to existing copies of these weapons.
: - Lower-level claw base types that previously granted life leech now grant
: life gained for each enemy hit. Cat's Paw now grants 8 life on hit,
: Timeworn Claw now grants 19 life on hit, and Fright Claw now grants 20 life
: on hit.
: - Maraketh claw base types (Double Claw, Twin Claw and Gemini Claw) now have
: separate life and mana on hit values, as they now grant more life on hit
: (15, 28 and 38 life on hit respectively).
: - Maraketh thrusting swords have a higher chance to bleed, going from 8%/12%
: to 15%/20%.
: - Using a Blessed Orb will update existing weapons to these new values.
: - Thrusting swords that granted Critical Multiplier now grant +25%/+35%
: Critical Strike Multiplier, down from +30%/+50%. Using a Blessed Orb will
: update existing weapons to these new values.
: - One-handed maces now grant 10%/15% stun threshold, instead of 20%/40% stun
: duration.
: - All staves have had their block values increased. Previously, staves granted
: either 12% block chance or 18% block chance. They now grant 18% and 20%
: respectively. Using a Blessed Orb will update existing staves to these new
: values.
: ==== League-Specific Unique Item Changes ====
: The following changes can be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
: Divine Orb:
: - Vaal Caress: Cold Resistance mod increased to 40%. Maximum Life mod
: increased to 50-70.
: - Brinerot Whalers: Increased Movement Speed increased to 25%. Maximum Energy
: Shield mod increased to 120-150.
: - Mutewind Whispersteps: Increased Movement Speed mod increased to 25%.
: Critical Strike Chance with Spells increased to 50-70%. Added Cold Damage
: to Spells mod increased (25 to 30)-(40-50).

: - Valako's Sign: Chance to Shock mod increased to 10%. Increased Damage
: versus Shocked Enemies mod increased to 40%.
: - Berek's Grip: Increased Cold Damage mod increased to 25-30%. Added Lightning
: Damage mod increased to 1 to (50-70) to attacks and spells. Now has Damage
: Leeched as Life against Shocked enemies instead of Frozen enemies. Now has
: Damage Leeched as Mana against Frozen enemies instead of Shocked enemies.
: - Berek's Pass: Increased Fire Damage mod increased to 25-30%. Added Cold
: Damage mod increased to (20-25) to (30-50) to attacks and spells.
: - Ylfeban's Trickery: No longer creates Shocked Ground when hit at a 10%
: chance. Now has a triggered spell called Shock Ground that casts when you
: are hit. No longer casts random curse on hit. Now has 20% chance to curse
: uncursed enemies on hit.
: - Reach of the Council: Number of Additional Arrows reduced to 2.
: The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
: Divine Orb:
: - Brinerot Flag: No longer has Mana on hitting a Taunted Enemy. No longer has
: 8-12% Increased Attack Speed. Now has 8-12% Increased Cast Speed. Now has
: the property Gain 2 Power Charges on Using a Warcry. Increased Level of
: Socketed Warcry Gems mod increased to +3.
: - Redblade Banner: Maximum Life mod increased to 50-60. No longer has
: additional Level to Warcry Gems. Now has 80-100% Increased Armour. Now has
: 2% Attack Damage Leeched as Life against Taunted Enemies. Now has 50%
: increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery. No longer has Endurance Charge Duration.
: - Mutewind Pennant: No longer has 20-30% Increased Chaos Damage. No longer has
: Additional Level to Warcry Gems. No longer has Onslaught on Killing Taunted
: Enemies. Now has 25% Increased Warcry Effect. Now has 80-100% Increased
: Evasion. Now has the property gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on using a Warcry.
: - Redblade Tramplers: Now has 50-70 Maximum Life. Increased Movement Speed mod
: increased to 25%.
: - Tasalio's Sign: Cold Damage up to (7 to 10)-(15 to 20) and now added to
: attacks and spells. Chance to Freeze mod increased to 10%. No longer has
: physical damage added versus frozen enemies. No longer has 20% reduced chill
: duration on self. Now has 40-60 added cold damage against chilled enemies.
: Now has 50% chance to avoid chill.
: - Ngamahu's Sign: Chance to ignite mod increased to 10%. Added fire damage now
: added to attacks and spells. No longer has life gain on hitting ignited
: enemies. Now has 20-30 Life Gained on Igniting an Enemy.
: - Broken Faith: No longer has Reduced Block Chance. Now has 5% Increased
: Chance to Block. Now has the property gain Unholy Might for 10 seconds on
: Block. No longer has Increased Damage on no Energy Shield. Now has 100%
: increased Global Armour on no Energy Shield.
: - Trolltimber Spire: No longer has 1% of Damage Leeched as Life by totems.
: Now has 0.5% of Damage Dealt by Totems is Leeched to you. Now has increased
: Armour of 130-150%.
: - Crown of the Pale King: Now has 60-80 Maximum Life.
: - Berek's Respite: Lightning Damage up to 25-30%. Added fire damage now
: (20-25) to (30-50) to attacks and spells. Now shocks all nearby enemies on
: killing a shocked enemy. Now ignites all nearby enemies on killing an
: ignited enemy.

: - Gifts from Above: No longer has Create Consecrated Ground on Critical Strike.
: Now has a triggered spell called Consecrate that Casts when you deal a
: Critical Strike. Now has 50% Increased Damage on Consecrated Ground. Now has
: 5% additional Block Chance on Consecrated Ground.
: - The Gull: Now has 30-40% Cold Resistance. Now has 60-80 Maximum Life. Now
: has 40-65 Maximum Energy Shield. No longer has Life and Energy Shield gained
: on kill. No longer has Maximum Mana.
: - Edge of Madness: No longer has Life gained on kill per level. No longer has
: Increased Elemental Damage per level. Now has 1-2 Physical Damage added per
: level.
: - Shavronne's Revelation: No longer has 100% increased mana regeneration on
: left ring slot. Now has 40 Mana regenerated per second on left ring slot.
: Now has 100 Maximum Mana on right ring slot. Now has 100 Maximum Energy
: Shield on left ring slot.
: - Death Rush: Onslaught on kill duration increased to 4 seconds. Increased
: Armour mod increased to 260-300. Now has Maximum Life of 40-50.
: - Blood of the Karui: No longer has the property of preventing life recovery
: during flask effect. Now has 100% Increased Life Recovery.
: - The Rat Cage: No longer has -5% Maximum Fire resistance. Now has -50% fire
: resistance.
: - Jorrhast's Blacksteel: Now has the additional property 25% chance to cast
: level 20 Animate Weapon on kill.
: - Brutus' Lead Sprinkler: No longer has Added Fire Damage against Ignited
: enemies. Now Adds 2-4 Fire Damage to Attacks per 10 Strength.
: - Brinerot Mark: No longer is supported by level 15 Concentrated Effect. No
: longer is supported by level 15 minion life. Increased Spell Damage mod
: increased to 20-25%. Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3. Now socketed golem gems have +25% buff effect. Now socketed golem gems have 20% of golem life added as Energy Shield.
: - Mutewind Seal: No longer is supported by level 13 Faster Attacks. No longer
: is supported by level 16 increased minion Speed. Chance to dodge attacks is
: now 3-5%. Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3. Now
: socketed golem gems have 20% increased attack and cast speed. Now socketed
: golem gems grant onslaught for 10 seconds on summon.
: - Redblade Band: No longer is supported by level 12 Lesser Multiple
: Projectiles. No longer is supported by level 17 increased minion damage.
: No longer has (8-12) to (20-30) fire damage to attacks. Now has Maximum
: Life of 30-40. Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3. Now
: socketed golem gems have a 25% chance to taunt on hit. Now socketed golem
: gems have 5% life regenerated per second.
: - Night's Hold: Increased level requirement to 25
: ==== Other Unique Item Changes ====
: The following changes can be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
: Divine Orb:
: - Sin Trek: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 100-160
: - Essentia Sanguis: Added Lightning Damage mod increased to 1-200. Now is on
: a Vaal Claw base type.
: - Titucius' Span: Reduced Physical Damage taken from Projectile Attacks mod
: changed to 50-80
: - Foxshade: Evasion Rating on Full Life mod increased to 500
: - Taryn's Shiver: Increased Level of Socketed Cold Gems mod increased to +2
: - Le Heup of All: Increased Damage mod increased to 10-30%. All Attributes mod
: increased to 10-30. All Resistances mod increased to 10-30%. Increased Item
: Rarity mod increased to 10-30%.
: - Sibyl's Lament: Reduced Elemental and Physical Reflected Damage mod taken up
: to 40%
: - Briskwrap: Increased Attack Speed mod increased to 10%
: - Gang's Momentum: Increased Chance to Ignite mod increased to 10-15%.
: Increased damage to Ignited Enemies mod increased to 25-40%.
: - Prismweave: Added Fire Damage mod increased to (7-8)-(15-16). Added Cold
: Damage mod increased to (5-6)-(12-14). Added Lightning Damage mod increased
: to 1-(30-34).
: - The Restless Ward: Increased Evasion/Energy Shield mod increased to 220-250%.
: Maximum Life mod increased to 60-80. Life Regenerated per second per
: Endurance Charge mod increased to 20-30.
: - The Princess: Physical Damage added as Cold mod increased to 25-30%.
: - Flesh-Eater: Chance to Bleed on Hit mod increased to 30%. Life Leech against
: Bleeding Enemies mod increased to 3%.
: - Geofri's Sanctuary: Maximum Energy Shield per 5 Strength mod increased to 2.
: - Three-Step Assault: Maximum Life mod increased to 50-70. Movement Speed mod
: increased to 25%. Increased Evasion Rating while on Onslaught mod increased
: to 100%.
: - Doedre's Tenure: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 32. Intelligence mod
: increased to 20. Spell Damage mod increased to 50-60%. Reduced Cast Speed
: mod reduced to 15%.
: - Lioneye's Remorse: Maximum Life mod increased to 160-180.
: - Soul Mantle: Socketed gems now supported by level 20 Spell Totem.
: - Voidbringer: Increased Mana Cost mod now reduced to 40-80%.
: - Kongor's Undying Rage: Onslaught duration increased to 4 seconds.
: - Daresso's Defiance: Onslaught duration on Hit increased to 2 seconds per
: Endurance Charge
: - Forbidden Taste: No longer has Increased Flask Charges used. Increased
: recovery of Maximum Life mod increased to 75-100%
: - Asenath's Mark: No longer has 50% Increased Energy Shield. Now has 30-50
: Maximum Energy Shield.
: - The Peregrine: Increased Accuracy mod increased to 300. Physical Attack
: Mana leech is now Attack Mana leech and increased to 0.4%.
: - Immortal Flesh: No longer has Reduced Maximum Resistances mod. Now has -15%
: to -25% to All Resistances.
: - Sundance: Movement Speed mod increased to 20%.
: - Rainbowstride: Movement Speed mod increased to 25%.
: - The Anvil: No longer has Reduced Movement Speed mod.
: - Hyrri's Ire: Added cold Damage mod increased to (50 to 60)-(70 to 80).
: Dexterity mod increased to 40-50.
: - Windscream: Movement Speed mod increased to 15%. Increased Elemental Damage
: mod increased to 10-20%.
: - Slitherpinch: Attack Speed mod increased to 5-10%.
: - Darkscorn: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 130-150%.
: - Thunderfist: Added Lightning Damage mod increased to 1-100.
: - Thief's Torment: Life Gain on Hit mod increased to 40-60. Mana Gain on Hit
: mod increased to 30. All Resistances mod increased to 16-24%.
: - Atziri's Foible: Increased Mana Regeneration mod increased to 80-100%.
: Maximum Mana mod increased to 100. Increased Maximum Mana mod increased to
: 16-24%.
: - Zahndethus' Cassock: Increased Energy Shield mod increased to 125-150%.
: - Marylene's Fallacy: No longer has the property non-critical strikes deal
: 40% less damage.
: - Ming Heart: Reduced Maximum Life mod is now 10%. Reduced Energy Shield mod
: is now 10%.
: - Vis Mortis: Duration of Unholy Might increased to 10 seconds. Increased
: Energy Shield mod increased to 200-220%.
: - Mark of the Doubting Knight: Chance to Bleed on Critical Strike mod
: increased to 50%. Chance to Poison on Critical Strike mod increased to 50%.
: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 250-270%.
: - Dreamfeather: Added Physical Damage mod up to (30 to 50)-(65 to 80).
: - Cherrubim's Maleficence: Increased Chaos Damage mod increased to 50-80%.
: - Malachai's Artifice: Reduced Elemental Equilibrium Effect mod reduced to 25%.
: All Resistances mod is now reduced by 20%.
: - Agnerod East/West/North/South: Increased Level of Socketed Lightning Gems mod
: increased to +2
: - Ungil's Harmony: Global Critical Strike Multiplier mod is now reduced by 25%.
: - The Broken Crown: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 70-90.
: - Maloney's Nightfall: Attack Speed no longer has a range. Chance for Smoke
: Cloud when Hit mod up to 25%. Increased Damage against Blinded Enemies mod
: increased to 40-60%. Added Physical Damage mod increased to
: (8 to 10)-(14 to 16).
: - Surgebinders: No longer has Reduced Charge Duration mod.
: - Timeclasp: Increased Cast Speed mod increased to 5-10%. Maximum Energy
: Shield mod increased to 15-25. No longer has Reduced Mana Regeneration mod.
: Now has 15% Increased Mana Regeneration mod. Reduced Temporal Chains Effect
: on Self mod increased to 50%.
: - Shaper's Seed: Life regeneration Given to Allies increased to 2%.
: - Relentless Fury: Life Leech mod increased to 2%.
: - Bloodplay: Chance to Bleed mod increased to 30%.
: - Deep One's Hide: Added Cold Damage mod increased to 12-15.
: - Karui Charge: Increased Attack Speed mod reduced to 5-10%
: - Mon'tregul's Grasp: No longer has Zombies Deal 80-100% Increased Physical
: Damage. Now has Zombies Deal 80-100% More Physical Damage. Zombie Maximum
: Life mod increased to 5000.
: - Dyadian Dawn: Attack Damage Leeched as Life mod increased to 1%. Enemies
: ignited by an attack now burn 35% faster.
: - Springleaf: Life regenerated per second up to 3%. Life regenerated per
: second on low life down to 3%.
: - Winds of Change: Reduced Movement Speed mod reduced to 5-10%.
: - Malachai's Loop: Increased Energy Shield mod increased to 210-250%.
: - Heretic's Veil: Increased Level of Socketed Curse Gems mod reduced to +1.
: - Ascent from Flesh: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 75-80.
: - Shaper's Touch: Accuracy per 2 Intelligence mod increased to 4. Mana per 4
: STR mod increased to 2. Energy Shield per 10 STR mod increased to 2%.
: Evasion Rating per 10 INT mod increased to 2%. Melee Physical Damage per 10
: DEX mod increased to 2%.
: - Heartbreaker: Increased Spell Damage mod increased to 60-70%.
: - Pyre: Cold Damage converted to Fire Damage mod reduced to 40%.
: - Call of the Brotherhood: Lightning Damage converted to Cold Damage mod
: reduced to 40%.
: - Ichimonji: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 80-95%. Increased
: Attack Speed mod increased to 20-25%.
: The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
: Divine Orb:
: - Wake of Destruction: Now has 15% Increased Movement Speed
: - Dream Fragments: Now has the property Cannot be Chilled. Now has 30-40%
: Cold Resistance. Now requires Level 24.
: - Lochtonial Caress: No longer has Reduced Mana. Now has 20-30 to Maximum
: Life. Now has the property 10% chance to gain a frenzy, power or endurance
: charge on kill.
: - Terminus Est: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 220-260%. Now has
: Increased Critical Strike Chance of 50-75%.
: - Ashrend: Now has Maximum Life mod of 30-50. Now has the property Socketed
: Gems are Supported by level 10 Added Fire Damage.
: - Star of Wraeclast: Cooldown on Illusory Warp is now 3 seconds. Duration of
: Chilled ground is now 1.5 seconds. No longer has 30% Increased radius of
: Curse skills. Now has 60% Increased Area of Effect of Curses.
: - Bronn's Lithe: Now has 15% Increased Attack and Cast Speed on Using a
: Movement Skill Recently.
: - Solaris Lorica: Reduced Chaos Damage taken increased to 30-40. Now has 25%
: Reduced Chaos Damage Taken Over Time.
: - Hrimsorrow: No longer has Increased Evasion Rating mod. Now has 40-50
: Evasion Rating. Physical Damage converted to Cold mod increased to 50%.
: Cold Resistance mod increased to 20-30%. Now has (5-7) to (13-15) Added
: Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks.
: - Kaltenhalt: Now has 10-15% Physical Damage Added as Cold.
: - Quill Rain: Less weapon damage reduced to 40%. Now has 100% increased local
: physical damage. Now has 2 mana gain per hit.
: - Darkray Vectors: Reduced Frenzy Charge Duration mod reduced to 40%. Now has
: 40-70% Increased Armour and Evasion.
: - Deidbell: Now has 10-20 Added Physical Damage.
: - Kaom's Roots: Maximum Life mod increased to 150-200. Now has the property
: Cannot Be Slowed to Below Base Speed".
: - Bated Breath: Now has 20% Increased Energy Shield.
: - Doedre's Scorn: Increased Level of Socketed Curse Gems mod increased to +2.
: Now has 100-120 Maximum Energy Shield.
: - Rotgut: Chance to Gain Flask Charge on Critical Strike increased to 50%.
: Onslaught per Frenzy Charge increased to 2 seconds. Now has 50% Increased
: Duration.
: - Karui Ward: Now has 30% increased Projectile Damage.
: - Shavronne's Pace: Movement Speed on Full Life mod reduced to 20%. Now has
: 15% Increased Movement Speed.
: - Shavronne's Gambit: No longer has 2% Energy Shield Regenerated on Low Life.
: Now has 1% Energy Shield Regeneration.
: - Carnage Heart: No longer has Reduced Life or Reduced Energy Shield. Now has
: 30-40% Increased Damage While Leeching. Now has Increased Life Leech Rate of
: 50%.
: - Starkonja's Head: Dexterity mod increased to 50-70. Increased Evasion Rating
: on Low Life up to 150%. Now has 100-130% Increased Evasion Rating.
: - Chalice of Horrors: Now has 40-50 Maximum Life. Now has 50-70 Maximum Energy
: Shield.
: - Skullhead: Now has 10-20% All Resistances.
: - Incandescent Heart: No longer has 60-80 Armour. Increased Armour and Energy
: Shield mod increased to 220-240%. Now has 10-20% of Elemental Damage Added
: as Chaos. Now has Attack Damage Leech instead of Physical Attack Damage
: Leech.
: - Hyrri's Bite: Now has 10-20 Added Cold Damage.
: - Thousand Teeth Temu: Now has the property 10% of Damage Reflected Gained as
: Life.
: - Bloodboil: Added Fire Damage mod increased to (12 to 15)-(25 to 30). Reduced
: Chill Effectiveness on Self increased to 75%. No longer has Longer Ignite
: Duration. Now has 10% Increased Movement Speed While Ignited.
: - Southbound: Now has 50% Increased Herald of Ice Damage.
: - Victario's Influence: Now is supported by Level 30 Generosity. Reduced
: Reservation Cost of Socketed Gems increased to 30%. No longer has 10-20%
: Increased Radius of Aura skills. Now has 20-40% Increased Aura Area of
: Effect.
: - The Covenant: No longer has Blood Magic. Now has Socketed gems have Blood
: Magic. No longer has Reduced Maximum Life but has 10% Increased Maximum Life
: - Rime Gaze: Increased Energy Shield mod increased to 180-200%. Gems now
: supported by Level 20 Concentrated Effect. No longer has Slower Start of ES
: Recharge, but has Reduced ES Recharge rate of 50%.
: - Infractem: No longer has Cannot Leech. Now has Cannot Leech Life instead.
: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 110-125%.
: - Asenath's Gentle Touch: Curse with Level 10 Temporal Chains on Hit instead
: of Level 1.
: - Auxium: Now is on a Crystal Belt base type. Mana leech per Power Charge now
: works for all forms of Attack Damage rather than Physical Attack Damage
: alone.
: - The Magnate: Now has 20-25% all Elemental Resistances at 200 Strength or
: more.
: - Meginord's Vise: Now has 2% Life Regeneration per Second at 400 Strength or
: more.
: - Ambu's Charge: No longer has 2% Life Regeneration on Low Life. Now has 2%
: Life Regeneration if you have been Hit recently. Now has 60-80 Maximum Life.
: - Daresso's Courage: No longer has individual resistances. Now has All
: Resistance of 10-20%. Now has 20% chance to Block Spells if you've Blocked
: an Attack recently. Now has 20% chance to Block Attacks if you've Blocked a
: Spell Recently.
: - Chernobog's Pillar: Now has (12 to 15)-(30 to 35) Added Fire Damage to
: Spells and Attacks. Now has 60-80 Maximum Life. No longer has 10% chance to
: cast Enfeeble on hit. Now has a 25% chance to curse un-cursed enemies with
: Enfeeble on hit.
: - Dusktoe: Now has (15 to 20)-(25 to 30) Added Chaos Damage to Spells and
: Attacks while using a Flask. No longer has 10-20 Maximum Mana. Maximum Life
: mod increased to 20-30.
: - Mjolner: Now has the additional property Socketed Lightning Spells have 100%
: Increased Spell Damage if Triggered. This affects existing versions of the
: item.
: - The Stormheart: No longer has the property Cannot be Shocked while Frozen.
: Now has cannot be Shocked while Chilled. Now has a 50% chance to Shock
: Chilled Enemies.
: - Dreadarc: Now Curses with Level 10 Flammability on Hit instead of Level 1.
: - Deerstalker: Increased Movement Speed on throwing a trap mod reduced to 15%.
: Now has 15% Increased Movement Speed.
: - Hrimnor's Resolve: Now has 50-70 Maximum Life. No longer has Block and Stun
: recovery. No longer has Chance to Avoid Freeze or Chill. Now has the
: property Cannot be Frozen or Chilled if a Fire Skill is used recently.
: - Fidelitas' Spike: Chance to Shock mod increased to 15-20%. Now has 50%
: increased Herald of Thunder buff effect.
: - Kikazaru: Reduced Effect of Curse mod increased to 40%. No longer has
: (13-17) Life Regeneration per second. Now has 1 Life Regeneration per
: Second per Level.
: - Dyadus: Increased DPS by 50%. Enemies chilled by you now take 100% increased
: burning damage. No longer has 100% increased chill duration on enemies when
: in off hand. Now has the additional property of chilling enemies for 1
: second on hit with this weapon when in off hand.
: - Lightbane Raiment: Desecrated Ground created on block now deals more damage
: (250 chaos damage per second).
: - Nycta's Lantern: No longer is Supported by Level 10 Cold to Fire Support.
: No longer is Supported by Added Fire Damage Support. Now has the additional
: property +2 to level of Socketed Fire Gems. Now has additional property of
: 63-94 Added Fire Damage to Socketed Gems.
: - Drillneck: Projectile damage is now increased by 50% of Arrow Pierce chance.
: This affects existing versions of the item.
: - Belt of the Deceiver: No longer has Reduced Chance to Block. All
: Resistances mod increased to 10-15%. Now has the property of Nearby enemies
: are intimidated.
: - Victario's Flight: No longer has 30% Movement Speed on Low Life. Now has 15%
: Increased Movement Speed. Now has the additional property of You and Allies
: have 10% Increased Movement Speed.
: - Piscator's Vigil: Now has 5% Elemental Penetration with this weapon.
: - Nomic's Storm: No longer has 20% Increased Physical Damage taken. Now has
: 15% Increased Damage taken while on Full Energy Shield.
: - Coruscating Elixir: Now has 100% Increased Duration.
: - Brain Rattler: Now has 20% Lightning Penetration.
: - Kingmaker: No longer has 100-150 to Maximum Mana. Now has the property
: Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks. The aura now provides
: culling strike to allies, rather than culling strike to spells. Now has
: 30-40% Increased Critical Strike Chance.
: ==== New Zana Mods for Legacy League ====
: - Because Legacy returns many previous challenge leagues, we're trying out a
: different approach to Zana mods for the next three months.
: - Zana Mods now obey similar rules to the rolling of items. Monster Life, for
: example, cannot be applied to a map that already has a Monster Life mod.
: - Area is inhabited by Spiders cannot be applied to a map that already has a
: mod which causes that area to be inhabited by other monsters.
: - These new mods cannot be applied to unidentified maps.
: - Zana still has her basic Item Quantity mods that can be applied to maps,
: including unidentified ones.
: - Note that the Monster Life IV and Monster Damage IV provide more damage and
: life bonuses than you would normally be able to get on a map, but also give
: more Item Quantity and Rarity bonuses than normal.
: Zana Level 2:
: - Monster Life I, 2 Chaos Orbs: 20-29% more Monster Life, 14% increased
: Quantity of Items found in this Map, 7% increased Rarity of Items found in
: this Map.
: - Additional Totems, 2 Chaos Orbs: Area contains many Totems, 12% increased
: Quantity of Items found in this Map, 6% increased Rarity of Items found in
: this Map.
: Zana Level 3:
: - Monster Damage I, 2 Chaos Orbs: 15-19% increased Monster Damage, 16%
: increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 8% increased Rarity of Items
: found in this Map.
: - Area is inhabited by Spiders, 6 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by Spiders.
: Zana Level 4:
: - Monster Life II, 2 Chaos Orbs: 30-39% more Monster Life, 16% increased
: Quantity of Items found in this Map, 8% increased Rarity of Items found in
: this Map.
: - Additional Rogue Exiles, 3 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by 2 additional
: Rogue Exiles, 15% increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 8%
: increased Rarity of Items found in this Map.
: Zana Level 5:
: - Monster Damage II, 2 Chaos Orbs: 20-24% increased Monster Damage, 18%
: increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 9% increased Rarity of Items
: found in this Map.
: - Area is inhabited by Blackguards, 6 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by the
: Blackguard, 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 5% increased
: Rarity of Items found in this Map.
: Zana Level 6:
: - Monster Life III, 2 Chaos Orbs: 40-49% more Monster Life, 18% increased
: Quantity of Items found in this Map, 9% increased Rarity of Items found in
: this Map.
: - Monsters from Beyond, 3 Chaos Orbs: Slaying Enemies close together can
: attract Monsters from Beyond, 12% increased Quantity of Items found in this
: Map, 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Map.
: Zana Level 7:
: - Monster Damage III, 2 Chaos Orbs: 25-30% increased Monster Damage, 20%
: increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 10% increased Rarity of Items
: found in this Map.
: - Area is inhabited by Bandits, 6 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by Bandits.
: Zana Level 8:
: - Monster Life IV, 2 Chaos Orbs: 50-59% more Monster Life, 22% increased
: Quantity of Items found in this Map, 11% increased Rarity of Items found in
: this Map.
: - Monster Damage IV, 2 Chaos Orbs: 31-35% increased Monster Damage, 24%
: increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 12% increased Rarity of
: Items found in this Map.
: - Twinned Unique Bosses, 3 Chaos Orbs: Area contains two Unique Bosses, 12%
: increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 6% increased Rarity of Items
: found in this Map.
標題 [閒聊] 學測作文歪腰郵筒寫點兔,會得高分嗎?
nico5516: 我造了什麼孽...............01/29 22:00

Tags: PoE

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2017-03-03T06:05
Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-03-03T11:30
嗯嗯 跟我想的一樣 感謝翻譯 愛你><
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-03-07T23:17
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-03-11T09:41
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-03-15T13:28
The Faun應該是在The Climb救Navali要打的那隻unique
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2017-03-17T00:45
怪物改名的Guardian of the Mound應該不是在Climb
是在Prisoner's Gate才對 應該是patch note寫錯
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-03-20T12:22
先翻一半另一半就沒P幣了 幫QQ
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-03-25T01:58
Orbs of storm不是天雷之珠吧
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-03-27T02:46
Orb of Storms應該是風暴漩渦 不是天雷之珠吧(?
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-03-30T06:26
忘記中文是啥了 風暴漩渦之類的
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-04-02T02:37
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-04-02T05:09
那跟一次只能用一個寶石發動 意思好像就差不多... XD
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2017-04-03T22:50
然後Arcing Blows應該是武器閃電傷害那圈沒錯
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2017-04-06T06:32
國際服搜尋Arcing Blow就只會找到那一點XD
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-04-08T19:30
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-04-08T20:35
推 辛苦了 請收下我的膝蓋
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-04-13T13:48
但是原本是4點走進去 現在變成一個圓 兩邊都能花3點
點到notable這樣 然後兩邊的過路點會不一樣
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-04-17T15:01
我只有針對你不確定的部分檢查 然後我說的也未必是對
的 請原PO再次確認XD
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-04-18T10:12
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-04-19T17:00
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-04-23T02:03
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-04-25T15:32
剛CD 補
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-04-28T14:22
ci跟vp是3.0才要改嗎 = =
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-05-03T14:20
痾... 是阿 他們一開始就是這樣說的......
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-05-05T18:06
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-05-10T12:11
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-05-14T20:56

Content Update 2.6.0 Patch Notes

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-03-01T21:46
原文: 只貼技能、裝備、天賦改動 剩下的請參照官方原帖 Edited: 隨便翻翻 能翻就翻 有錯再說 ==== General Balance Changes ==== - Unset Rin ...

Voe - 2.6 改版資訊

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-03-01T20:41
所在聯盟:Standard 實況連結: 詳細描述: □ NiceBuilds □ U質 □ 輕挑 □ 驕傲 □ 節奏明顯掌握不好 □ 我沒差台 = = - ...

origin= =(我沒差台) 國際服

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-03-01T19:37
角色名稱:Moris 所在聯盟:LINSUNLIN 一般標準 實況連結: 詳細描述: 在下就是我沒差本人你要不要看我也沒差= = 代po 有問題提醒一下謝謝各位 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhon ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2017-03-01T19:14 如題,大多數冰劍配置都是督軍且督軍打王效果還會被弱化 但是影片中開了 冰霜之捷-紀律-刺客印記 卻好像還是有吸血的效益。請各位高手幫忙分 析為什麼可以這樣 自己玩下去後發現只能靠督軍解決吸血跟魔力的問題 - ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-03-01T15:55
2.6的Patchnotes終於出來了, 我目前看到瘋狂邊界的改動感覺滿心動的, 首先先說雙手劍的改動,他的上詞綴18%命中率被改成命中值, 也就是說不用再找一堆命中率戒指了, 還有基礎攻速增加0.1,但是傷害稍微降低,這些大概就是雙手劍的改動, 再來是瘋狂邊界, 此物品上的主動技能寶石等級+1 增加 (6 ...