ClrMamePro v4.016 - 模擬器

By Tracy
at 2014-12-26T18:15
at 2014-12-26T18:15
Table of Contents
So what will change if you scan your MAME set with the new cmpro version:
- unmerged sets: (you don't use this for MAME, do you...), nothing changes...
- split merged sets: you will see some wrong placed roms now since clrmame did
not kill parent/clone relationships
- full merged sets: you will see several
wrong named roms (due to hash collisions)
misc: Changed the way how hash collisions are handled. A hash collision happen
s when you got identically named files with different hashes within a parent/c
lone relationship. In the past cmpro either removed the parent/clone relations
hip completely or you were forced to split merged mode. Now, in case of a hash
collision *and* only if switch to full merged sets (scanner, rebuilder or mer
ger), the rom names of the clones will be switched to a naming convention whic
h you can select. Default is setname\romname. You can select the naming in pro
filer options 'Naming pattern'. A flyover tells you which variables you can us
e there. %1 (plus something else) is mandatory here. Again, only if full merge
d mode and hash collisions are active. You also got an option there to say how
many files get renamed. Either only the single hash collision clone file, or
all files in this clone set or all clone files in all clones of this parent cl
one relationship.
added: added option (Settings screen) to allow a full merge mode which ALWAYS
stores parent/clones the way described above, no matter if a hash collision is
there or not. This is the "hash collision name" mode. If you're using this, t
he upper mentioned selection of files which get renamed is obsolete. In this m
ode all clone files in the parent clone relationship are renamed.
added: batcher rebuilder option "never compress files" which allows you to cre
ate unpacked sets
removed: "Possible wrong nodump definition found" cleanup step prompt. It's ac
tually a special case of hash collision and so it's handled the same way as ot
her collisions.
misc: some intern changes so that you got theoretically 32k path length suppor
t (Hello Tosec..) If you need such long paths, you need to add "\\?\" in front
of your rom/sample/add/rebuilder source/destination/etc paths.. So for exampl
e: \\?\E:\temp\this is a long folder name right or wrong blabalbalblablablabla
misc: updated to latest unrar dlls
misc: merger works with subfolders
misc: "double roms detector" during parsing handles weird merge tag combinatio
ns better
misc: "double setname" is also performed when you're using "release" elements
and switch modes
fixed: belongs_to_parent check fails on 0-byte files
fixed: weird messages when you enable the clone but disable its parent in full
merged mode
fixed: remove obsolete wrong merging or missing set messages (which normally g
et removed in 2nd scan)
fixed: adding sampleonly sets may cause issues when you got softwarelist which
share the setname
Sent from my Android
So what will change if you scan your MAME set with the new cmpro version:
- unmerged sets: (you don't use this for MAME, do you...), nothing changes...
- split merged sets: you will see some wrong placed roms now since clrmame did
not kill parent/clone relationships
- full merged sets: you will see several
wrong named roms (due to hash collisions)
misc: Changed the way how hash collisions are handled. A hash collision happen
s when you got identically named files with different hashes within a parent/c
lone relationship. In the past cmpro either removed the parent/clone relations
hip completely or you were forced to split merged mode. Now, in case of a hash
collision *and* only if switch to full merged sets (scanner, rebuilder or mer
ger), the rom names of the clones will be switched to a naming convention whic
h you can select. Default is setname\romname. You can select the naming in pro
filer options 'Naming pattern'. A flyover tells you which variables you can us
e there. %1 (plus something else) is mandatory here. Again, only if full merge
d mode and hash collisions are active. You also got an option there to say how
many files get renamed. Either only the single hash collision clone file, or
all files in this clone set or all clone files in all clones of this parent cl
one relationship.
added: added option (Settings screen) to allow a full merge mode which ALWAYS
stores parent/clones the way described above, no matter if a hash collision is
there or not. This is the "hash collision name" mode. If you're using this, t
he upper mentioned selection of files which get renamed is obsolete. In this m
ode all clone files in the parent clone relationship are renamed.
added: batcher rebuilder option "never compress files" which allows you to cre
ate unpacked sets
removed: "Possible wrong nodump definition found" cleanup step prompt. It's ac
tually a special case of hash collision and so it's handled the same way as ot
her collisions.
misc: some intern changes so that you got theoretically 32k path length suppor
t (Hello Tosec..) If you need such long paths, you need to add "\\?\" in front
of your rom/sample/add/rebuilder source/destination/etc paths.. So for exampl
e: \\?\E:\temp\this is a long folder name right or wrong blabalbalblablablabla
misc: updated to latest unrar dlls
misc: merger works with subfolders
misc: "double roms detector" during parsing handles weird merge tag combinatio
ns better
misc: "double setname" is also performed when you're using "release" elements
and switch modes
fixed: belongs_to_parent check fails on 0-byte files
fixed: weird messages when you enable the clone but disable its parent in full
merged mode
fixed: remove obsolete wrong merging or missing set messages (which normally g
et removed in 2nd scan)
fixed: adding sampleonly sets may cause issues when you got softwarelist which
share the setname
Sent from my Android
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