Common Source Code Project (2011/05/20) - 模擬器

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-05-20T23:34

Table of Contents

Common Source Code Project (2011/05/20) is released. This is the common
source code archive of my works:

* Emu5 - SORD m5 emulator
* EmuGaki - CASIO PV-2000 emulator
* EmuLTI8 - MITSUBISHI Elec. MULTI8 emulator
* EmuPIA7 - TOSHIBA PASOPIA7 emulator
* EmuZ-700 - SHARP MZ-700 emulator
* EmuZ-2500 - SHARP MZ-2500 emulator
* EmuZ-2800 - SHARP MZ-2800 emulator
* EmuZ-3500 - SHARP MZ-3500 emulator
* EmuZ-5500 - SHARP MZ-5500 emulator
* EmuZ-6500 - SHARP MZ-6500 emulator
* eBabbage-2nd - Gijutsu-Hyoron-Sha Babbage-2nd
* eFMR-30 - FUJITSU FMR-30 emulator
* eFMR-50 - FUJITSU FMR-50 emulator
* eFMR-60 - FUJITSU FMR-60 emulator
* eHANDY98 - NEC PC-98HA emulator
* eHC-40 - EPSON HC-40/PX-4 emulator
* eHC-80 - EPSON HC-80/PX-8/Geneva emulator
* eMYCOMZ-80A - Japan Electronics College MYCOMZ-80A emulator
* eN5200 - NEC N5200 emulator
* ePC-8201 - NEC PC-8201/PC-8201A emulator
* ePC-98LT - NEC PC-98LT emulator
* ePC-100 - NEC PC-100 emulator
* ePV-1000 - CASIO PV-1000 emulator
* ePyuTa - TOMY PyuTa and PyuTa Jr. emulator
* eQC-10 - EPSON QC-10/QX-10 emulator
* eRX-78 - BANDAI RX-78 emulator
* eSCV - EPOCH Super Cassette Vision emulator
* eTK-80BS - NEC TK-80BS (COMPO BS/80) emulator
* eX-07 - CANON X-07 emulator
* eX1twin - SHARP X1twin emulator

This archive is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Common Source Code Project (2011/05/20) Changelog:
[EMU/WIN32] support sound latency 50msec
[VM/DEVICE] add virtual function do_dma() for single mode dma
[VM/I8237] support single mode
[VM/UPD71071] support single mode
[VM/Z80DMA] fix issues for X1/X1turbo games (thanks Y.S.)
[VM/Z80DMA] support single mode
[VM/I86] call do_dma() in every machine cycle for single mode dma
[VM/I386] call do_dma() in every machine cycle for single mode dma
[VM/Z80] call do_dma() in every machine cycle for single mode dma


All Comments


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-05-20T17:29
第一次實況 有很多地方還在摸索中,用這次機會來做測試 使用模擬器版本 Snes9x v1.51 以兩倍速進行遊戲 沒有意外的話預計20:30擊破索瑪收工 因為沒有麥克風,所以遊戲進行中無法解說 還請多多包涵 - ...

任天堂紅白機遊戲-Lunar Pool

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-05-20T13:24
這陣子找了很多紅白機遊戲來玩, 對這些懷舊遊戲的心得算是蠻多想法想一次寫出來 XD 以前自己玩過的一些紅白機遊戲類型當中, 主要類型是以動作/射擊(像是魂斗羅、1942)為主, 不然就是益智類型的俄羅斯方塊..等, 運動類型的遊戲比較不是筆者常接觸的範圍。 筆者印象中有玩過的運動類型遊戲,除了摩托車障礙賽類 ...

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By Olga
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Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-05-20T11:58
很久沒有參與板上的討論 亂入一下好了 人家說 行有行規 板有板規 我想到這邊來 先熟悉一下這邊的規則跟生態是比較好的 雖然我不喜歡看到酸文是真的! 但是有幾個重點就是 1.如果說謊 也得要說個大家可以維持住場面的謊 因為你講的謊(就是沒有去查過任何資料)太容易被識破了 2.每個地方都有每個地方 ...