Content Update 2.6.0 Patch Notes - 流亡黯道

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By Anonymous
at 2017-03-01T21:46

Table of Contents




Edited: 隨便翻翻 能翻就翻 有錯再說

==== General Balance Changes ====

- Unset Rings can now roll a new mod that increases the level of the socketed
gem by up to three levels.
潛能之戒能骰出新詞墜: 此物品上寶石等級 + (1~3)

- The Nihilist's item prefix that gave +1 to socketed Chaos Gems now appears
on level 4 items and above, down from level 40. Added a new mod,
Anarchist's, that grants +2 to socketed Chaos Gems.
骰出前墜「此物品上混沌寶石等級 +1」的物品等級需求從ilv40改成ilv4
新增一新tier「此物品上混沌寶石等級 +2」

- Diviner's Strongboxes can now only spawn in maps.

- The Brinerot mod (found from Brinerot Warbands) now grants Damage +% during
Flask Effect, instead of Rarity during Flask Effect. This is because the
rarity mod was overshadowed by the fact you could already get rarity on
Gloves and unique items. This new stat is more valuable, useable and
competes with the Redblade/Mutewind mods better.
之前軍團聯盟會才會掉 有特殊詞墜的魔法物品
其中手套原本是藥劑作用時增加物品稀有度 改成 增加傷害%

- Spectral Wolves summoned by unique items such as Rigwald's Crest and The
Scourge now have 80% more life. They are now the same size as the player for
the purpose of pathing or collision checks which allows them to swarm
enemies better, or follow the player through tight areas. They also now have
impact audio when attacking.

- The "Other Allies Cannot Die" mod can no longer appear on immobile monsters
such as Eye Hatchery or Rakangos.

- The Faun now does more damage in Cruel and Merciless.

- Reduced monster Spectral Throw damage because it can hit twice when turning.

- Substantially reducing the size of Perandus Packs, for both balance and
performance reasons.

- The Docks unique monster The Revenant has been renamed The Shipyard Terror.

- The Riverways unique monster Kall Foxfly has been renamed Targa, Beast

- The Northern Forest unique monster Tailsinger has been renamed Seleslatha.

- The Sewers unique monster Spinesnap has been renamed Gloomgut.

- The Climb's unique monster Guardian of the Mound has been renamed Ungulath.

==== Skill Balance Changes ====

- Ice Crash has had its damage increased by 13% at level 1, and has slightly
improved damage progression as the gem levels. The second stage now deals
10% less damage, down from 15%. The third stage now deals 20% less damage,
down from 30%.
寒冰衝擊 Lv1 提高13%傷害
第二擊 造成 15% -> 10% 更少傷害
第三擊 造成 30% -> 20% 更少傷害

- Sunder has had its primary damage increased by 40% at level 1 and has
slightly improved damage progression as the gem levels. The secondary
shockwave effects now deal 40% of base damage, down from 70%.
大地震擊 Lv1的基本攻擊傷害 提高40%
其衝擊波傷害 造成 30% -> 60% 更少傷害

- Blade Flurry has had its damage reduced by 18% at level 1 of the gem,
scaling to a 15% reduction at level 20 of the gem.
刀鋒亂舞 Lv1 降低18%傷害 Lv20 跟上一版比低了15%傷害

- Magma Orb's explosion radius has been increased by 28%.
熔岩之核 爆炸半徑增加28%

- The Animate Weapon skill now has a maximum of 50 animated weapon minions
that can be active at once.
幻化武器 同一時間可招喚的上限數量提高/降低到50 (不知道原本多少

- Wild Strike now converts 100% of the attack's physical damage to a random
element, up from 60%.
野性打擊 現在轉換100%的物理傷害 以前只轉60%

- Flame Surge now has approximately 40% less Mana Cost at all Levels. Flame
Surge previously had one of the highest mana costs per second of any
offensive spell, and will now be more in line with similar skills.
怒焰奔騰 跟上一版比消耗40%更少的法力 (WTF? 就這樣?

- Orb of Storms now has a base skill duration of 6 seconds, down from 10.
風暴漩渦 持續時間10s->6s

- Raised Zombies now have a melee attack range of 9 on their basic attack,
up from 4. Their slam ability is now more visible, has a 25% larger radius,
and will be used more readily.
殭屍復甦 攻擊範圍4->9 敲地板的半徑+25% 而且會越常敲

- Vigilant Strike now grants at 75% Increased Fortify Duration up from 50% at
level 1, and increases by 5% each gem level.
戒備打擊 Lv1 增加50% -> 75%護體持續時間 每一級增加5%

- Vaal Haste now gives 25% attack speed, 24% cast speed and 10% movement speed
at level 1 of the gem, down from 30% attack speed, 29% cast speed and 14%
movement speed. At level 20, Vaal Haste now gives 31% attack speed, 31% cast
speed and 13% movement speed down from 36% attack speed, 36% cast speed and
20% movement speed. The duration of Vaal Haste has been reduced to 4s from
6s at all levels.
瓦爾迅捷 Lv1 增加30% -> 25%攻速 29% -> 24%施法速度 14% -> 10%跑速
Lv20 36% -> 31% 36% -> 31% 20% -> 13%
持續時間 6s->4s

- Vaal Discipline has been changed to no longer provide any bonus energy
瓦爾紀律 不增加額外能量護盾了

- You can now only have one instance of Blade Vortex active at once.
您現在只能有一個Blade Vortex的一個實例同時處於活動狀態。

==== Passive Tree Balance Changes ====

- Vitality Void/Spirit Void: Moved the Mana and Life Leech combined passive to
the bottom and attached it to the outside perimeter.

- The Thick Skin cluster now attaches to the outside perimeter.

- The Slashing Comeback, Fatal Blade and Brutal Blade clusters have been
游俠 右邊大圈的劍天賦會跟零點射擊旁邊那圈劍天賦合併

- The Flash Freeze cluster now has a second arc for increased Cold Damage with
Weapons and converting Physical Damage to Cold.

- The Forces of Nature cluster has been moved to between the Ranger and the
Shadow on the inner path.

- A new Weapon Elemental Damage wheel has been added on the South-East corner
of the tree. This is a large source of weapon elemental damage to provide
support to more of the ranger-orientated elemental skills.
天賦樹 東南方角落 會有新的一圈很慷慨的武器元素傷害

- The area between Ranger and Shadow has been changed: a number of the more
expensive weapon clusters have been reduced into 3-point clusters to be more
刺客跟游俠中間 爪 匕首 劍 的三圈會改成更小的3點小圈

- The Revenge of the Hunted and Void Barrier clusters are now more accessible.

- Master Fletcher has been removed and replaced by Avatar of the Hunt.

- Blood Drinker Life Leech is now all attack damage, not just physical.
刺客右邊的生命點 附帶的吸血改成攻擊傷害 不再限於物理傷害

- Mind Drinker Mana Leech is now all attack damage, not just physical.
刺客右邊的生命點 附帶的吸魔改成攻擊傷害 不再限於物理傷害

- The large claw wheel has been generally improved and now offers more
Critical Strike support.
刺客右邊爪的大圈天賦給更棒的數值 並且 提供暴擊相關的增福

- Soul Raker Life and Mana Leech is now all attack damage, not just physical.
刺客右邊爪的大圈天賦 其中吸血改為攻擊傷害 不再限於物理傷害

- The Nightstalker cluster now only contains a total of three passive skills.

- The Claws of the Falcon cluster now gives a higher value of Claw Critical
Strike Chance and Accuracy percentage.

- The Arcing Blows cluster has been moved and is now joined with the
Crackling Speed cluster.

- The Crackling Speed passive skill is now cheaper to acquire.

- Mind over Matter has been moved (it is still connected to the same passive
though). A new smaller cluster has been added behind Mind over Matter
providing large increases to mana.
MOM換地方 後面再加一些大幅增加魔力的幾點

- In the Explosive Impact cluster, it is now cheaper to acquire the notable
skill. The two paths to it now differ, one is combined Increased Fire
Damage and Increased Cast speed with Fire Skills.

- Zealot's Oath has been repositioned to the perimeter of the tree.

- The staff wheel to the left of Templar has been improved. A third notable
has been added which focuses on improving Critical Strikes. This should be
accessible to all Critical Strike-orientated staff builds.

- The Razor's Edge passive skill now grants 30% increased Physical Damage
with Swords and 15% chance to cause Bleeding. This now also has +1 to Melee
Weapon Range.

- Removed the passive skills behind Razor's Edge and Blade Master.

- The Blade Master passive skill and passives before it have been improved.
Blade Master now grants +200 Accuracy Rating with Swords, instead of
Accuracy percentage.

- Master of Force has been moved and made cheaper to acquire. This also now
provides 10% reduced Reflected Physical Damage Taken.

- Ash, Frost and Storm now provides 10% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage

- Aspect of the Eagle, and the passive between it and Ballistic Mastery now
give Bow Damage percentage (not just physical). This is to open up a path
for non-physical bow builds.

- Revenge of the Hunted has been moved and now grants 8% increased maximum

- The Blade of the Cunning cluster has been improved.

- The Hatchet Master cluster has been improved.

- Prism Weave now grants 30% increased Elemental Damage with Wands (from 20%).

- Soul of Steel is now cheaper to acquire. The two paths to it now differ,
one is now combined. Increased Armour +% and Elemental Resistances.

- Celerity now has 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed.

- Blast Cascade now has 15% chance to gain a Power Charge when your Mine is
Detonated. targeting an Enemy.

==== Map Mod Balance Changes ====

- The 'of Rust' Map mod now has 20%, 25% or 30% less Armour at Low, Mid and
High Tier Maps respectively, down from 30%, 40% and 50%.

- The 'Hexwarded' Map mod now has 40% and 60% less Curse Effect at Mid and
High Tier Maps respectively, down from 50% and 75%. The Low Tier Hexwarded
mod is unchanged.

- The 'of Drought' Map mod now has 30%, 40% and 50% reduced Flask Charges
gained at Low, Mid and High Tier Maps respectively, up from 20%, 25% and

==== Threshold Jewel Balance Changes ====

- Unique Threshold Jewels that applied to specific skills have had their
attribute requirements reduced to 40, from 50. They also no longer require
those attributes to be allocated.

- The "Steel Spirit" unique threshold jewel now grants 5% increased damage to
Spectral Throw projectiles for each enemy hit, up from 4%.

- The Rapid Expansion unique threshold jewel now grants a 35% increased angle
for Ground Slam. It also has a 25% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when
you Stun an enemy with Ground Slam, and is now limited to 3.

- The Growing Agony unique threshold jewel now also has a 10% chance to grant
Unholy Might when for each poison stack on an enemy you hit with Viper
Strike. It is now limited to 1.

- The Spirit Guards unique threshold jewel now allows up to 8 ranged weapons
to be animated, and is now limited to 2.

- The Spirited Response unique threshold jewel is now limited to 2.

- The unique threshold jewel The Vigil now fortifies you and nearby allies
for 20 seconds, and is now limited to 1.

- The Unending Hunger unique threshold jewel now grants spectres a 50% chance
to gain Soul Eater on kill, and is now limited to 2.

- The Volley Fire unique threshold jewel is now limited to 3.

- The Weight of the Empire unique threshold jewel is now limited to 2.

- The Winter's Bounty unique threshold jewel now grants a 50% chance for Cold
Snap to grant a power charge on kill. It is now limited to 2.

- Note that there are some other Threshold Jewel changes listed in the Area
of Effect Balance section below.

==== Weapon Balance Changes ====

- All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased. Lower-level
weapons, weapons with lower critical chance, and weapons with lower-value
implicits have had their damage increased by a higher value.

- Local Added Physical Damage modifiers to One-handed weapons have had their
values increased by 10%. Using a Divine Orb will cause existing mods to be
updated to the new values.

- Weapon critical strike chances have been adjusted. Most critical chance
values have been reduced on base types that could have over 6.5% base
critical chance. This is to create a more distributed choice of weapon
types for critical strike characters.

- Two-handed swords have had their weapon speed increased by 0.1 attacks per
second, and their base damage reduced to compensate. This makes them the
highest average speed two-handed weapon type.

- Many one-handed and two-handed swords now grant additional flat accuracy as
their implicit mod, replacing percentage increases to accuracy. Existing
copies of these swords will not be updated.

- Dagger implicit mods have been reduced. Daggers now grant 30%, 40% or 50%
increased global critical chance, down from 40%, 60% and 80%. This will
automatically apply to existing copies of these weapons.

- Lower-level claw base types that previously granted life leech now grant
life gained for each enemy hit. Cat's Paw now grants 8 life on hit,
Timeworn Claw now grants 19 life on hit, and Fright Claw now grants 20 life
on hit.

- Maraketh claw base types (Double Claw, Twin Claw and Gemini Claw) now have
separate life and mana on hit values, as they now grant more life on hit
(15, 28 and 38 life on hit respectively).

- Maraketh thrusting swords have a higher chance to bleed, going from 8%/12%
to 15%/20%.

- Using a Blessed Orb will update existing weapons to these new values.

- Thrusting swords that granted Critical Multiplier now grant +25%/+35%
Critical Strike Multiplier, down from +30%/+50%. Using a Blessed Orb will
update existing weapons to these new values.

- One-handed maces now grant 10%/15% stun threshold, instead of 20%/40% stun

- All staves have had their block values increased. Previously, staves granted
either 12% block chance or 18% block chance. They now grant 18% and 20%
respectively. Using a Blessed Orb will update existing staves to these new

==== League-Specific Unique Item Changes ====

The following changes can be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
Divine Orb:

- Vaal Caress: Cold Resistance mod increased to 40%. Maximum Life mod
increased to 50-70.

- Brinerot Whalers: Increased Movement Speed increased to 25%. Maximum Energy
Shield mod increased to 120-150.

- Mutewind Whispersteps: Increased Movement Speed mod increased to 25%.
Critical Strike Chance with Spells increased to 50-70%. Added Cold Damage
to Spells mod increased (25 to 30)-(40-50).

- Valako's Sign: Chance to Shock mod increased to 10%. Increased Damage
versus Shocked Enemies mod increased to 40%.

- Berek's Grip: Increased Cold Damage mod increased to 25-30%. Added Lightning
Damage mod increased to 1 to (50-70) to attacks and spells. Now has Damage
Leeched as Life against Shocked enemies instead of Frozen enemies. Now has
Damage Leeched as Mana against Frozen enemies instead of Shocked enemies.

- Berek's Pass: Increased Fire Damage mod increased to 25-30%. Added Cold
Damage mod increased to (20-25) to (30-50) to attacks and spells.

- Ylfeban's Trickery: No longer creates Shocked Ground when hit at a 10%
chance. Now has a triggered spell called Shock Ground that casts when you
are hit. No longer casts random curse on hit. Now has 20% chance to curse
uncursed enemies on hit.

- Reach of the Council: Number of Additional Arrows reduced to 2.

The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
Divine Orb:

- Brinerot Flag: No longer has Mana on hitting a Taunted Enemy. No longer has
8-12% Increased Attack Speed. Now has 8-12% Increased Cast Speed. Now has
the property Gain 2 Power Charges on Using a Warcry. Increased Level of
Socketed Warcry Gems mod increased to +3.

- Redblade Banner: Maximum Life mod increased to 50-60. No longer has
additional Level to Warcry Gems. Now has 80-100% Increased Armour. Now has
2% Attack Damage Leeched as Life against Taunted Enemies. Now has 50%
increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery. No longer has Endurance Charge Duration.

- Mutewind Pennant: No longer has 20-30% Increased Chaos Damage. No longer has
Additional Level to Warcry Gems. No longer has Onslaught on Killing Taunted
Enemies. Now has 25% Increased Warcry Effect. Now has 80-100% Increased
Evasion. Now has the property gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on using a Warcry.

- Redblade Tramplers: Now has 50-70 Maximum Life. Increased Movement Speed mod
increased to 25%.

- Tasalio's Sign: Cold Damage up to (7 to 10)-(15 to 20) and now added to
attacks and spells. Chance to Freeze mod increased to 10%. No longer has
physical damage added versus frozen enemies. No longer has 20% reduced chill
duration on self. Now has 40-60 added cold damage against chilled enemies.
Now has 50% chance to avoid chill.

- Ngamahu's Sign: Chance to ignite mod increased to 10%. Added fire damage now
added to attacks and spells. No longer has life gain on hitting ignited
enemies. Now has 20-30 Life Gained on Igniting an Enemy.

- Broken Faith: No longer has Reduced Block Chance. Now has 5% Increased
Chance to Block. Now has the property gain Unholy Might for 10 seconds on
Block. No longer has Increased Damage on no Energy Shield. Now has 100%
increased Global Armour on no Energy Shield.

- Trolltimber Spire: No longer has 1% of Damage Leeched as Life by totems.
Now has 0.5% of Damage Dealt by Totems is Leeched to you. Now has increased
Armour of 130-150%.

- Crown of the Pale King: Now has 60-80 Maximum Life.

- Berek's Respite: Lightning Damage up to 25-30%. Added fire damage now
(20-25) to (30-50) to attacks and spells. Now shocks all nearby enemies on
killing a shocked enemy. Now ignites all nearby enemies on killing an
ignited enemy.

- Gifts from Above: No longer has Create Consecrated Ground on Critical Strike.
Now has a triggered spell called Consecrate that Casts when you deal a
Critical Strike. Now has 50% Increased Damage on Consecrated Ground. Now has
5% additional Block Chance on Consecrated Ground.

- The Gull: Now has 30-40% Cold Resistance. Now has 60-80 Maximum Life. Now
has 40-65 Maximum Energy Shield. No longer has Life and Energy Shield gained
on kill. No longer has Maximum Mana.

- Edge of Madness: No longer has Life gained on kill per level. No longer has
Increased Elemental Damage per level. Now has 1-2 Physical Damage added per

- Shavronne's Revelation: No longer has 100% increased mana regeneration on
left ring slot. Now has 40 Mana regenerated per second on left ring slot.
Now has 100 Maximum Mana on right ring slot. Now has 100 Maximum Energy
Shield on left ring slot.

- Death Rush: Onslaught on kill duration increased to 4 seconds. Increased
Armour mod increased to 260-300. Now has Maximum Life of 40-50.

- Blood of the Karui: No longer has the property of preventing life recovery
during flask effect. Now has 100% Increased Life Recovery.

- The Rat Cage: No longer has -5% Maximum Fire resistance. Now has -50% fire

- Jorrhast's Blacksteel: Now has the additional property 25% chance to cast
level 20 Animate Weapon on kill.

- Brutus' Lead Sprinkler: No longer has Added Fire Damage against Ignited
enemies. Now Adds 2-4 Fire Damage to Attacks per 10 Strength.

- Brinerot Mark: No longer is supported by level 15 Concentrated Effect. No
longer is supported by level 15 minion life. Increased Spell Damage mod
increased to 20-25%. Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3. Now socketed golem gems have +25% buff effect. Now socketed golem gems have 20% of golem life added as Energy Shield.

- Mutewind Seal: No longer is supported by level 13 Faster Attacks. No longer
is supported by level 16 increased minion Speed. Chance to dodge attacks is
now 3-5%. Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3. Now
socketed golem gems have 20% increased attack and cast speed. Now socketed
golem gems grant onslaught for 10 seconds on summon.

- Redblade Band: No longer is supported by level 12 Lesser Multiple
Projectiles. No longer is supported by level 17 increased minion damage.
No longer has (8-12) to (20-30) fire damage to attacks. Now has Maximum
Life of 30-40. Increased Level of Socketed Golem Gems increased to +3. Now
socketed golem gems have a 25% chance to taunt on hit. Now socketed golem
gems have 5% life regenerated per second.

- Night's Hold: Increased level requirement to 25

==== Other Unique Item Changes ====

The following changes can be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
Divine Orb:

- Sin Trek: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 100-160

- Essentia Sanguis: Added Lightning Damage mod increased to 1-200. Now is on
a Vaal Claw base type.

- Titucius' Span: Reduced Physical Damage taken from Projectile Attacks mod
changed to 50-80

- Foxshade: Evasion Rating on Full Life mod increased to 500

- Taryn's Shiver: Increased Level of Socketed Cold Gems mod increased to +2

- Le Heup of All: Increased Damage mod increased to 10-30%. All Attributes mod
increased to 10-30. All Resistances mod increased to 10-30%. Increased Item
Rarity mod increased to 10-30%.

- Sibyl's Lament: Reduced Elemental and Physical Reflected Damage mod taken up
to 40%

- Briskwrap: Increased Attack Speed mod increased to 10%

- Gang's Momentum: Increased Chance to Ignite mod increased to 10-15%.
Increased damage to Ignited Enemies mod increased to 25-40%.

- Prismweave: Added Fire Damage mod increased to (7-8)-(15-16). Added Cold
Damage mod increased to (5-6)-(12-14). Added Lightning Damage mod increased
to 1-(30-34).

- The Restless Ward: Increased Evasion/Energy Shield mod increased to 220-250%.
Maximum Life mod increased to 60-80. Life Regenerated per second per
Endurance Charge mod increased to 20-30.

- The Princess: Physical Damage added as Cold mod increased to 25-30%.

- Flesh-Eater: Chance to Bleed on Hit mod increased to 30%. Life Leech against
Bleeding Enemies mod increased to 3%.

- Geofri's Sanctuary: Maximum Energy Shield per 5 Strength mod increased to 2.

- Three-Step Assault: Maximum Life mod increased to 50-70. Movement Speed mod
increased to 25%. Increased Evasion Rating while on Onslaught mod increased
to 100%.

- Doedre's Tenure: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 32. Intelligence mod
increased to 20. Spell Damage mod increased to 50-60%. Reduced Cast Speed
mod reduced to 15%.

- Lioneye's Remorse: Maximum Life mod increased to 160-180.

- Soul Mantle: Socketed gems now supported by level 20 Spell Totem.

- Voidbringer: Increased Mana Cost mod now reduced to 40-80%.

- Kongor's Undying Rage: Onslaught duration increased to 4 seconds.

- Daresso's Defiance: Onslaught duration on Hit increased to 2 seconds per
Endurance Charge

- Forbidden Taste: No longer has Increased Flask Charges used. Increased
recovery of Maximum Life mod increased to 75-100%

- Asenath's Mark: No longer has 50% Increased Energy Shield. Now has 30-50
Maximum Energy Shield.

- The Peregrine: Increased Accuracy mod increased to 300. Physical Attack
Mana leech is now Attack Mana leech and increased to 0.4%.

- Immortal Flesh: No longer has Reduced Maximum Resistances mod. Now has -15%
to -25% to All Resistances.

- Sundance: Movement Speed mod increased to 20%.

- Rainbowstride: Movement Speed mod increased to 25%.

- The Anvil: No longer has Reduced Movement Speed mod.

- Hyrri's Ire: Added cold Damage mod increased to (50 to 60)-(70 to 80).
Dexterity mod increased to 40-50.

- Windscream: Movement Speed mod increased to 15%. Increased Elemental Damage
mod increased to 10-20%.

- Slitherpinch: Attack Speed mod increased to 5-10%.

- Darkscorn: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 130-150%.

- Thunderfist: Added Lightning Damage mod increased to 1-100.

- Thief's Torment: Life Gain on Hit mod increased to 40-60. Mana Gain on Hit
mod increased to 30. All Resistances mod increased to 16-24%.

- Atziri's Foible: Increased Mana Regeneration mod increased to 80-100%.
Maximum Mana mod increased to 100. Increased Maximum Mana mod increased to

- Zahndethus' Cassock: Increased Energy Shield mod increased to 125-150%.

- Marylene's Fallacy: No longer has the property non-critical strikes deal
40% less damage.

- Ming Heart: Reduced Maximum Life mod is now 10%. Reduced Energy Shield mod
is now 10%.

- Vis Mortis: Duration of Unholy Might increased to 10 seconds. Increased
Energy Shield mod increased to 200-220%.

- Mark of the Doubting Knight: Chance to Bleed on Critical Strike mod
increased to 50%. Chance to Poison on Critical Strike mod increased to 50%.
Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 250-270%.

- Dreamfeather: Added Physical Damage mod up to (30 to 50)-(65 to 80).

- Cherrubim's Maleficence: Increased Chaos Damage mod increased to 50-80%.

- Malachai's Artifice: Reduced Elemental Equilibrium Effect mod reduced to 25%.
All Resistances mod is now reduced by 20%.

- Agnerod East/West/North/South: Increased Level of Socketed Lightning Gems mod
increased to +2

- Ungil's Harmony: Global Critical Strike Multiplier mod is now reduced by 25%.

- The Broken Crown: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 70-90.

- Maloney's Nightfall: Attack Speed no longer has a range. Chance for Smoke
Cloud when Hit mod up to 25%. Increased Damage against Blinded Enemies mod
increased to 40-60%. Added Physical Damage mod increased to
(8 to 10)-(14 to 16).

- Surgebinders: No longer has Reduced Charge Duration mod.

- Timeclasp: Increased Cast Speed mod increased to 5-10%. Maximum Energy
Shield mod increased to 15-25. No longer has Reduced Mana Regeneration mod.
Now has 15% Increased Mana Regeneration mod. Reduced Temporal Chains Effect
on Self mod increased to 50%.

- Shaper's Seed: Life regeneration Given to Allies increased to 2%.

- Relentless Fury: Life Leech mod increased to 2%.

- Bloodplay: Chance to Bleed mod increased to 30%.

- Deep One's Hide: Added Cold Damage mod increased to 12-15.

- Karui Charge: Increased Attack Speed mod reduced to 5-10%

- Mon'tregul's Grasp: No longer has Zombies Deal 80-100% Increased Physical
Damage. Now has Zombies Deal 80-100% More Physical Damage. Zombie Maximum
Life mod increased to 5000.

- Dyadian Dawn: Attack Damage Leeched as Life mod increased to 1%. Enemies
ignited by an attack now burn 35% faster.

- Springleaf: Life regenerated per second up to 3%. Life regenerated per
second on low life down to 3%.

- Winds of Change: Reduced Movement Speed mod reduced to 5-10%.

- Malachai's Loop: Increased Energy Shield mod increased to 210-250%.

- Heretic's Veil: Increased Level of Socketed Curse Gems mod reduced to +1.

- Ascent from Flesh: Maximum Energy Shield mod increased to 75-80.

- Shaper's Touch: Accuracy per 2 Intelligence mod increased to 4. Mana per 4
STR mod increased to 2. Energy Shield per 10 STR mod increased to 2%.
Evasion Rating per 10 INT mod increased to 2%. Melee Physical Damage per 10
DEX mod increased to 2%.

- Heartbreaker: Increased Spell Damage mod increased to 60-70%.

- Pyre: Cold Damage converted to Fire Damage mod reduced to 40%.

- Call of the Brotherhood: Lightning Damage converted to Cold Damage mod
reduced to 40%.

- Ichimonji: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 80-95%. Increased
Attack Speed mod increased to 20-25%.

The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a
Divine Orb:

- Wake of Destruction: Now has 15% Increased Movement Speed

- Dream Fragments: Now has the property Cannot be Chilled. Now has 30-40%
Cold Resistance. Now requires Level 24.

- Lochtonial Caress: No longer has Reduced Mana. Now has 20-30 to Maximum
Life. Now has the property 10% chance to gain a frenzy, power or endurance
charge on kill.

- Terminus Est: Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 220-260%. Now has
Increased Critical Strike Chance of 50-75%.

- Ashrend: Now has Maximum Life mod of 30-50. Now has the property Socketed
Gems are Supported by level 10 Added Fire Damage.

- Star of Wraeclast: Cooldown on Illusory Warp is now 3 seconds. Duration of
Chilled ground is now 1.5 seconds. No longer has 30% Increased radius of
Curse skills. Now has 60% Increased Area of Effect of Curses.

- Bronn's Lithe: Now has 15% Increased Attack and Cast Speed on Using a
Movement Skill Recently.

- Solaris Lorica: Reduced Chaos Damage taken increased to 30-40. Now has 25%
Reduced Chaos Damage Taken Over Time.

- Hrimsorrow: No longer has Increased Evasion Rating mod. Now has 40-50
Evasion Rating. Physical Damage converted to Cold mod increased to 50%.
Cold Resistance mod increased to 20-30%. Now has (5-7) to (13-15) Added
Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks.

- Kaltenhalt: Now has 10-15% Physical Damage Added as Cold.

- Quill Rain: Less weapon damage reduced to 40%. Now has 100% increased local
physical damage. Now has 2 mana gain per hit.

- Darkray Vectors: Reduced Frenzy Charge Duration mod reduced to 40%. Now has
40-70% Increased Armour and Evasion.

- Deidbell: Now has 10-20 Added Physical Damage.

- Kaom's Roots: Maximum Life mod increased to 150-200. Now has the property
Cannot Be Slowed to Below Base Speed".

- Bated Breath: Now has 20% Increased Energy Shield.

- Doedre's Scorn: Increased Level of Socketed Curse Gems mod increased to +2.
Now has 100-120 Maximum Energy Shield.

- Rotgut: Chance to Gain Flask Charge on Critical Strike increased to 50%.
Onslaught per Frenzy Charge increased to 2 seconds. Now has 50% Increased

- Karui Ward: Now has 30% increased Projectile Damage.

- Shavronne's Pace: Movement Speed on Full Life mod reduced to 20%. Now has
15% Increased Movement Speed.

- Shavronne's Gambit: No longer has 2% Energy Shield Regenerated on Low Life.
Now has 1% Energy Shield Regeneration.

- Carnage Heart: No longer has Reduced Life or Reduced Energy Shield. Now has
30-40% Increased Damage While Leeching. Now has Increased Life Leech Rate of

- Starkonja's Head: Dexterity mod increased to 50-70. Increased Evasion Rating
on Low Life up to 150%. Now has 100-130% Increased Evasion Rating.

- Chalice of Horrors: Now has 40-50 Maximum Life. Now has 50-70 Maximum Energy

- Skullhead: Now has 10-20% All Resistances.

- Incandescent Heart: No longer has 60-80 Armour. Increased Armour and Energy
Shield mod increased to 220-240%. Now has 10-20% of Elemental Damage Added
as Chaos. Now has Attack Damage Leech instead of Physical Attack Damage

- Hyrri's Bite: Now has 10-20 Added Cold Damage.

- Thousand Teeth Temu: Now has the property 10% of Damage Reflected Gained as

- Bloodboil: Added Fire Damage mod increased to (12 to 15)-(25 to 30). Reduced
Chill Effectiveness on Self increased to 75%. No longer has Longer Ignite
Duration. Now has 10% Increased Movement Speed While Ignited.

- Southbound: Now has 50% Increased Herald of Ice Damage.

- Victario's Influence: Now is supported by Level 30 Generosity. Reduced
Reservation Cost of Socketed Gems increased to 30%. No longer has 10-20%
Increased Radius of Aura skills. Now has 20-40% Increased Aura Area of

- The Covenant: No longer has Blood Magic. Now has Socketed gems have Blood
Magic. No longer has Reduced Maximum Life but has 10% Increased Maximum Life

- Rime Gaze: Increased Energy Shield mod increased to 180-200%. Gems now
supported by Level 20 Concentrated Effect. No longer has Slower Start of ES
Recharge, but has Reduced ES Recharge rate of 50%.

- Infractem: No longer has Cannot Leech. Now has Cannot Leech Life instead.
Increased Physical Damage mod increased to 110-125%.

- Asenath's Gentle Touch: Curse with Level 10 Temporal Chains on Hit instead
of Level 1.

- Auxium: Now is on a Crystal Belt base type. Mana leech per Power Charge now
works for all forms of Attack Damage rather than Physical Attack Damage

- The Magnate: Now has 20-25% all Elemental Resistances at 200 Strength or

- Meginord's Vise: Now has 2% Life Regeneration per Second at 400 Strength or

- Ambu's Charge: No longer has 2% Life Regeneration on Low Life. Now has 2%
Life Regeneration if you have been Hit recently. Now has 60-80 Maximum Life.

- Daresso's Courage: No longer has individual resistances. Now has All
Resistance of 10-20%. Now has 20% chance to Block Spells if you've Blocked
an Attack recently. Now has 20% chance to Block Attacks if you've Blocked a
Spell Recently.

- Chernobog's Pillar: Now has (12 to 15)-(30 to 35) Added Fire Damage to
Spells and Attacks. Now has 60-80 Maximum Life. No longer has 10% chance to
cast Enfeeble on hit. Now has a 25% chance to curse un-cursed enemies with
Enfeeble on hit.

- Dusktoe: Now has (15 to 20)-(25 to 30) Added Chaos Damage to Spells and
Attacks while using a Flask. No longer has 10-20 Maximum Mana. Maximum Life
mod increased to 20-30.

- Mjolner: Now has the additional property Socketed Lightning Spells have 100%
Increased Spell Damage if Triggered. This affects existing versions of the

- The Stormheart: No longer has the property Cannot be Shocked while Frozen.
Now has cannot be Shocked while Chilled. Now has a 50% chance to Shock
Chilled Enemies.

- Dreadarc: Now Curses with Level 10 Flammability on Hit instead of Level 1.

- Deerstalker: Increased Movement Speed on throwing a trap mod reduced to 15%.
Now has 15% Increased Movement Speed.

- Hrimnor's Resolve: Now has 50-70 Maximum Life. No longer has Block and Stun
recovery. No longer has Chance to Avoid Freeze or Chill. Now has the
property Cannot be Frozen or Chilled if a Fire Skill is used recently.

- Fidelitas' Spike: Chance to Shock mod increased to 15-20%. Now has 50%
increased Herald of Thunder buff effect.

- Kikazaru: Reduced Effect of Curse mod increased to 40%. No longer has
(13-17) Life Regeneration per second. Now has 1 Life Regeneration per
Second per Level.

- Dyadus: Increased DPS by 50%. Enemies chilled by you now take 100% increased
burning damage. No longer has 100% increased chill duration on enemies when
in off hand. Now has the additional property of chilling enemies for 1
second on hit with this weapon when in off hand.

- Lightbane Raiment: Desecrated Ground created on block now deals more damage
(250 chaos damage per second).

- Nycta's Lantern: No longer is Supported by Level 10 Cold to Fire Support.
No longer is Supported by Added Fire Damage Support. Now has the additional
property +2 to level of Socketed Fire Gems. Now has additional property of
63-94 Added Fire Damage to Socketed Gems.

- Drillneck: Projectile damage is now increased by 50% of Arrow Pierce chance.
This affects existing versions of the item.

- Belt of the Deceiver: No longer has Reduced Chance to Block. All
Resistances mod increased to 10-15%. Now has the property of Nearby enemies
are intimidated.

- Victario's Flight: No longer has 30% Movement Speed on Low Life. Now has 15%
Increased Movement Speed. Now has the additional property of You and Allies
have 10% Increased Movement Speed.

- Piscator's Vigil: Now has 5% Elemental Penetration with this weapon.

- Nomic's Storm: No longer has 20% Increased Physical Damage taken. Now has
15% Increased Damage taken while on Full Energy Shield.

- Coruscating Elixir: Now has 100% Increased Duration.

- Brain Rattler: Now has 20% Lightning Penetration.

- Kingmaker: No longer has 100-150 to Maximum Mana. Now has the property
Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks. The aura now provides
culling strike to allies, rather than culling strike to spells. Now has
30-40% Increased Critical Strike Chance.

==== New Zana Mods for Legacy League ====

- Because Legacy returns many previous challenge leagues, we're trying out a
different approach to Zana mods for the next three months.

- Zana Mods now obey similar rules to the rolling of items. Monster Life, for
example, cannot be applied to a map that already has a Monster Life mod.

- Area is inhabited by Spiders cannot be applied to a map that already has a
mod which causes that area to be inhabited by other monsters.

- These new mods cannot be applied to unidentified maps.

- Zana still has her basic Item Quantity mods that can be applied to maps,
including unidentified ones.

- Note that the Monster Life IV and Monster Damage IV provide more damage and
life bonuses than you would normally be able to get on a map, but also give
more Item Quantity and Rarity bonuses than normal.

Zana Level 2:

- Monster Life I, 2 Chaos Orbs: 20-29% more Monster Life, 14% increased
Quantity of Items found in this Map, 7% increased Rarity of Items found in
this Map.

- Additional Totems, 2 Chaos Orbs: Area contains many Totems, 12% increased
Quantity of Items found in this Map, 6% increased Rarity of Items found in
this Map.

Zana Level 3:

- Monster Damage I, 2 Chaos Orbs: 15-19% increased Monster Damage, 16%
increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 8% increased Rarity of Items
found in this Map.
- Area is inhabited by Spiders, 6 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by Spiders.

Zana Level 4:

- Monster Life II, 2 Chaos Orbs: 30-39% more Monster Life, 16% increased
Quantity of Items found in this Map, 8% increased Rarity of Items found in
this Map.

- Additional Rogue Exiles, 3 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by 2 additional
Rogue Exiles, 15% increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 8%
increased Rarity of Items found in this Map.

Zana Level 5:

- Monster Damage II, 2 Chaos Orbs: 20-24% increased Monster Damage, 18%
increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 9% increased Rarity of Items
found in this Map.

- Area is inhabited by Blackguards, 6 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by the
Blackguard, 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 5% increased
Rarity of Items found in this Map.

Zana Level 6:

- Monster Life III, 2 Chaos Orbs: 40-49% more Monster Life, 18% increased
Quantity of Items found in this Map, 9% increased Rarity of Items found in
this Map.

- Monsters from Beyond, 3 Chaos Orbs: Slaying Enemies close together can
attract Monsters from Beyond, 12% increased Quantity of Items found in this
Map, 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Map.

Zana Level 7:

- Monster Damage III, 2 Chaos Orbs: 25-30% increased Monster Damage, 20%
increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 10% increased Rarity of Items
found in this Map.

- Area is inhabited by Bandits, 6 Chaos Orbs: Area is inhabited by Bandits.

Zana Level 8:

- Monster Life IV, 2 Chaos Orbs: 50-59% more Monster Life, 22% increased
Quantity of Items found in this Map, 11% increased Rarity of Items found in
this Map.

- Monster Damage IV, 2 Chaos Orbs: 31-35% increased Monster Damage, 24%
increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 12% increased Rarity of
Items found in this Map.

- Twinned Unique Bosses, 3 Chaos Orbs: Area contains two Unique Bosses, 12%
increased Quantity of Items found in this Map, 6% increased Rarity of Items
found in this Map.

Tags: PoE

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-03-05T14:54
嗯 這42頁太精闢了 說的很好 求翻譯
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-03-10T03:25
太棒了 真是詳盡 求翻譯
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-03-12T16:19
求翻譯= =
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-03-14T08:39
原來!!!! 等翻譯
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-03-17T18:44
太長了 下午就看完了但真的懶得翻XD
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-03-21T10:35
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2017-03-25T04:11
這樣貼還有146P幣 怎賺的?
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-03-30T01:32
bv bug再見
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2017-03-30T15:40
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-03-31T07:51
Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-04-01T03:48
恩恩原來如此 求免費翻譯
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2017-04-05T20:02
先趕快推 不然文組會笑我們不懂英文 等翻譯
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-04-07T08:54
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-04-11T05:45
這次內容也太多了吧wwwww 看一半就end了
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-04-12T11:57
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-04-14T18:55
我沒差啊= =
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-04-16T20:33
翻到一半 批幣沒了 森77
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-04-18T08:08
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-04-22T09:04
乾我沒存暫存 嗚嗚嗚
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2017-04-26T20:21
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-05-01T17:09
然後幫幻化武器QQ一下 R.I.P.
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2017-05-03T21:35
喔喔 原來如此跟我想的差不多
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-05-06T22:00
幻化武器還好啦 50隻夠用了 反正召太多也容易斷線w
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-05-09T07:35
推翻譯 辛苦了
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-05-09T12:23
樓... 樓上推錯篇
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-05-09T22:29
這... 這篇也有翻譯啦
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2017-05-11T15:14
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2017-05-14T14:26
uh 原來XD 我第一次看的時候還沒翻譯 我以為沒有XDDD
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-05-14T23:15
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2017-05-19T04:19
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2017-05-21T17:19
唉 好可憐的MOM 已經被排擠到沒地方去了QAQ
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-05-25T23:35
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-05-30T23:24
Pale Court基本上已經沒有值得去刷他的東西了
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-06-04T04:58


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-03-01T15:55
2.6的Patchnotes終於出來了, 我目前看到瘋狂邊界的改動感覺滿心動的, 首先先說雙手劍的改動,他的上詞綴18%命中率被改成命中值, 也就是說不用再找一堆命中率戒指了, 還有基礎攻速增加0.1,但是傷害稍微降低,這些大概就是雙手劍的改動, 再來是瘋狂邊界, 此物品上的主動技能寶石等級+1 增加 (6 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-03-01T13:02
你讓我回想到我朋友 想當初,剛開國際服沒多久的時間, 他就找一群人入坑, 當時最火紅的實況主絕對是kripp, 記得有個固定班底是玩震波圖騰的, 我朋友看了很興奮就重創一隻開練, 練到66等就找大家刷圖, 但跟他玩的時候頭真他媽很痛, 0傷害就算了還一直把怪推走, 他被我們排擠後, 自己重練3次後終於有心得了 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2017-03-01T11:00
相信大家應該都有在3-3買通貨的經驗 但每次在交易的時候我都在想為什麼他們可以按這麼快 幾百顆通貨一瞬間就放好 想問各位在放東西時有什麼訣竅嗎? 我就算ctrl按著狂點也沒辦法放這麼快... ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


John avatar
By John
at 2017-02-28T22:56
※ 引述《blueink5566 (Blueink)》之銘言: : 我有一個好朋友,他剛玩這個遊戲沒多久 : 算是新手,不過他對POE的概念算不錯 : 後來有一天,我去官網偷看他的人物天賦 : 一看不得了,發現他重要的天賦都沒點 : 我告訴他:你應該把OOO拿去點OOO : 他就回我: : 沒差啊,我現在打圖 ...

《如何高效率地農取通貨》推廣 Part I

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-02-28T22:43
→ deathx2005: 沒跟你收錢還要被你嫌 翻譯真難當耶 02/28 08:42 先來講翻譯好了 翻譯對某些人來說可能是興趣 可能當作是做公益 但也可能是某人賴以為生的工具 所以說賠錢的生意沒人做 殺頭的生意有人做 以前我也會覺得發翻譯文自我感覺英文能力好棒棒 順便能賺一點知名度 現在我真 ...